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Control Chart showing the variation in rate of missed doses of medication on the mental healthcare of older people (MHCOP) wards in East London NHS Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "Control Chart showing the variation in rate of missed doses of medication on the mental healthcare of older people (MHCOP) wards in East London NHS Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Control Chart showing the variation in rate of missed doses of medication on the mental healthcare of older people (MHCOP) wards in East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) following the initiation of a quality improvement project PDSA 1: First missed dose league table published (published fortnightly hereafter) PDSA 3: First issue of individualised ward poster along with league table (published fortnightly hereafter) PDSA 2: league table format adapted PDSA 4: Ward poster adapted to include trend graph for each ward

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