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1 Online

2 Significant online newspaper reach (monthly)
The average user visits two newspaper sites 51.8m Unique visitors duplicated 21.2m Unique visitors unduplicated (comScore figures exclude access to online newspaper sites via mobile and tablets) The average user visits 2 newspaper sites. No historical comScore data available pre Aug 2012 Total Unique Visitors is the estimated number of different individuals visiting the analysis entity during the reporting period. comScore: May 2013 Duplicated: sum of unique visitors to each newspaper site Unduplicated figure: unique visitors, counted once only, regardless of how many newspaper sites visited Includes Express, Star, FT, Metro

3 UK Newsbrands are world class
UK online national newspapers are: World leaders Growing fast Online newspaper audiences are increasing rapidly and are amongst the most successful news sites in the world.

4 Newsbrand webpages are more trusted – and consequently, so are the advertisers!
Consumer levels of agreement with statement that they ‘trust the publisher’ Consumer levels of agreement with statement that they ‘trust the advertisers appearing on the publisher’ Source : The Association of Online Publishers / comScore

5 Newsbrand webpages are more likely to drive traffic
Lift in advertiser site visitation versus matched control group Lift in advertiser-branded search term usage versus matched control group Source : The Association of Online Publishers / comScore

6 Contact us +44(0)

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