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“Tools for simplification” Cairo – June 20th 2007

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Presentation on theme: "“Tools for simplification” Cairo – June 20th 2007"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Tools for simplification” Cairo – June 20th 2007
Agency for Administrative Simplification Rue Ducale 4 1000 Bruxelles    “Tools for simplification” Cairo – June 20th 2007 Dominique De Vos Directrice générale adjointe

2 Contents Institutional construction Strategics
Digitalization of public services Quality of public services SPOC Regulatory management Principles of simplification: Unique data collection in practice Integrated projects

3 Institutional construction AAS
Central unit near the Prime Minister Tripartite Steering Committee Cooperation Agreement between federal and regions Network of agents = “go between” Private partners

4 Missions Statutory missions: To propose changes
To co-ordinate and support projects To stimulate and guarantee results To evaluate (quantitative methods) To report to the government, parliament

5 Strategics Programming, control of the follow-up
Virtual public network Customer-friendly public services Renewal of work-procedures One-stop shop “spoc” Simplified and adapted regulation

6 Digitalization of public services
Basic investments (budgeting the needs) Offering on line services Organisation of procedures Repartition of competences Technical co-operation between services and authorities (common standards)

7 Quality of public services
Directed to private individuals Will to raise efficiency Process of simplification Will to co-operate between services (decentralisation-federalisation) Capacity to (auto)evaluate

8 S P O C Internet portals Central phone centres - helpdesks Intranet
informative interactive Central phone centres - helpdesks Intranet Physical one-stop shop Electronic one-stop shop

9 Regulatory management
Clarification of the objectives of the projects Transparency of the decisions Planning of the legal tasks Co-ordination - respect for the competences Consultation of the stakeholders, of the authorized go-betweens, etc Agreement between authorities AIR + explanatory report – readable drafting

10 Principles of simplification
Unique data collection Guaranteed files Shared data Respect for the objectives Pragmatic solutions: use the actual Protecting the electronic exchanges

11 Principles of simplification
Integrated projects: Analysis of the practicability Regulation Electronic flows Training Communication Evaluation Supervision of users


13 Thanks for your attention

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