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The Brain – “Nature’s Computer”

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1 The Brain – “Nature’s Computer”
The Nervous System The Brain – “Nature’s Computer”

2 Hypothesize: What factors might correlate to intelligence?
The Brain – Intro. The typical brain weighs 1.4 kg (3 lbs) The largest recorded brain was measured at 2100 cc. The smallest  750 cc. There is no correlation of brain size to intelligence… Hypothesize: What factors might correlate to intelligence?

3 Brain – Structural Overview

4 Bonus: Identify the following brain features: gryi, sulci, fissures
The Cerebrum Divided into a left and a right hemisphere Surface is highly folded and covered in neural cortex (grey matter) Involved with : conscious thought, sensation, intellect, memory, and complex movement Bonus: Identify the following brain features: gryi, sulci, fissures

5 The Cerebellum Second largest part of the brain
Surface is covered by the cerebellar cortex (more grey matter) Compares arriving sensations to previously experienced sensations

6 Diencephalon Contains thalamus which relays and process sensory information Below the thalamus, is the hypothalamus. This is involved with emotions, hormone production, and autonomic function

7 Brain Stem Mesencephalon – “midbrain”: contain nuclei that process visual and auditory information and control reflexes Pons – “bridge” : connects cerebellum to brain stem, involved with motor control Medulla oblongata – contain major centers that regulate heart rate, blood pressure, digestion (VITAL)

8 Ventricles of the Brain
Ventricles – chambers that form when the brain develop. They are filled with CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) There are four ventricles in the brain: two in the cerebrum, one in the diencephalon, and one in the brain stem/cerebrum area



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