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Objectives The objectives of the Society are to initiate and administer fund raising events, and accept and administer gifts, donations, grants, legacies,

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives The objectives of the Society are to initiate and administer fund raising events, and accept and administer gifts, donations, grants, legacies,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ALBERTA HIGH SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS SOCIETY (AHSFAS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) September 2017

2 Objectives The objectives of the Society are to initiate and administer fund raising events, and accept and administer gifts, donations, grants, legacies, bequests and inheritances in order to: Enhance the Performing, Visual, Technical, Music and Dance Arts education of the students of AHSFA Provide scholarships for students graduating from AHSFA to further their education in a post-secondary institution. Pay fees (provide bursaries for activities) associated with participation in the various courses for those students of AHSFA whose limited financial means would otherwise deny them this participation.

3 Alberta High School Fine Arts Society (AHSFAS)
President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Fundraising Chair PR Director Volunteer Director Community Member FA Director (AHSFA) VP Admin (AHSFA) Vice Treasurer* VE/Choral Coordinator * Band Coordinator * Fine Arts Teachers (AHSFA) Executive Choral Representative Band Representative Drama Representative Dance Representative Visual Arts Representative Comm. Tech Representative Info Design Representative Committees Committees Committees Okotoks Fine Art Communities * = sits on board when board member absent

4 Current Executive Position Person President Marcus Garvey
Vice President Darren Stuber (nominee) Treasurer Kristine McClean Vice Treasurer* Secretary Janice Gosling Fundraising Chair Shauna Spear VE / Choral Coordinator(s)* Band Coordinator(s)* PR Director Volunteer Director Deanna Van Muyen * = sits on board when board member absent

5 Role of the Representative
Term of office: 2 year Works closely with Fine Arts Faculty to plan and report to AHSFA Volunteer Director on events and support requirements Plays a leading role in coordinating events with parent volunteers

6 Financials

7 Financials - cont Full Financial Statements may be requested directly from Kristine using

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