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Religion and Planet Earth

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Presentation on theme: "Religion and Planet Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion and Planet Earth
Starter – Flash Game Definitions!!! HWK – none Learning Objectives:- To know some of the key definitions for the unit To have considered ethical issues surrounding humans damaging the environment To evaluate the extent to which we have a responsibility to become involved To encounter some of the key unit questions

2 Definitions Creation – How the world began. Has religious and scientific answers Stewardship – Religious concept of looking after a world that is God’s creation. Similar in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Sikhism. Evolution – An understanding about how life has developed involving mutation. Dominion – Christian belief that the world is there for us. It is ours to control. Conservation – Try to protect an area or species. Degradation – The wearing down of the environment or areas within it eg rainforest.

3 Reflection To what extent are we responsible for looking after the world?

4 Damaging the World In your pairs and using mini-whiteboards, jot down as many ways that humans damage the environment as possible. (3 mins) Extension – On the reverse of the board, try to sort these into categories. 2 – Please write these categories into your books

5 Summary Each question that comes up, you will have two minutes to discuss and scribble down your thoughts followed by two minutes class debate…

6 Are any of the ways in which mankind damages the environment immoral?

7 Are we stewards of the Earth?

8 What action steps might be useful and achievable?

9 How did the world begin?

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