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EPA Remote Sensing Information Gateway (RSIG); A Channel to Facilitate use of TEMPO data for Decision Support 1St TEMPO Applications Workshop Shelby.

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Presentation on theme: "EPA Remote Sensing Information Gateway (RSIG); A Channel to Facilitate use of TEMPO data for Decision Support 1St TEMPO Applications Workshop Shelby."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPA Remote Sensing Information Gateway (RSIG); A Channel to Facilitate use of TEMPO data for Decision Support 1St TEMPO Applications Workshop Shelby Center University of Alabama, Huntsville Huntsville, AL July 12-13, 2016 Jim Szykman National Exposure Research Laboratory Office of Research and Development USEPA

2 RSIG Background The Remote Sensing Information Gateway (RSIG) grew out of applied research efforts to explore using distributed data access methods for greater access to large volume data sets, including NASA and NOAA satellite data and EPA modeled data sets. Over the past several years RSIG has focused efforts on extending access and increasing the use of several satellite (aerosol) and aircraft datasets to support EPA applied research. The system provides on-demand access to a variety relevant air quality/atmospheric composition data sets, with functionally to subset data in time and space, re-grid onto model grids, and visualize multiple data sets in the same space (including 3-D). Others involved along the way include: U.S. EPA (ORD & OAQPS) Modeling Groups, NASA MODIS, VIIRS and CALIPSO Aerosol Science Teams, NOAA-NESDIS (GOES and VIIRS Aerosol Product(s)), MOZAIC/IAGOS PI’s, NASA Airborne Data for Assessing Models (ADAM) Developers, and Several NASA AQAST members. Satellite, aircraft, and in-situ data sets are collected at differing temporal and spatial scales. Multiple file formats makes it resource intensive to download, process, and put data onto same time and space scale for individual user. RISG is a web-based used which integrates various measurement data together into the same space and time with model where feasible.

3 Applet vs. Application - RSIG Front End
RSIG2D applet (web-based) RSIG3D application (standalone) The Remote Sensing Information Gateway (RSIG) is a web-based distributed data system to visualize and access large volume data sets, including NASA and NOAA satellite data and EPA modeled data sets, focused on air quality applied research. The result is a system capable of providing on-demand access to a variety relevant air quality/atmospheric composition data sets, with functionally to subset in time and space and re-grid on model relevant grids (including 3-D).

4 RSIG Architecture is focused on use of WCS/WMS Reusable by other Users
Potential Future TEMPOserver WCS

5 Currently available datasets (RSIG3D)
Satellite CALIPSO GASP GOES MODIS VIIRS Model CMAQ (AMAD Northern Hemisphere, 108km, 2006) CMAQ (AQMEII Northern Hemisphere, 12km, 2006) CMAQ (CDC CONUS, 12km, ) CMAQ (CDC East, 12km, ) CMAQ (DISCOVER-AQ specialty runs, 7/2011) CMAQ (WDT specialty runs 2012) GEOSCHEM

6 Currently available datasets (RSIG3D)
Aircraft-based Sensors ACAM HSRL MOZAIC TAD – O3 Ground-based Sensors AIRNow (Sonoma Tech and DataFed) AQS SURF_MET NEUBrew Other Fused Air Quality Surfaces using Downscaling (FAQSD) – CDC PHASE GOES Biomass Burning indicator Prototype Satellite (AOD) – derived PM UVNET (archive)

7 Support Focus Areas Features to support AQ apps
Data for modeling and AQM CALIPSO, MODIS, VIIRS Airborne data GOES clouds & land surface products (MOPITT CO, BEHR OMI NO2) Features to support AQ apps Functionally for measurement- model evaluation Pre-configured instances Value added processing Complex Data filtering (CALIPSO) Multiple retrievals and data continuity (MODIS AOD, VIIRS AOT) Application of MOPITT AK RSIG conservatively filters the CALIOP data using recommendations developed in conjunction with NASA Langley CALIPSO Team Members - Mark Vaughan and Jason Tackett) Objective was to implement filtering criteria to generate “best quality” data set for RSIG users which can be used of air quality related analysis. 3. By user-specified maximum uncertainty (in absolute units). 4. By user-specified minimum acceptable CAD score (>= 20 sign-adjusted). Outreach/Engagement Inclusion in 9/14 ARSET Beta testing 2016 (RSIG3D) On-line Tutorials

8 Facilitating Discovery-to-Application
RSIG is one of several user-based systems capable of providing added value of NASA satellite data for model evaluation, case-study analysis, and other air quality relevant applications.

