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Webinar 5: Check-In with Participants Checklist Modification & Small Scale Testing Continued.

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Presentation on theme: "Webinar 5: Check-In with Participants Checklist Modification & Small Scale Testing Continued."— Presentation transcript:

1 Webinar 5: Check-In with Participants Checklist Modification & Small Scale Testing Continued


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8 Summary of Last Week’s Call
Nuts and bolts of administering the culture survey. The checklist as a documentation tool. Origin of individual checklist items. Importance of modifying the checklist for your hospital. Examples of modified checklist items. Best practices to follow when modifying and testing your checklist.

9 Checking the Pulse How is it going?

10 Homework to Date Gather an implementation team.
Schedule a time and venue for a meeting to take place in 8-10 weeks. Read background materials on the checklist and look at website. Create a list using the excel template provided to you of all of the OR staff, physicians, and techs. This template asks for names, titles, and addresses. If you are part of the research, please send us this spreadsheet. Send us a picture of your checklist implementation team. Designate if your hospital will be participating in the research portion of this project. Review instructions for the culture survey and administer based on the previous discussion. Modify the checklist for your hospital and test it using “table top simulation” and with your checklist implementation team in 1 case for 1 day.

11 Do you have an implementation team?
Baptist Easley Hospital Georgetown Hospital Beaufort Hospital Do you have an implementation team? This team should consist of at least one administrator, anesthesia provider, nurse, and surgeon. Palmetto Health, Richland Palmetto Health, Parkridge

12 Has your implementation team met yet?

13 Have you identified a venue to hold a meeting with as many surgical teams as possible?
This meeting should include anesthesia providers, nurses, surgeons, and techs

14 Have you modified the checklist?

15 Have you tested the checklist?

16 Do you have questions about the research portion of this work?

17 Checklist Modification Experiences from South Carolina Hospitals

18 Lexington Hospital

19 Palmetto Health - Richland

20 Taking the Checklist into the OR
Right Now Paper Have circulator hold the checklist up in front of clinicians so they can read their parts aloud. Eventually Poster Electronic Medical Record Paper

21 This Week’s Take Homes Please contact us if you have questions.
Doing the prep work now will pay off when we expand the use of the checklist.

22 This Week’s Homework Designate if you are going to participate in the research portion of this work. Compile and send us a spreadsheet of your OR Personnel. Start/continue to administer the culture survey. Have the same team use the checklist in every case for one day. Modify as necessary and send us your checklist.

23 ? Questions

24 Ask Us a Question By Using the Raise Hand Button

25 Next Week’s Call: Coaching Call Office Hours: This Friday 12:00-1:00

26 Resources Website:

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