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CTE X Counselors and Administrators = “A” School Letter Grade

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1 CTE X Counselors and Administrators = “A” School Letter Grade

2 Curt Bertelsen – ACTEAZ & Pima JTED
ACTEAZ President Director of Professional Development – Pima JTED (Cell)

3 Which one can earn bonus points?
Arizona’s A-F School Accountability Plan for 9-12 Proficiency % Growth % English Language Learners 10% High School Graduation Rate 20% College and Career Readiness 20% + 2 pts + 1 pt

4 BONUS +2 CCRI +1 CCRI +3 AIMS Science

5 Why are we here today? Review newest version of the 9-12 A-F School Accountability Plan Review data showing impact of CTE on all students – college bound & career bound Discuss point system for College & Career Readiness component of A-F School Accountability Plan Identify implications of College & Career Readiness component of A-F School Accountability Plan Identify how students benefit from the A-F CCRI Indicators

6 Every student can benefit from CTE
What the Research Says CTE program completers go to college in greater numbers than students that did not participate in CTE CTE program completers graduate college in greater numbers and in less time than students that did not participate in high school CTE CTE program completers scored consistently higher on math, reading and ELA For the past ten years the graduation rate in Arizona among CTE program completers exceeds 96% vs. 77% for non-CTE students Every student can benefit from CTE

7 April 24, 2017 more than any single action Adoption by the
Arizona State Board of Education of the new A-F School Accountability Plan is likely to impact CTE more than any single action since the legislation creating CTEDs (JTEDs)

8 So, how does it all work?

9 Each student can earn two indicator points
Meet Carlos, He earned 2 points by being college ready Meet Kim, She earned 2 points by being career ready

10 Let’s look at how Carlos and Kim earned their indicator points
Note: A student can only accrue points in increments of 1 Carlos and Kim can each accrue 0 points, 1 point, or 2 points If Carlos earns 1.8 points then he accrues only 1 point If Kim earns .9 points she accrues 0 points If either earns 3 points, they only accrue 2 points

11 When do Carlos and Kim earn their indicator points?
Points are accrued throughout high school Points are calculated and reported upon graduation Points go the school from which a student graduates – they travel with the student. How do you know the new transfer student has points?

12 Blue = College Ready Red = Career Ready

13 CTEDS often offer Satellite and Central Programs
“Our” students ARE your students! Central Programs are YOUR programs All students have access to all programs

14 Meet Tanya She is completing the Agriscience Program at your high school! She is a CTED Satellite student

15 Meet Ricardo He wants to be an EMT so he enrolled in the Emergency Medical Technician Program at a CTED at Central Campus He is one of your Central Campus students

16 BREAKING NEWS! The points Ricardo “earns” through a central campus program go directly to the school he graduates from! They go to YOUR school!

17 Continued

18 Continued

19 Score! Score big or go home ! Meet Chris.
Chris earned at least 1 point for being “college ready” Chris also earned at least 1 point for being “career ready” Chris earned BONUS POINTS toward your A-F grade! Score!

20 Implications Districts and High Schools are always under pressure to have their school rated “A” Impacts enrollment Impacts recruitment and retention Impacts public sentiment Impacts morale

21 Score big or go home! We knew how to succeed under the “old rules”, but the new rules have a very significant change. 20% (+ Bonus pts) of their A-F Grade will be based on College and Career Readiness!

22 Recent Outcomes CTE Directors have enjoyed strong support from high school administrators to offer a broad array of CTE programs Principals are requesting to add CTE programs that appeal to College Ready students who otherwise may not have considered CTE (Business? Marketing? Graphic Web Design?) Additional resources are being expended by the school (from M&O) to ensure CTE Programs appeal to all students

23 Additional Outcomes High schools are far more likely to view Central Campus programs as an extension of their own CTE offerings, with no expense and send students in greater numbers to ensure that every student is Career Ready. Especially juniors with no CCR Indicator Points Technical Skills Assessment success has become very, very important ECAP (Education and Career Action Plans) are being utilized more than ever to ensure students are becoming College & Career Ready

24 Which student generated the most funding? Each took 4 CTE courses
John Suzanne Carlos Carmen Freshman Satellite CTE Sophomore Junior Senior Central CTE Total

25 Solid ECAPs could result in $$
John Suzanne Carlos Carmen Freshman Satellite CTE Sophomore Junior Senior Central CTE Total $4218 $5627-$8440 $2812 $1406 Red means no funding for student in this course

26 Let’s be strategic about scheduling
It is crucial that priority is given to students who can complete a coherent sequence of courses (an entire CTE Program) over (for example) a Senior taking his / her first year of a program. Central Campus programs that can be completed in a single year may be promoted by member districts and charter schools for Juniors without their 2 points

27 Remember… Arizona Board of Regents requires one Fine Arts OR one CTE/JTED Class credit for University admission

28 Other changes 9th grade CTE enrollments in some schools are rising significantly Some districts (and charter schools) now require completion of a CTE course or program for graduation Students are being required or offered incentives to complete FAFSA Students are being required or offered incentives to take ASVAB Schools are changing criteria for valedictorian and other honors

29 More Outcomes An increase in charter school enrollments at Central Campuses – both during the school day and after school - potentially in large numbers Schools are working closely with community colleges to ensure that dual enrollment is available whenever possible Member districts may work with CTEDs to arrange for transportation to Central Campus programs – where it hasn’t happened before Internships, clinicals, etc. are expanding – internship coordinators are being hired


31 How do Carlos and Kim “score big”?
Carlos is college ready He could become career ready by: Complete FAFSA .3 Dual Credit .5 One CTE Course .25 TOTAL Meet Kim, She earned 2 points by being career ready

32 How do Carlos and Kim “score big”?
Kim is career ready She could become college ready by: Passes Algebra 2 AzMERIT .5 Meets cut score on ACT Math .5 TOTAL

33 A-F Benefits to Student
Now that we have a common understanding of A-F Work with your group to identify at least three benefits to students and one additional benefit to your school List on note slide below Be ready to share

34 Do’s and Don’ts

35 Don’t

36 Do

37 Do… Incorporate the College and Career Indicators into your school’s regular practices

38 Incorporate into regular practices
This can include… School ECAP process Counselor visits with students Required coursework

39 Do… Prioritize which College and Career Indicators your school will work towards and integrate into your systems. Not all indicators are equal.

40 Prioritize Tier 1 – Regents, CTE participation, FAFSA
Tier 2 – Completes a CTE pathway/test, Dual Enrollment Tier 3 – AZ Merit, ACT, SAT, ASVAB, Workkeys Tier 4 – CTE Certifications, AP Exam, Internship, Accuplacer

41 Do… Keep track of your data

42 Do… Focus on growth for all students, but especially move your low performing students

43 Don’t… Chase CCRI Points

44 Have students receive zeros
Don’t… Have students receive zeros

45 What are your Do’s and Don’ts?
At your table, discuss so recommendations that your district can/will take with regards to the new A-F. What are your Do’s and Don’ts?

46 Questions & Answers

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