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Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee September 21, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee September 21, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee September 21, 2016
Brazosport ISD Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee September 21, 2016

2 Welcome Introductions Staff Committee Members Others

3 Minutes Comments, Questions or Changes to the Minutes???
Motion to approve the minutes...

4 Website Review Comments or Recommendations

5 Project Status 2012 August 31, 2016 – Total P.O.’s issued – $30,491,547 or 75.66% completed or in progress. Actually paid $30,202,080 May 31, 2016 – Total P.O.’s issued – $30,107,546 or 74.71% completed or in progress. Actually paid $29,531,183

6 Project Status 2014 August 31, 2016– Total P.O.’s issued – $44,014,331 or 25.15% completed or in progress. Actually paid $22,218,055 May 31, 2016– Total P.O.’s issued – $41,174,140 or 23.53% completed or in progress. Actually paid $12,742,797

7 Spring Summer Projects

8 Spring Summer Projects 2017
Package “A” Lessons Learned Vagueness of the items identified in the bond Not enough detail in the descriptions to clearly Identify the scope of work and true cost of construction Completed Scope Some of the items identified in Line items may have already been completed by the District Discovered Conditions unforeseen items that needed to be addressed due to Building or Energy codes requirements Repair vs Replace Items identified to be repaired that required complete replacement due to age of assessment Package “A” Justification 1. Vagueness of the items identified in the bond. Not enough detail in the items to clearly Identify the scope of work. 2. Line item budgets may have been incorrect. 3. Some of the items identified in Line items may have been already completed by the District. 4. Discovered conditions identified during construction that were unforeseen or that needed to be addressed due to Building or Energy codes requirements. 5. Items that had been identified to be repaired that required complete replacement. Moving Forward Lessons Learned to help with development of Packages “B” “C”. 1. Recommend grouping of line item dollar amounts to create a budget per campus or overall package that will help address budget inaccuracies but insure all scope is completed. 2. Work Closely with Contractor to determine costs prior to bidding and identify potential cost saving measures. 3. Work Closely with BISD Administration and Maintenance to identify the scope of work. 4. Schedule multiple meetings with departments to clarify and identify HVAC scope and budgets.

9 Spring Summer Projects 2017
Moving Forward Recommend grouping of line items to create a budget per campus or package to address budget inaccuracies but insure all scope is completed Allow time in schedule for bid/budget analysis Work closely with BISD Administration and to identify the scope of work Schedule multiple meetings with departments to clarify and identify HVAC scope and budgets Work closely with Contractor to determine costs and identify potential cost saving measures

10 Re-allocations 2012 Two reallocations 2012… Report only (2)
8/29/16 – Child Nutrition Walk in Freezer project slightly over budget…needed $1,958 from contingency to complete 8/31/16 – Tracks – Overall slightly over budget due to addition soil testing - $6,570 between 2012 and 2014 bond - pulled from contingency (add $49,694 – 2012 bond, deduct $56,264 – 2014 bond).

11 Re-classification 2014 Three Reclassifications 2014…
9/21/16 – Various Polk/Griffith Classroom Gym Projects – pulled $52,526 from Contingency for construction portion 9/21/16 – Package A – Various Package A projects spanning 14 projects and 7 campuses – added to contingency $90,048 8/31/16 – Tracks – Overall slightly over budget due to addition soil testing - $6,570 between 2012 and 2014 bond - pulled from contingency (add $49,694 – 2012 bond, deduct $56,264 – 2014 bond). Moving forward packaged projects will be split out more in the bidding process and reallocation request will be made before proceeding.

12 Future Re-allocation 2012 Review of Remaining 2012 Project – potential re-allocation of $3.5M Currently developing needs assessment to prioritize funds. One immediate need - Issues at B’Wood auxiliary gym – Once cost estimates are received an will be sent for approval.

13 Questions/Discussion/Suggestions
Next Meeting December 14, 2016 March 22, 2017 Begin at 5 pm.

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