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Methods Week 7 Desuggestopedia 1.

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1 Methods Week 7 Desuggestopedia 1

2 Homework Today’s Class- Ch. 6 – Desuggestopedia
Read Ch 7 - Community Language Learning (CLL) First, in TP3 read the sections: Experience and Thinking About the Experience (pp ) Then use the TESOL Method Workbook (TMWB, pp ) As you re-read the chapter look at and answer the questions in the workbook

3 TESOL Method Workbook Open the book to page 42 Discuss questions 1-3:
What is the goal? Suggestions: What and do they work for language learning? What are some psychological barriers? How might we desuggest them?

4 Desuggestopedia The creator is Georgi Lozanov
Bulgarian psychiatrist-educator Claimed that language learning can occur at a much faster rate than normal Inefficiency caused by psychological barriers to learning We fear that we will… Be unable to perform Be limited in ability to learn FAIL

5 Desuggestopedia Lozanov made the following claims
We do not use full mental powers (only 5-10% of full capacity) Limitations can be “desuggested” or removed through the techniques of Suggestology Desuggestopedia aims to help Ss eliminate the feeling that they cannot be successful and to overcome the barriers to learning

6 Desuggestopedia Suggestology
A “science” created by Lozanov, concerned with the systematic study of non-rational and non-conscious influences that humans respond to Suggestology tries to harness & redirect these influences to optimize learning Lozanov claimed learning is accelerated by 25 times more than normal

7 Desuggestopedia Suggestology Influenced by yoga & Soviet psychology
Raja-yoga: use of rhythmic breathing, techniques for altering states of consciousness & concentration Soviet psychology: all Ss, whether “gifted” or not, can be taught the same subject matter to the same level of skill (egalitarian). Desuggestopedia works whether or not Ss spend time on outside study.

8 Desuggestopedia Basic objectives
Tap into our extraordinary mental reserves to increase learning potential Accelerate the process by which Ss learn to understand the TL for communication Provide a relaxed & comfortable learning environment which removes psychological barriers to learning imposed from without and from within

9 Desuggestopedia: Sample Lesson - Lonny
On p. 43 look at questions 4 a-d Use the experience in the book and what you know as you discuss the Qs

10 Desugggestopedia What id the Ss learn? What were the topics?
How is art integrated? Role of drama? What were some different activities? 4 skills covered? What was desuggested? What positivie suggestion was used? What indirect?

11 Desuggestopedia: Principles & Characteristics
Music & Rhythm is Central to Language Learning and this comes from music therapy The functions of music in therapy is to Form & maintain personal relations Increase self-esteem through self-satisfaction in performance Use the unique potential of rhythm to energize & bring order In Desuggestopedia, music is used to relax learners and to structure, pace and punctuate presentation of linguistic material

12 Desuggestopedia: Principles & Characteristics
Theoretical Principles: AUTHORITY People remember best and are most influenced by information coming from an authoritative source Suggestology works based on a concept of a ritual placebo system – the scientific-sounding language, highly positive teachers convince the learners that they will learner and (at rates better than chance) they do

13 Desuggestopedia: Principles & Characteristics
Theoretical Principles: INFANTILIZATION T-S relation is similar to parent-child Ss enter a childlike state Initiated by participation in role playing, games, songs, physical movement Goal: regain the self-confidence, spontaneity and receptivity of the child

14 Desuggestopedia: Principles & Characteristics
Theoretical Principles: INTONATION, RHYTHM, CONCERT PSEUDO-PASSIVENESS Dramatize, emotionalize and give meaning to linguistic material Increase alpha brain waves, decreases blood pressure & heart rate Induce a relaxed attitude – pseudo passive state is optimal for learning, relieves anxieties & tension, raises power of concentration

15 Desuggestopedia: Techniques & Applications
Positive! Bright & cheerful Posters of TL culture & scenic spots Plants, props, toys for games Comfortable chairs Grammar Info (peripheral learning)

16 Desuggestopedia: Techniques & Applications
Posters and Peripheral Learning Sponge effect: Ss effortlessly absorb facts peripherally Posters with grammatical information Calling attention to posters is optional Posters rotated periodically, can be synchronized with class content T and/or Ss made

17 Desuggestopedia: Techniques & Applications
Positive Suggestion Positivity is the key – yes, we can! Goal: help Ss break down unconscious barriers to learning Direct suggestion –Learning is easy! You will be successful! Indirect (more powerful) – T chooses content with positive, encouraging, motivational messages (cf. NLP)

18 Desuggestopedia: Techniques & Applications
Create New Identities Ss choose TL names & occupations Develop biographies about fictional selves: hometown, childhood, family Building a new “language ego” immerses S in TL world Do role-plays using new identity

19 Desuggestopedia: Techniques & Applications
Receptive Phase: First Concert (Before Music) Ss sit in special comfortable chairs (with optional relaxation exercises) T distributes specially prepared texts: dialogue in TL with (if appropriate for learners) L1 translation T introduces dialogue and/or story T may draws Ss attn to vocab or grammar or T may not

20 Desuggestopedia: Techniques & Applications
Receptive Phase: First Concert (With Music) Classical music begins (early Romantic period). At first Ss just listen to music, no other sounds. T reads dialogue: slow, dramatic, loud Intonation synchronized with music – T’s voice rises and falls matching melody & rhythm

21 Desuggestopedia: Techniques & Applications
Receptive Phase: Second Concert Ss put scripts aside, just listen T reads dialogue at normal speed & rhythm with background music (pre-Classical or Baroque) After concert, students silently leave the room No HW: just read dialogue once before bed and again upon waking

22 Desuggestopedia: Techniques & Applications
Active Phase: Primary Activation Ss playfully reread TL dialogue/story out loud, individually or in groups One reads, the other acts it out “Broadway Audition” – as dramatic and flamboyant as possible Groups take turns acting different version of dialogue/story: sadly, angrily, cheerfully, sarcastically, slow-motion…

23 Desuggestopedia: Techniques & Applications
Active Phase: Creative Adaptation Spontaneous, playful exploration of language Varied activities: singing, dancing, dramatizations, games Always keep things “fresh” Use balls and other fun objects & motions – childlike state Ss focus on communicative intent rather than linguistic form

24 In-class Activity Think about the text I just gave you
Analyze the text to discover what the T has underlined – what language point is the T going emphasize when he/she reads dramatically? Follow the activity sequence on p. 44 in TBWB and describe how your group we teach he text

25 Desuggestopedia: Principles & Characteristics
From his web site ( Lozanov describes 7 loves that guide and shape the teaching process; a teaching-learning cycle that embraces non-manipulative suggestion. (1) Love Creates serenity & trust Contributes to prestige of teacher and opens ways of tapping language learning ability

26 Desuggestopedia: Principles & Characteristics
(2) Freedom Empowers T to exercise judgment Allows T to adapt material to particular traits & needs of each group Gives Ss the choice to participate in activities or not (3) Conviction of the Teacher that Something Unusual is Taking Place Inspires & motivates T and Ss

27 Desuggestopedia: Principles & Characteristics
(4) Manifold Increase of Input Volume Input 2-3 times louder than normal “Massive input flooding” improves retention (5) Partial through Global Avoid isolation of linguistic elements Present language in an integrated fashion (cf. Whole Language Approach)

28 Desuggestopedia: Principles & Characteristics
(6) The Golden Proportion Proper & artful balance of parts & whole enhances learning capacity T’s goal is to seek that “golden proportion” (7) Use of Classical Art & Aesthetics Emit non-conscious stimuli Abundance of peripheral perceptions

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