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Overview of the Health & Human Services SBIR/STTR Programs

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1 Overview of the Health & Human Services SBIR/STTR Programs
National SBIR Conference Gaylord Hotel and Conference Center at National Harbor May 15–17, 2017 Robert Vinson NIH SBIR/STTR Program Manager

2 NIH Mission To seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.

3 SBIR/STTR Website

4 We fund grants AND contracts.
Tips: Take 5! HHS and NIH are made up of distinct units, but there are many similarities, like siblings. We fund grants AND contracts. Read the Funding Opportunity Announcement! Scientific peer review is critical. You can and should contact us early! Questions about who to contact?

5 HHS Program Funding SBIR STTR
2016 Budget SBIR STTR NIH National Institutes of Health $763M $114M CDC Centers for Disease Control & Prevention $9.0M N/A ACL (NIDILRR) Administration for Community Living (National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research) $2.7M FDA Food and Drug Administration $1.6M ACF Administration for Children and Families $94K

6 National Institutes of Health
Office of Research Infrastructure Programs Office of the Director National Institute on Aging National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases National Cancer Institute National Institute of Child Health and Human Development National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases National Institute on Drug Abuse National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences National Eye Institute National Institute of General Medical Sciences National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Human Genome Research Institute National Institute of Mental Health National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Institute of Nursing Research National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Fogarty International Center National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences National Library of Medicine National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering NIH Clinical Center Center for Information Technology Center for Scientific Review No funding authority

7 Only Some ICs Participate NIH is not usually the end customer
SBIR/STTR 3-Phase Program Discovery Phase I Development Phase II Competing Renewal Award Phase IIB Commercialization Phase III $3M for up to 3 years Additional R/D Only Some ICs Participate NIH is not usually the end customer Feasibility Full R/D Up to $225K 6-12 months Up to $1.5M 2 years Phase I Phase II Fast-Track

8 NIH is not usually the end customer
SBIR/STTR Fast-Track Discovery Phase I Development Phase II Competing Renewal Award Phase IIB Commercialization Phase III $3M for up to 3 years Additional R/D Only Some ICs Participate NIH is not usually the end customer Feasibility Full R/D Up to $225K 6-12 months Up to $1.5M 2 years Phase I Phase II Simultaneous submission and review of Phase I & II Phase I is awarded Milestones/aims of Phase I are assessed by program staff prior to Phase II award Fast-Track

9 Competing Renewal Award
Phase IIB Competing Renewal Award Discovery Phase I Development Phase II Competing Renewal Award Phase IIB Commercialization Phase III $3M for up to 3 years SBIR/STTR Phase II awardee Technologies that require extraordinary time/effort to develop, and often require FDA regulatory approval Awards up to $1M/year for up to 3 years IC must accept Competing Renewal applications (NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NICHD, NIDA, NIDCD, NIDDK, NEI, NIGMS, NHLBI, NIMH, NINDS, NCATS, ORIP, NCI) Contact NIH Program Staff to discuss!

SBIR/STTR FOAs Funding Opportunity Announcements

11 Multiple Types of Funding Opportunities
Investigator Initiated Grants: Omnibus Solicitations Targeted Grant Funding Opportunities Contract Funding Opportunities

12 Investigator Initiated Grants
Omnibus Solicitations (Phase I, Phase II, Fast-Track) PA (SBIR) and PA (STTR) Direct to Phase II Solicitation PAR (SBIR only) – Expired January 2017 We encourage applications for any topic within the NIH mission Read the “Program Descriptions and Research Topics” Check out Due Dates: September 5th, January 5th, April 5th

13 Targeted Grant FOAs
Release dates, topics, and receipt dates vary Check the NIH Guide – published weekly Check your relevant IC’s website Sign up for your relevant IC’s listserv (e.g. *IC’s = Institutes and Centers

14 Contract Solicitation for NIH & CDC
Only 1 per year Targeted, milestone-driven topics Different application & award process from grants SBIR only Most recent solicitation - PHS Release: August 1, Close: October 21, 2016 (5pm EDT)

15 Application & Review Process
Sept 5th Applicant initiates research idea Small Business Concern confirms Eligibility Submits SBIR/STTR grant application to NIH electronically NIH Center for Scientific Review assigns to IC and IRG 1-2 Months 3 Months IC staff prepare funding plan for IC Director Advisory Council or Board recommend Approval Scientific Review Group evaluates scientific merit 2-4 Months Jan/Feb Oct/Nov July IC allocates funds Grantee conducts research

16 Review Criteria Overall Impact Score:
Scored Review Criteria (score 1-9) Significance (Real Problem/Commercial Potential) Investigators (PI and team) Innovation (New or Improved?) Approach (Research Design, Feasible) Environment (Facilities/Resources) Additional Review Criteria (not scored individually) Protection of Human Subjects Inclusion of Women, Minorities & Children Vertebrate Animals Biohazards

17 We fund grants AND contracts.
Tips: Take 5! HHS and NIH are made up of distinct units, but there are many similarities, like siblings. We fund grants AND contracts. Read the Funding Opportunity Announcement! Scientific peer review is critical. You can and should contact us early! Questions about who to contact?

18 Stay connected at
Save the Date! 19th Annual HHS SBIR/STTR Conference Milwaukee, Wisconsin November 7th, 8th & 9th, 2017 Stay connected at

19 For More Information Matthew Portnoy, PhD Robert Vinson
NIH SBIR/STTR Program Coordinator Phone: Robert Vinson SBIR/STTR Program Manager Phone: JP Kim, JD, MBA, MSc SBIR/STTR Program Manager Phone: Julie Beaver, MD, MS SBIR/STTR Statistician Phone: Patricia Swayne SBIR/STTR Communications Specialist Phone:

20 More Information Get Connected! Subscribe to the SBIR/STTR Listserv:
with the following text in the message body: subscribe SBIR-STTR your name NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts (weekly notification) Follow us on Read our NIH SBIR/STTR Notable Successes Connect with Us -

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