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Draft Guidance note on monitoring and indicators under FEAD

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Presentation on theme: "Draft Guidance note on monitoring and indicators under FEAD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft Guidance note on monitoring and indicators under FEAD
Jeannette MONIER DG EMPL - Impact Assessment and Evaluation Unit FEAD Evaluation Partnership meeting, Brussels, 11 March 2015

2 Monitoring Guidance Intervention logic OP I vs OP II Common indicators
OP I and II: input indicators OP I: common output and result indicators Food support Basic material assistance OP II: common output indicators OP II: specific result indicators

3 Monitoring Guidance Drafted by the Commission
Presented and discussed with the MS (FEAD expert group)

4 Questions from MS BE, CY, CZ, FI, LV, PL, SK Evaluation Guidance?
EU horizontal rules reporting (climate change, gender, waste)

5 Questions from MS- expenditure
Reporting/Financial/Accounting year TA in expenditure? Difference between 3 input indicators Expenditure over two years/reporting of related output and result?

6 Questions from MS –quantities of food
Counting food packages Criteria for convenience food Organisational level to estimate food quantities Adjustment of food volume purchased to food actually distributed Reporting on food volume beyond FEAD

7 Questions from MS –persons
Basis for informed estimates on number of recipient Categories on persons mutually exclusive? Reporting on students beyond 15 years

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