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Medicaid Collaboration

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1 Medicaid Collaboration
Independent Physicians Network Physician Meeting August 1, 2018

2 Our vision Reduce medical costs and medical trend Improve population health and patient experience Deliver best quality outcomes COST CARE HEALTH TRIPLE AIM Better cost controls CREATE networks tailored to each market’s unique needs and competitive cost structure Better experience CONNECT individuals with tools and information to engage them in finding the right providers and the right care Maximizing new market opportunities to make health care more affordable are foundational to helping our members live healthier lives. Better health COLLABORATE with providers to share data and insights to support consistent, high-quality clinical outcomes Proprietary Information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.

3 The move to value-based care
Current (traditional) care ACO (value-based) care Fee for Service provider payment Care delivery Pay for Value and increased risk sharing Lack of technology and incentives for physicians to proactively coordinate patient care Care coordination Physicians empowered by technology, data and access to UnitedHealthcare programs Data and analytics are not routinely shared Data and information Analytics provide a full picture of a member’s health risks, care and enhance efficiency Costs climb without corresponding health improvements Costs New shared focus with care providers to manage health care costs and quality Complicated health care system confuses and frustrates members Member experience ACO providers provide trusted support in navigating the system Proprietary Information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.

4 The Value-Based Care Spectrum
Fee for Service Performance-Based Bundled Payments Accountable Care Programs Level of Financial Risk Degree of Clinical Integration Pay for volume Performance-based contracts Primary Care incentives Episode-based payments Accountable Care Organizations Capitation Sharing savings and/or risk Proprietary Information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.

5 The Move to Value-Based Care
How do we advance health care through a new kind of relationship with providers? 2014 2015 2018 $36.8B $45.6B $65.5B $12.1 $2.5 $22.2 $16.5 $5.9 $23.2 $25.6 $33.9 $6.0 Performance-based Condition-specific/Bundled payments Accountable care Proprietary Information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.

6 >1,000 110,000 >1,100 41.0% 6.0% 34% >25% 8-12% 8-10% 14%
Our value-based status today >1,000 Accountable Care Agreements2 110,000 physicians1 >1,100 hospitals1 Impacting over 16 million members1 Performance-based3 41.0% Improvement in Early Elective Deliveries (EED) 6.0% decrease in both ER Escalations to Inpatient A:E ratio and in Potentially Avoidable Admissions Bundles & Episodes 34% reduction in medical cost savings for cancer therapy pilot4 >25% Orthopedics COE Savings per Bundle 5 (Hip and knee replacements, lumbar, spine and disc procedures) Accountable Care 8-12% Medical cost advantage vs. market6 8-10% increase in preventative cancer screenings 14% lower ER visits 1 Estimated counts across all lines of business as of December 2017; 2 Includes shared savings, shared risk, full risk, capitation, and medical home contracts across all lines of business as of Dec. 2017; 3 Commercial Hospital PBC programs as of Dec. 2017; 4 Savings provided by UHC Oncology team Dec. 2014; 5 Orthopedics OCE performance, ; Savings provided by UHC Health Care Economics as of Q4 2016 Proprietary Information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.

7 A new level of collaboration to help ACOs be successful
Shared savings and shared risk arrangements Quality measures incentives ACO Activation Teams provide local support Population health risk assessments Optum Link Electronic Gateway reduces administrative costs New product designs built on ACO “chassis” Proprietary Information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.

8 Activation team supports success of each ACO relationship
Local ACO Team coordinates the overall relationship Day-to-day clinical transformation consultant who prepares and leads ongoing clinical meetings. Holds weekly calls with the practice to collaborate on process. ACO ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATION Health care economics supports contract negotiation, analytics and ongoing reporting. There are ACO HCE dedicated staff in each region. Market CMO is the primary clinical executive for collaboration with the ACO clinical leadership. Includes ongoing engagement with the Practice CMO and Clinical Transformation Consultant. ACO account manager coordinates our ACO relationship management and provides roster and member attribution management. Proprietary Information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.

9 Meaningful reporting and access to analytics experts
Our ACO Activation teams include analytic experts to support the use of: On-demand/self-service, daily, monthly and quarterly reports Combined geolocation, claim, and demographic data, visually mapped for better insights into causality and intervention tactics Ability to quickly identify and parse selected members by diagnosis, ER utilization and other user-defined criteria Comprehensive overview of a patient’s medical utilization, available prior to, during and after each visit Proprietary Information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.

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