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UNIT 4 Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 4 Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 4 Vocabulary

2 Dissent: to differ in opinion from the majority

3 Resolution: a formal statement of a decision, opinion, or course of action by an official group.

4 Centralist: supporter of strong national government and weak state power.

5 Convention: a formal assembly of representatives discussing actions to be taken on common concerns.

6 Expedition: journey undertaken by a group of people with a definite purpose.

7 Skirmish: brief fight among a small number of troops.

8 Siege: lengthy military attack on a fortified place.

9 States’ Rights: theory that a state could chose whether to obey or enforce federal laws.

10 Delegate: person who represents others.

11 Faction: a group of people who share a view point on an issue.

12 Fortify: to make stronger with military defense.

13 Garrison: troops stationed at a military post.

14 Bombard: attack often with artillery.

15 Reconnaissance: survey made to gather information about an enemy.

16 Cavalry: soldiers who are mounted on horseback.

17 Annexation: the act of adding or joining a territory to an existing one.

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