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WP7 – Related activities

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1 WP7 – Related activities
Starting date: Month Ending date: Month 60 Activities forecasted in 2019 Leader: CNR, Italy Involved Partners: All KOm, Oslo, 29 Jan 2019

2 WP7 – Related activities
OBJECTIVE To provide support to cross-cutting areas by implementing related activities which can better address the impact of research and valorization from different actors of the Blue Bioeconomy sector Task Mapping of R&I projects funded by national, international and EU financial resources - analysis of gaps Task Create connectivity and stimulate synergy among ongoing R&I projects Task Human Capacity Building including RRI, Training and Mobility exchange Task Forward looking activities Task Synthesis of findings into SRIA recommendations and actionable points

3 WP7 – Related activities MILESTONES & DELIVERABLES
Task Milestone Description Due date T 7.1 MS20 Collection of information on research projects 1 M12 T 7.4 MS29 Development of cross-sectorial and trans-national activities related to thematic areas 1 M16 MS21 Collection and analysis of information on research projects 1 M23 T 7.5 MS30 Draft interim SRIA versions synthetising findings towards preparation of additional calls M58 T 7.2 MS22 Implementation of brokering events M19 MS36 Collection of information on research projects 2 M36 T 7.3 MS23 Development of guidelines on HCB and training activities M5 MS37 Collection and analysis of information on research projects 2 M54 MS24 Identification of common tools for HCB and training activities monitoring and evaluation M11 MS38 Mid-term and final evaluation of HCB and training activities performed by co-funded projects 2 M56 MS25 Mid-term and final evaluation of HCB and training activities performed by co-funded project M29 MS39 Development of cross-sectorial and trans-national activities related to thematic areas 2 MS17 MS26 Identification of common tools for specialised training in the Blue Bioeconomy M40 MS40 Development of cross-sectorial and trans-national activities related to thematic areas 3 MS27 Workshop to analyse the Blue Bioeconomy value chains and to identify research needs MS41 Development of cross-sectorial and trans-national activities related to thematic areas 4 MS28 Workshop for the foresight exercise M17 D7.1 SRIA recommendations MS60

4 WP7 – Related activities
Task Mapping of R&I projects funded by national, international and EU financial resources - analysis of gaps Lead: CNR; Support: All Duration (months): Update of previous and on-going projects on fisheries, aquaculture, SFP and related biotechnologies funded at regional, national and international level OBJECTIVE Update COFASP database with projects funded in the period including projects dealing with marine biotechnologies and analysis to identify possible gaps and needs for future research Take the stock of available knowledge to address implementation of related activities as well as additional calls Identification of novel funding arrangements for novel projects (WP6 - TASK 6.3) Identify potential synergies among actors as well as synergies among projects WP7 - TASK 7.2 Feed additional calls WP6 - TASK 6.2 Provide science policy makers, researchers and stakeholders from other sectors with a practical tool to facilitate cooperation and development of new multidisciplinary projects

5 Activities forecasted in 2019
WP7 – Related activities Task Mapping of R&I projects funded by national, international and EU financial resources - analysis of gaps Activities forecasted in 2019 MS20 – Collection of information on research projects (M12) SEARCH ON THE EU WEBSITE (e.g., H2020 & other EU funding programs) INPUTS FROM BLUEBIO PARTNERS ON REGIONAL & NATIONAL PROJECTS (through the compilation of excel file) UPDATE OF DATABASE AND WEBGIS APPLICATION

6 WP7 – Related activities
Fields to be compiled: Acronym Title Summary Project category (Aquaculture, Fisheries, Seafood Processing, Marine Biotech) Start and end of the project Coordinator country Coordinator institution Other institutions involved Other country involved Marine area (if is not present put “Not associated to marine area”) Keywords

7 Lead: Value Chain Supervisors; Support: All
WP7 – Related activities Task Create connectivity and stimulate synergy among ongoing R&I projects Lead: Value Chain Supervisors; Support: All Duration (months): M11 – M21 OBJECTIVE Knowledge brokering between projects funded in the co- funded call and other thematically relevant ongoing projects The task will also search projects funded by COFASP, ERA-MBT, H2020, BBI JU, BONUS, JPI Oceans Will use the database in T7.1 Need your input to identify relevant ongoing national projects Consider doing a common kick-off meeting for all the co-funded projects BANOS (BONUS CSA) has a similar task

