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Our topic this term will be based around our class novel:

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1 Our topic this term will be based around our class novel:
Mathematics and Numeracy Number and Place Value Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Fractions, decimals and percentages Number problems across the curriculum Year 6 Autumn Term Languages, Literacy and Communication We will be covering 2 genres of writing this term: Recount writing (looking at a range of different forms – newspaper reports, diaries, letters) Procedural writing (instructions) Children will also have the opportunity to respond in a genre of their choice to different stimulus. Creative Arts Art – War and Fear Music – The sounds of war Dance during Term1b with Miss Thomas WELSH We will be focussing on the past tense this term. We will be creating some personal profiles, writing and performing WW2 conversations and writing a diary entry as an evacuee. Our topic this term will be based around our class novel: Goodnight Mr Tom Humanities (History, Geography and RE) The History of World War 2 and the effect it had on children in Wales The countries involved in WWII Evacuation How the beliefs of Christians affect their actions. Health and Wellbeing (PE and PSE) PE: Term 1a – Invasion games PSE: Wellbeing – what is important about us and what are our strengths and talents. Being a good friend Science and Technology Materials and their properties Sound Designing and making shelters. Ration recipes! LNF and DCF planned for throughout. Planning encompasses the four core purposes for learning and is subject to change based on the needs of the children.

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