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Resource Management and Climate Protection Committee Meeting:

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Management and Climate Protection Committee Meeting:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource Management and Climate Protection Committee Meeting:
BAWSCA Update October 17, 2018

2 October 14, 2018 Reservoir Storage Levels

3 Hetch Hetchy Precipitation

4 Tuolumne River Water Available to the City

5 SFPUC Water Deliveries

6 L. Ash, 2017

7 BAWSCA August 2018 Total Potable Water Use 17% Less Than August 2013

8 L. Ash, 2017

9 State Released Draft Bay-Delta Plan Update in Sept 2016: Little Change in July 2018 Draft Final Plan
SWRCB proposal requires 40% of unimpaired flow be released every year into Lower Tuolumne River from Feb- June Includes a framework for voluntary agreements that meet or exceed the proposed objectives to protect fish and wildlife At the same time, the SWRCB is working on a similar proposal for the Sacramento River

10 BAWSCA’s Response to State Proposal
BAWSCA supports the objective of the Bay Delta Plan to establish water quality regulations to protect human, fish and wildlife uses of the Bay Delta BAWSCA coordinated a review of State’s proposal with SFPUC and BAWSCA agencies Identified impacts to Regional Water System Identified impacts to local systems BAWSCA is supporting the Governor’s call for voluntary settlement agreements and is committed to working with stakeholders and others to develop that shared solution

11 Potential Impacts of 2016 Proposal on San Francisco Regional Water System
BAWSCA and its agencies submitted comments in March identifying potential significant impacts of proposed action 20-30% rationing even at recent “drought” water demand At 175 MGD (FY 2016 deliveries under State-mandated rationing), further rationing of 20-32% would be necessary 40-50% rationing at normal or contract level water demands Rationing in multiple dry years would be as high as 50% at demands from 223 MGD to 265 MGD The number of dry year shortages would double or triple Existing system projected to have shortages 1 in 10 years Occurrences of dry year shortages would double in the175 and 223 MGD scenarios and triple in the 265 MGD scenario

12 What Would BAWSCA Agencies Do in Response to Severe Shortages?
Water shortages >50% for multiple consecutive years Development moratorium Rationing with water budgets Limiting water use to only that necessary for public health and safety Increase reliance on local groundwater and other supplies Fines and penalties

13 Tuolumne River Management Plan is a Better Path Forward
SFPUC submitted an alternative plan with their March comments on the SED (SFPUC Alternative) Developed together with Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts Proposal has been further refined to create the Tuolumne River Management Plan Why BAWSCA supports the Tuolumne River Management Plan Provides benefits for Tuolumne River needed to restore and sustain the long-term health of the Bay Delta without the mandated unimpaired flow releases contemplated in the Draft Final Bay-Delta Plan Smart, functional flows with serious commitment to non-flow measures Balances the needs of the environment with the water supply needs of the BAWSCA region This alternative is designed to: 1. Promote the expansion and maintenance of fall-run Chinook salmon and O. mykiss populations in the lower Tuolumne River; 2. Maintain water supply reliability for users of the Tuolumne River.

14 Bay Delta Plan Schedules and Next Steps
State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) released Final Draft SED & response to comments on July 6 Comments on Final Draft SED were due July 27 BAWSCA submitted comments 270 comments received SWRCB held hearing on Final SED on August 21 and 22 Significant comments provided by all stakeholders SWRCB action deferred until November 7 Settlement discussions ongoing SFPUC Commission held public hearing on August 28 Members of the public and BAWSCA board members spoke at SFPUC Nineteen BAWSCA representatives attended Written comments (on changes as provided in Appendix K of Final Draft) were accepted thru 12 noon, July 27

15 BAWSCA Actions BAWSCA is currently
Engaging with stakeholders and others Engaging with resource agencies Regularly updating BAWSCA Board and Member Agencies Coordinating with SFPUC BAWSCA and its Member Agencies continue to Support Bay Delta Plan objectives Be committed to working with other stakeholders to protect water quality in the Bay-Delta for humans, fish and other wildlife Support voluntary settlement agreements to resolve this critical issue

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