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Communicating Student Learning

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1 Communicating Student Learning
A journey to improving Communication and Assessment Professional Judgement Rubrics, Criteria “Reporting is an Extension of Assessment” Function & Form ( not Form & Function)– Why are we doing this & not how does this look? Interconnected - weaving of ideas Founded in research Using best practice Building a network that focuses on relationships and collaboration


3 Student Self Assessment Rubric
ASPECT OF ASSESSMENT NOT YET MEETING MEETING AT A MINIMAL LEVEL AT A FULL LEVEL AT AN EXCEEDING LEVEL Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Self awareness (identifying strengths and areas for further growth; applying descriptive feedback to own work) “Where I am” No self assessment, no ability to identify aspects of strengths or areas for further growth. Is inattentive to project criterion. Able to identify a few areas of strengths and/or areas for further growth. With prompting or support is able to apply descriptive feedback to his or her work. Identifies specific strengths and areas for further growth in concepts being covered. Is able to apply descriptive feed back independently to improve his/her work , follows through. Is increasingly able to guide work in progress. Understands the importance of receiving and giving descriptive feedback for themselves to understand areas of strengths and weaknesses Can clearly evaluate work in reference to the criteria. Independently adopts changes in his/her work and follows through on improvements. Goal Setting (setting specific, attainable goals for future learning; describing what to do next time) “Where I want to go” Student sets unrealistic goals. Not yet able to define steps for improvement. Student sets one or two concrete goals and with assistance is able to define steps for improvement. Student can identify and prioritize personal goals, make a concrete plan for improvement and follow through on the plan. Student sets goals, can determine steps for improvement and monitors his/her progress in an ongoing way. Behaviours associated with self assessment (feedback given) ”How will I get there” Student is not yet open to receiving constructive feedback. Student does not understand the use of criteria. Student receives feedback but does not to apply this descriptive feedback to improve on the work sample. Student shows some understanding of criteria and how to apply them to the concept being taught Student receives and listens to the descriptive feedback. She/he applies it to improve on the work sample being evaluated. Student demonstrates a full understanding of criteria and how to apply it to the concept being taught. Student can collect some examples of his/ her growth. Student shares clear expectations she/he has in communicating the role they have in monitoring their own learning. Student is involved in understanding the development of the criteria, applies it to the concepts being taught, as well as connects it to other experiences. Student collects concrete examples of his/her own learning and can see growth over time. Thinking Critically about own work “Checking back” Student needs to work on identifying positive aspects and commenting on areas that continue to need improvement in the final product. The student should be guided back to the initial question of “Where am I?” Student can identify a few positive things to say about his/ her final product and can list a few areas that continue to need improvement with assistance, modelling, reassurance and/or prompting from others. Student is able to list some positive aspects of his /her final product and identify some areas that continue to need improvement. Student can do this with increasing independence. Student can list several positive aspects of his/her final product and can identify the parts of his/her work that continue to need improvement. Student independently applies the elements of self-evaluation to improve his/ her work. This rubric was used to collect school based data on an SEL Goal around self-regulation /self assessment

4 How involved are you in your own learning
How involved are you in your own learning? Do you wait for your teacher to give you direction all the time or do you get down to work after you hear the instructions and know what needs to be completed. Data Surveys & classroom assessments Fall / Spring part of the district collection but for school use only What we found from the survey is that students ability to self assess were fairly good- However there were about 30% who were not self assessing authentically 20 % said that they did better than they actually did 10% said that they did not to well enough – even though they were meeting or exceeding the expectations.

5 Communicating Student Learning “Who Are Our Clients”?
Planning Parent Events: Share what the redesigned curriculum would look like in the classroom – shift from content to processes , introduction of the Core competencies Breakdown content areas from multiple aspects: from the Redesigned curriculum Reading Writing Numeracy S.E.L. Rubrics, Criteria (learning outcomes & processes), Mindset /Assessment & Reporting Shared over a two year period of time Feedback from Parents , taken / addressed and redistributed with answers of the concerns Aligning our practice with the message to the parents (transparency) Continue to share with website and newsletters updates and information of the work we are doing, addressing concerns all along the way.

