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MUH Music in the United States

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1 MUH 3633 - Music in the United States
11/6/2019 For anyone who’s new…. “google” my name [Scott Warfield], find the course web site, read the syllabus, and check the “Daily Assignments” DAY 3 (30 Aug 19)

2 Last Chance to Add This Course
Friday (30 Aug ‘19) before 11:59 pm [TONIGHT] (Tell your friends)

3 Chapter 1 – Sacred Music Who came to the New World? (and Why?)
Explorers – exploit resources Conquistadors – conquer and convert natives Africans (as slaves) – to work Relevance for Music? Emphasis on Sacred (Catholic) Music Symbol of Faith Used to Teach

4 Cathedral Basilica – St. Augustine (1790-97)
MUH Music in the United States 11/6/2019 Cathedral Basilica – St. Augustine ( ) DAY 3 (30 Aug 19)

5 MUH 3633 - Music in the United States
Interior MUH Music in the United States 11/6/2019 DAY 3 (30 Aug 19)

6 MUH 3633 - Music in the United States
Music Examples 11/6/2019 “O Qué suave…” – Hymn for Corpus Christi (c. 60 days after Easter, celebrates Eucharist) California [CATHOLIC] Mission (c. 1800) Introit - "! O Que Suave !" (LG p. 22) Compare to (also for Corpus Christi): - Corpus Christi Procession in Münster, Hymn at the 2nd Altar - The Corpus Christi procession passes through the streets of Rome - Corpus Christi Mass & Procession from Hanceville, AL (start c. 1:30) DAY 3 (30 Aug 19)

7 British Colonies in North America

8 MUH 3633 - Music in the United States
English Settlers 11/6/2019 NOT explorers, adventurers, or conquerors Religious freedom (from persecution in Europe) Massachusetts – “Pilgrims” (1620) “spinoffs” – RI, CT, NJ Maryland – sanctuary for Catholics (1642) - “Toleration Act” (1649) Pennsylvania – Wm. Penn, Quakers (1681) - The Charter of Privileges allows for: “Freedom of Religious Conviction” DAY 3 (30 Aug 19)

9 Protestants, Calvinists & Pilgrims
Martin Luther ( ) – Protestant Reform - 95 Theses (Wittenberg, 1517) - Salvation through belief - Priesthood of all believers - Bible in the vernacular Jean Calvin ( ) – Anti-Catholic - simple music, no instruments, etc. English Dissenters (numerous groups in 16th C) - generally anti-Catholic, anti-Church of England - Puritans: England to Netherlands to England - to “New England” (Mass Bay Colony) as “Pilgrims”

10 17th C Merchant Ship NB. Mayflower measured c. 110’ (length) by 25’ (width); carried 102 passengers, crew of 30, cargo (for survival in wilderness, including small animals) for 66 days passage (6 Sept – 9 Nov 1620) [Mayflower history]

11 Sacred Music in New England
Calvinist beliefs predominate cf. St. Augustine’s dilemma over music Emphasis on simplicity, practical & functional music, performable by amateurs Sing only Psalms (why?) = Psalmody Earliest (c. 1620s-30s) – sung by memory Unison (monophonic) singing Limited number of tunes (transferable)

12 MUH 3633 - Music in the United States
“Old Hundred” 11/6/2019 Old Hundreth (1st verse) DAY 3 (30 Aug 19)

13 MUH 3633 - Music in the United States
11/6/2019 Bay Psalm Book 1st book printed in N.A. 1640 w/ multiple editions into next century Replaces Ainsworth (1612) and Sternhold & Hopkins (1562) Psalters (brought from England) NO music Words in regular verse Only 11 copies survive DAY 3 (30 Aug 19)

14 MUH 3633 - Music in the United States
Psalm 23 (Bay Psalm Book) 11/6/2019 DAY 3 (30 Aug 19)

15 Psalm 23: v. 1-6 (KJV) The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

16 MUH 3633 - Music in the United States
Psalm 23 (Meter?) 11/6/2019 DAY 3 (30 Aug 19)

17 Standard Metrical Patterns
C.M. (Common Meter) L.M. (Long Meter) S.M. (Short Meter) P.M. (Peculiar Meter) H.M. (Hallelujah Meter) And many others….. Check top of hymnals See textbook (p. 25-7) (what it says)




21 MUH 3633 - Music in the United States
11/6/2019 To Do List Acquire: Crawford/Hamberlin Textbook, Source Readings & accompanying recordings Find Web Site & Read Syllabus If not done yet, send me (per instructions on “daily assignment” web page) - NB. No = No Academic Activity = No Money Start/Continue reading Crawford/Hamberlin See “Daily Assignments” Web page for details DAY 3 (30 Aug 19)

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