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Multiple linear regression

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple linear regression"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple linear regression
dependence on more than one variable e.g. dependence of runoff volume on soil type and land cover

2 With two independent variables, get a surface

3 Much like polynomial regression
Sum of squared residuals

4 Rearrange to get Very much like normal equations for polynomial regression

5 Once again, solve by any matrix method
Cholesky is appropriate - symmetric and positive definite

6 Example: Strength of concrete depends on cure time and cement/water ratio

7 Samples


9 Solve by Cholesky decomposition

10 General least squares Given z are functions, e.g

11 Can express as and define Sr

12 As usual, take partials to minimize
lead to matrix equations Solve this for [a] Cholesky LU or Gauss elimination Matrix inverse

13 Confidence intervals If we say the elements of are then

14 Use Excel to get t-distribution

15 Nonlinear regression Use Taylor series expansion to linearize original equation - Gauss Newton approach Let model be Where f is a nonlinear function of x are one of a set of n observations

16 Use Taylor series for f, and chop
j - initial guess j+1 - improved guess

17 Plug the Taylor series into original equation

18 Given all n equations Set up matrix equation

19 Where

20 Using same least squares approach (minimizing sum of squares of residuals E)
Get from Now change with and do again until convergence is reached

21 Example: n=14

22 Model it with

23 Choose an initial a0=1, a1=-1
Matlab demo

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