6 Parent Engagement – What will the redesigned curriculum hold instore for students

7 Assessment & Reporting
Jan 31st, 2017 Communicating Student Learning with Parents January 31st, 6:30-8:00 PM Sponge Activity: parents fill in forms around gym Mindset and learning in Schools Mindset shift it and how they can facilitate the thinking from a different perspective Keep this in mind as you work through the Stations: A look at Competencies Core & Curricular through Inquiry Primary - 2 stations Intermediate - 2 stations Inquiry focus with the Competencies - Content Topics /cross curricular Assessment /Reporting Reporting in a different way, what does assessment and reporting looks like Rubric Assessment of /as/ for learning (self-assessment / Core competencies Reporting is an extension of assessment Exit Slip Primary Class Demonstration Intermediate Class Demonstration

8 Come and Join Us for an Evening About Math & the Redesigned Curriculum On May 17th, 6:30 – 8:00 PM In the Chaffey-Burke Gym This Evening Will Allow Parents and their Children to Explore: *What learning looks like in today’s classroom *A variety of concepts and the use of various types of manipulatives *Different learning spaces/outputs *Graphing attitudes about Math *Links to the Redesigned Curriculum Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 10th, 2016 to let us know if you’ll be able to join us for a fun night of math, games and learning. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ We will be attending the Chaffey-Burke Math Evening on Tuesday,May 17th, 2016 from 6:30-8pm in the school Gym. Name of Child:______________________ Div.______Teacher:_____________ Number of People Attending:______________

9 Reporting is an Extension of Assessment
How can we do a better job of communicating this with Parent? Let’s use the interim reporting order to “PLAY with Reporting” Meeting with Parents & Students “Three Way Conferences” assessment as/for and of Learning Function & Form – Why are we doing this is the focus , not what does it look like? Various templates designed, adapted, practices then rolled out FUNCTION KEYS Core competencies –student voice Professional Judgement – Meeting / not yet meeting Support programing audit requirements Parent voice Teacher voice Plan for moving forward and supporting goals and conversations

10 Conferencing with Parents and Students
Reporting Is an extension of Assessment Face to Face dialogue about how a student is learning Portfolios ( binders & e portfolios & work samples home) Feedback & Reflection Making Learning/ Thinking visible Core Competencies Integration into the Redesigned Curriculum

11 PS T C When I’m … It Looks Like …
Critical / Constructive Feedback Meaningful Reflection When I’m … * Creatively * Connect & Engage * Cares about self & others * Critically * Acquire & Interpret * Thrives as an Individual * Explain & Reflect * Achieves Purpose in the World *Collaborate PS T C It Looks Like …

12 Students and teachers will discuss & record: What did I learn
Students and teachers will discuss & record: What did I learn? What I tried to learn? Do? Succeed at? Proud of? Want to celebrate? What I did and want you to notice and why? What I tried to learn, what I am proud of, my strengths and the positives about this documentation. How and why do I know and feel this? What do you still need to work on, struggled with, were challenged by? What I need to work on, what was challenging, what I didn’t do, what I need to still figure out and learn? How and why do you know and feel this? What do you need to do next to improve on, get better at, continue learning, and what will you do to get there? What help or support will you need? How I will learn more, get better, what strategies I will use, what help will I ask for? How and why do you know and feel this? Where Am I in my Learning? What do I need to Work on? What can I do to Improve?

13 Curriculum & Competencies
Where am I in my learning? What do I need to work on? What can I do to improve? Student Signature: Parent Signature: Teacher Signature ___________ ___________ __________­­

14 What questions do you still have about assessment and reporting?
Parent Feedback What did you like about the reporting process? What would you do differently for the reporting process? What questions do you still have about assessment and reporting?

15 Some comments I like it that my daughter was asked to assess herself with regards to her capabilities and areas that need improvement and get her involved in finding ways how to improve herself without comparing her to other students, mainly focusing on her own strengths and weaknesses in terms of behaviour, learning and study habits. The one on one was better and more informative than the actual report card. I thought it is good way to know something about my daughter in school and how is she doing.

16 Questions you still have
Because several teachers taught different courses to my kid, I think it would be better if parents can have chances to talk directly with all the teachers. Would it be possible to create more interactive sessions to help me understand the reporting process? I do not have any questions about assessing. Thank you for putting a lot effort to the assessing & reporting. Is the current practice without an official report card going to affect the child in case of transfer or proceeding to future study of higher level, as there isn't any firm letter grade assessment for evaluation, i.e., whether such report can be recognized and accepted by other school, including secondary school? As a parent, I have limited knowledge about how the kid's learning capacity is growing, and what are the average progresses for kids at certain age. Therefore, I would still prefer more specific evaluation standards to help me better understand how my son's overall academic performance is. My only question is what was wrong with the old system

17 Making Learning Visible
A learning outcome that we have been working on with Story Maps Reflective Dialogue Sheets Picture Frames

18 The Playing Continues

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