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Forces and Motion Definitions Unit F

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1 Forces and Motion Definitions Unit F
Julie Forsythe 2nd grade Science

2 ENERGY IN MOTION Force Wind Gravity Magnet Motion

3 Force Push or pull that can make something move

4 Wind Moving air

5 MAGNET Piece of iron or steel that attracts, or pulls, other objects made of iron and steel

6 GRAVITY Force that pulls things toward the center of Earth

7 Motion Act of moving

8 When we finish Unit F, we should know…
A kite is moved by _______________. A _____________ attracts iron objects. Abby will use a ____________ to make something move. When a dog moves it is in ___________. A ball rolls down a hill because of __________. Use one of these terms: gravity, force, motion, magnet, or wind.

9 Correct Answers Wind Magnet Force Motion Gravity

10 Work hard and have fun with Unit F!

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