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PERSONAL FINANCE: May 13 Learning Target: In order to successfully manage my personal finances, I will analyze the different types (or ways) of making.

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Presentation on theme: "PERSONAL FINANCE: May 13 Learning Target: In order to successfully manage my personal finances, I will analyze the different types (or ways) of making."— Presentation transcript:

1 PERSONAL FINANCE: May 13 Learning Target: In order to successfully manage my personal finances, I will analyze the different types (or ways) of making payments. I will know I have it when I understand: (1) how credit can be useful to consumers; (2) what features I need to research when considering a credit card; (3) how items purchased with a credit card can end up costing more; and (4) the difference between a debit card and a credit card. Continue Personal Finance: Everfi ( -complete the Payment Types, Interest Rates, & Credit Cards module (Module #3) and fill out pink test review while viewing (HO from earlier) AP Classes Only Complete Real Life Balance Sheets if have not done so (HO from earlier) then TURN IN Regular Classes Only Complete Real Life Balance Sheets and charitable contributions and bankruptcy questions if have not done so (HOs from earlier) then TURN IN REPORT TO C11 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

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