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Year 2 Curriculum Meeting September 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2 Curriculum Meeting September 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 2 Curriculum Meeting September 2019
Aberdeen Exeter Welcome! Please sign in on the register

2 Year 2 Staff and Day Class Teachers: Mrs Butler Mrs Whelligan Mornings
Mrs Butler (Aberdeen) Mrs Whelligan (Exeter) Afternoons Mrs Butler (both classes) Supporting both classes all day: Mrs Hobbins Mrs Hannan

3 English Phonics Guided Reading Handwriting
Whole class Literacy lessons: Exploring a range of stories and non fiction texts and using these as models for own writing Writing for different purposes Editing and improving our writing Grammar and Punctuation Developing a wider vocabulary

4 To apply methods to different situations
Maths To understand and use numbers up to and beyond 100, focusing on place value and partitioning To explore a range of calculation methods To explore shape, space and measure To solve increasingly complex word problems To practise and develop mental maths skills To learn 2, 5, 10, and 3 x tables Mastery Approach: To apply methods to different situations

5 Curricular Themes Cornerstones Projects
(Science, History, Geography, Music, IT, Art & DT) Land Ahoy! Beat Band Boogie! Street Detectives Beachcombers RE - Christianity & Islam PE - Range of invasion and net & wall sports, dance and gymnastics - indoor and outdoor sessions

6 Home Learning Daily Reading
Weekly Task (given out on Fridays, to be returned by following Wednesday) Half Termly Cornerstones Projects

7 Reading Record & Book Please bring these to school everyday
Please listen to your child read daily: record in the Record Book ask children questions to develop their understanding and comprehension

8 PE Kit Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays
*Please leave PE kits in school until half term, unless they are used at a sports club after school* Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays Please clearly name all kit Shorts, t-shirt and trainers (a navy blue tracksuit for winter) See the uniform guide for the correct school PE Kit

9 Any Questions

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