8 WP7 – Related activities
Task Human Capacity Building (HCB) including RRI, Training and Mobility exchange Lead: CNR; Support: All Duration (months): OBJECTIVES To facilitate the implementation of concrete actions related to training and HCB within the BlueBio co-funded projects Identification of specific training needs relevant to the Blue Bioeconomy basing on the projects collection implemented within Task 7.1, the outcomes of 7.4, the strategic documents produced by previous ERA-NETs and JPI Oceans as well as ongoing external activities on this topic, carried out in other international fora (e.g., JPI-Oceans, EMB, EuroMarine networks) The results will be merged into a Mid-term and a Final Evaluation and discussed within the Mid-term and Final Project Seminars organized by WP4 (MS5 &MS6) Input to the synthesis of WP7 findings into SRIA recommendations (T7.5 and Deliverable 7.1)

9 WP7 – Related activities Activities forecasted in 2019
Task Human Capacity Building (HCB) including RRI, Training and Mobility exchange Activities forecasted in 2019 MS23 - Development of guidelines on HCB and training activities (M5) Establishing a mentoring system for addressing, facilitating and accompanying the BlueBio co-funded projects in implementing concrete actions for training and HCB Identification and analysis of best practices and outputs from WGs and Workshops organized by other projects /platforms (e.g. EUROMARINE workshop, May 2019) Inputs from beneficiaries in relation to the specific topics of co-funded projects through virtual/physical meetings and mid-term seminar organized within WP4 MS23 postponed to month 7 in order to also use outputs from the Eromarine workshop that will take place in Italy in May 2019

10 WP7 – Related activities Activities forecasted in 2019
Task Human Capacity Building (HCB) including RRI, Training and Mobility exchange Activities forecasted in 2019 MS24 - Identification of common tools for HCB and training activities monitoring and Evaluation (M 11) Setting up the performance indicators and checklists to be used for monitoring and assessing training, mobility and HCB activities implemented within the BlueBio projects, in support of their evaluation Questionnaire to be integrated with the template developed within Task 4.1 and distributed through the online monitoring platform (Task 4.2) as well as through physical meetings organized in other WPs/Tasks, e.g. Task 7.2 Strictly related to D4.1 (Preparation of Monitoring procedures for cofunded projects) & D4.2 (Monitoring and Evaluation)

11 WP7 – Related activities
Task Forward looking activities Lead: RCN and Value Chain Supervisors; Support: All Duration (months): 6-8….. OBJECTIVES To further understand research and innovation gaps that can underpin development of joint research programs in the value chain science

12 WP7 – Related activities
Task Forward looking activities Lead: RCN and Value Chain Supervisors; Support: All Three steps are foreseen: Analysis existing value chains in the blue bioeconomy – focusing on challenges and societal needs – to identify hurdles in terms of sustainability, efficiency, and output. Use scenarios to future-proof the blue bioeconomy value chains. – build on existing (ERA-MBT, COFASP, JPI Oceans) and upcoming (SCAR, NOVA) – identify gaps and bottlenecks in new and restructured value chains Launch explorative activities to contribute to trans-national and/or cross-sectorial alignment of research agendas Workshop (M12): Analyse the blue bioeconomy value chains and to identify research needs Workshop (M17): Foresight exercise Development of cross-sectorial and trans- national activities related to thematic areas (M 16, 17, 27, 28)

13 WP7 – Related activities
Task Synthesis of findings into SRIA recommendations and actionable points Lead: CNR; Support: RCN, Value Chain Supervisors, All Duration (months): To translate outputs from the activities implemented within the Cofund into strategic inputs and actionable plans that can guide future calls implemented by JPI Oceans and other Platforms as well as support the development of future EC research funding programmes OBJECTIVE

14 Connections with other Tasks/WPS

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