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GenCyber Day 5 5.3 Website Security.

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Presentation on theme: "GenCyber Day 5 5.3 Website Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 GenCyber Day 5 5.3 Website Security

2 Objectives of Lesson 5.3 Explain the basics of HTML
Explain the concept of a Content Management System Explain the concept of malvertisement Explain how a drive-by-download works Explain the concept of browser plugins Demonstrate minimal secure browser settings

3 HTML HTML is tag based The tags are < and >
For every < > tag, there must be a closing tag </ > For example: <html> </html> You can write HTML with any text editor, just save as .html You don’t need a web server, just open .html file in browser

4 Exercise 1 Using Chrome, visit
Right click on blank area of page and select View Page Source Review various parts of the HTML for the site

5 Exercise 2 Using the white search box, open Notepad
Once Notepad opens, click File and Save As

6 Exercise 2 Select the Downloads folder along the left

7 Exercise 2 Name the file HellowWorld.html
Change the Save as type and select All Files and then click Save

8 Exercise 2 In Chrome, type the following URL into the URL bar and press Enter/Return

9 Exercise 2 You should see Hello World in the browser

10 Content Management Systems
Content Management Systems provide WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get You don’t have to know HTML It’s almost like editing a Word document Most use the Model / View / Controller structure The good, bad, and ugly of CMS

11 Exercise 2 In Chrome, visit
Click the “Fork CMS Back-end” link

12 Exercise 2 Login with the credentials listed below

13 Exercise 2 Click Pages along the left

14 Exercise 2 Give your page a unique name

15 Exercise 2 On the right side of page, in the Top section, click Add block

16 Exercise 2 Make sure the drop down is set to editor and click Add

17 Exercise 2 You should see an editor almost like Word
Mouse over all the icons to see what they are named Add some cool text and click Add

18 Exercise 2 Under the main section, click Add block

19 Exercise 2 Make sure the drop down is set to editor and click Add

20 Exercise 2 You should see an editor almost like Word
Add some text that will be the main body of your page When you are ready, click Add

21 Exercise 2 In the bottom right, click Add page

22 Exercise 2 Now click the link under the page title

23 Malvertisements and Drive By Download
Advertisements can be a source of attacks A program could be installed just by visiting the wrong site Review handout from Sophos Visit:

24 Demo of a Potential Drive-By Download Attack
A program could be installed just by visiting the wrong site Review handout from Sophos

25 Browser Plugins Firefox and Chrome have plugins available to help with security NoScript Security fatigue

26 Browser Settings Do not save passwords Block pop-ups
Install security plugins Set browser to empty cache when browser is closed Do not save encrypted pages to disk Keep browser updated

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