9 Evaluating CMAQ with CALIPSO
August 2010 – CMAQ Daytime Averaged AOD Coincident with CALIPSO Observations 25 August 2010 – RSIG CMAQ extinction and CALIPSO overpass

10 ACAM NO2 Vertical Column Densities & 3D WRF-CMAQ NO2 Concentration
DISCOVER-AQ Baltimore, MD - July 5, 2011 Simulating TEMPO-like Data within RSIG

11 CMAQ & ACAM NO2 Columns - DISCOVER-AQ 2011
Slope = 0.95 R2 = 0.35 Slope = 1.05 R2 = 0.42 Δx = 4km Δx = 1km UTC 1600 UTC ACAM NO2 – Credit S. Janz and L. Lamsal - GFSC

12 BEHR OMI NO2 Column Prototyping delivery of BErkeley High Resolution OMI NO2 produced by the Cohen Group via RSIG. Will allow for direct comparison with multiple years of EPA CMAQ column NO2. Provide a visualization and data access tool to the larger AQ community for BEHR data.

13 GOES Data Products Developed an UAH-RSIG web service (OGC-WCS) to increase user access to satellite products for use in WRF/CMAQ/CAMX. Add functionally for user to use local model grid definition files to re-rid satellite data to model domain. New UAH Archive Products to be served via RSIG 1. GOES Cloud Albedo 2. GOES Surface Albedo 3. GOES Cloud Top temperature 4. GOES Optical Cloud Depth 5. GOES Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) 6. GOES Land Surface (skin) Temperature 7. MODIS Land Surface (skin) Temperature (this is already being served by RSIG but we will add the automatic grid generation) For Photolysis Calculations For Biogenic Emissions For model Evaluation Data request with grid definitions User EPA-RSIG SERVERS Satellite Data in Model Grid Model Input File MODIS skin temperatures

14 RSIG Web Tutorial Videos
Introduction to RSIG applet and 3D application. Use of the data resources to qualitatively look at Eastern US wildfire.

15 RSIG Basic User Statics
RSIG Available Data Sources—Cumulative Command Totals, sorted by Save User Stats used by EPA to provide agency-level feedback to NASA. Latest results used for input into the National Interest Subpanel Report of 2015 Earth Science Senior Review

16 USGEO Satellite Needs Working Group (SNWG): Identifying Priority Federal Satellite User Needs Charter signed April, The SNWG supports a process by which Federal departments and agencies can communicate their Earth observation satellite measurement or product needs to NASA and other providers of satellite observations. Information gathered during this process will be used to influence decisions on future sensors placed into orbit. Transparent process: Agency needs will be tracked and attributed with information on which are planned be met or remain unmet. It is the intent of USGEO to release a list of satellite needs to the public.

17 Web Survey

18 Some Thoughts Unlike other NASA missions, TEMPO is a very applied mission; Rapidly demonstrating applications at an ARL7+ will influence the perceived value of the mission. RSIG is one of several existing systems that provides an existing outlet and user base for TEMPO data. Need to identify similar user systems/applications as outlets for TEMPO data, e.g. WRAP- Web System, NOAA/NESDIS-IDEA, EPA-AIRNow, etc., and take advantage of existing channels and the many hours of human capital and resources expended on these systems. Can multiple user systems work together to develop a reusable TEMPO web-service/api? Traditional AQM analysis activities are retrospective, typically 2-3 years for current year. Can we explore the use TEMPO for dynamic AQM?

19 Web-Enabled Application/Tools for Air Quality
Remote Sensing Information Gateway (RSIG) IDEA (Infusing satellite Data into Environmental air quality Applications)  AIRNow Satellite Data Processor:

20 Thank You!

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