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Autumn Term Classes Y4/5D Y5P Geography History Physical Education

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1 Autumn Term Classes Y4/5D Y5P Geography History Physical Education
The children will be looking at maps and learning about the locations around Stratford-Upon- Avon. We will be comparing modern day maps to those in Tudor times. History This term, we will be learning about life in Tudor times and the life of Shakespeare. We will look at the Tudor monarchs and their reigns. Physical Education The children will develop their dance skills and try to recreate the dancing of rich and poor tudors. They will also be developing their skills to play hockey.. PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) During this term the children will look at friendships and developing relationships with others. They will look at anti-bullying awareness. Rockingham Junior and Infant school ‘Be the best that you can be.’ Dear Parents/ Carers, The Autumn Term is important as teachers and children get to know each other and set expectations. In order to progress well the children will need your continued support at home, listening to them read and ensuring that any homework tasks are completed. During this term the teachers will be covering the following in their lessons. Yours faithfully Mrs L Greenwood (Head teacher) Miss Darby and Mr Parkin

2 Literacy ICT/ Computing
This term, we are focussing on a range of different text types. We will look at story settings and character descriptions moving onto playscripts for our performance. We will cover a range of different spellings and grammar features whilst also using higher level punctuation. Numeracy In maths the children will be consolidating their previous knowledge and studying a range of mathematical concepts, whilst also using their investigative and problem solving skills. Some of the areas which will be covered are: Measurement (mass and length) *Time Names and properties of shapes * Money Place Value * Fractions Addition and subtraction * Multiplication and division Science In science we will learn about materials and their properties. We will carry out different experiments and investigations. ICT/ Computing We will learn about e safety in our computing sessions. We will learn to make picture comics to follow Shakespeare plays and use Sketchup to design Tudor houses. Design Technology/ Art We will be focusing our artwork at Tudor patterns and the Tudor Rose, looking at drawing techniques.Our Design Technology and STEM work will be based around creating a Tudor piece. Music The children will learn about composing sequences of music for our performances. RE Our studies in Religious Education will be based around the Christianity Faith building up to Christmas.. MFL We will be recapping the areas of greetings, colours and numbers.

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