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Focus on the Regional Networks

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Presentation on theme: "Focus on the Regional Networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus on the Regional Networks

2 Some reminders… You have a network which is successful
“Network” – an interconnected group or system or two or more points (eg: arteries or sewers) inclusive and diverse learning together sharing information and best practice taking ideas forward being human beings… together

3 Some reminders… You have a network which is successful In any change:
“Forming” “Storming” “Norming”

4 Some reminders… You have a network which is successful
In any change: Forming - Storming - Norming Providers are changing far faster than commissioners Decade Check

5 Decade Check… What were you doing 10 years ago?
What was the CSP doing 10 years ago? 10 year ago commissioners were… applying to be independent, local commissioners designing GP-led services to be delivered in practices re-configuring community services meeting with hospital consultants about: waiting times discharge information consultant to consultant referrals direct access to diagnostics

6 Focus on the Regional Networks
Local Influencing – sharing and planning session

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