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Mrs. Hower & Mrs. Weinsteiger

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Hower & Mrs. Weinsteiger"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Hower & Mrs. Weinsteiger

2 Welcome to the 4 & 5 Center! I am looking forward to working with all of you this year! It is my 13th year in Upper Perk. I spent 5 years in 3rd grade before moving to 4th grade! I live in Exeter Township with my husband and our 3 little girls. Mrs. Hower

3 Welcome to the 4 & 5 Center! I am looking forward to working with all of you this year! It is my tenth year at Hereford and my eleventh year teaching. I am dually certified in both Elementary Education & Special Education. Mrs. Weinsteiger

4 8:35-9:00~ 9:00-10:30~ 10:30-11:10~ 11:10-12:10~ 12:15-1:45~ 1:45-2:25~ 2:30-3:10~ 3:10-3:30~ Homeroom Core Special Lunch/Recess SS/Sci/Writing

5 Mrs. Hower’s Special Schedule
Day One: Music Day Two: Art Day Three : Library Day Four: FLITE Day Five: Phys. Ed. Mrs. Weinsteiger’s Special Schedule Day One: Library Day Two: FLITE Day Three : Gym Day Four: Music Day Five: Art

6 Please check Skyward regularly to see you child’s progress and current grades.
All graded materials (with the exception of Unit Assessments) will be placed in your child’s Graded Papers folder. Please check here regularly to keep updated on their progress. Report Card Grades: A: % B: 80-89% C: 70-79% D: 60-69% F: below 60%

7 Class Dojo~ Mrs. Weinsteiger
Class Dojo is a web based program which allows teachers to track students’ behaviors (positive AND negative) easily and efficiently. The program is based on points, and students can be given positive points for things like being on task, being respectful, participating, or working hard. On the other hand, points can be taken away if students are off task, talking out, or unprepared. After students have been added to the system, there is a student access code we will give to each student so that they can log on to the website. On the site, they are able to see how many points they have, which positive behaviors were noted, and which negative behaviors they need to work on. One of the greatest features of Class Dojo is that it allows us to send parents a “behavior and skills report” every Friday by . All you need to do is use the parent access code to get signed up. Class Dojo

8 Remind 101 Remind 101 allows me to communicate to you via text messages. To subscribe, please text with the message: @mrshower19 (Mrs. Hower’s homeroom) @howermath (Mrs. Weinsteiger’s homeroom) Instagram Follow our class on Instagram by searching I will upload photos of our activities throughout the day! Feel free to comment, but please keep it clean 

9 Reading/ ELA Math Writer’s Workshop Science Social Studies
Our goal is to provide you child with a safe, positive learning environment & to help your child become an independent thinker and learner while reaching his or her full potential. Reading/ ELA Math Writer’s Workshop Science Social Studies

10 Reading-Balanced Literacy
This year our balanced literacy program is set up a little different. Instead of following the units, we are focusing on the different reading and comprehension strategies. Instead of the normal weekly cycle, the different reading/comprehension strategies are allotted an amount of time that it should take to teach. The time allotted is flexible depending on the needs of the group. Each unit supports students from teacher modeling to guided practice, application, and strategy transfer.

11 Reading-Balanced Literacy
Our reading approach is made up of several different aspects to create well rounded readers. As a class we will work with interactive read alouds to gain a deeper understanding of different reading strategies, we will also complete whole group mini-lessons. Students will receive their on-level instruction in a small group during guided reading. The students will then have the ability to apply these skills and strategies in an independent setting. Students will be evaluated through several different types of assessments. These assessments will guide the instruction in the classroom.

12 Phonics, Word Study & Writing
Through explicit lessons and hands on tools students will be provided with instruction that builds developmentally. Students will gain a better understanding of the English Language and its components. Students will be given the opportunity to apply these skills during guided reading time. Writing: Students will engage in shared writing, helping them to establish the reading-writing connection. Students will be writing throughout all units. Each unit will also have a graded writing work, focusing on one type of writing.

13 Math – Everyday Math Everyday Math is research based and is aligned with the Common Core Standards. It is made up of 8 different Units. The students focus on the following three areas: Understanding and Fluency with multi-digit multiplication and division. Understanding fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction with like denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers. Understanding that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified based on their properties.

14 Math – Continued The students will work daily in their math journal in school. The student reference book will serve as a guide to review math concepts and skills. Students will have homework nightly in the “Home Link.” Before the start of each of the units, a letter will be sent home to help you understand what your child is learning in math. Online games serve as a tool for practicing skills and developing strategic thinking. Students will work in whole group, small group, partner and independent settings to gain a deeper level of understanding of the taught concepts.

15 Everyday Math Your child’s login for Everyday math is:
Login: H or M(pin number) Password: h or m(pin number) *PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRACTICE BASIC FACTS!

16 Social Studies- 1st and 4th Quarters of the school year
Unit 1: Pennsylvania’s Land and First People Unit 2: A New Nation Unit 3: Growth and Change Unit 4: Pennsylvania Today Unit 5: The East Homework and projects will be assigned as needed

17 Science- 2nd and 3rd quarters of the year
5 Units Weather Water Electricity Ideas & Inventions Magnetism Homework and projects will be assigned as needed

18 Please check your child’s assignment book and homework folder daily.
Students will have a math assignment to complete Monday-Thursday night. Spelling, grammar, science, and social studies assignments will be given on an as needed basis. Students are expected to read 20 minutes nightly. Students are expected to study for upcoming tests and quizzes as they are announced Homework is a grade on the report card. 0-1 Misses: O 2-5 Misses: S 6-7 Misses: P 8 or more Misses: N

19 Reminders Lunch Money: Snacks:
When sending in lunch money, please make sure it is in some type of envelope or bag with your child’s name and pin number. This way money does not get lost in transition from home to school. Snacks: Students will be allowed to have a working snack during the day as long as it is not a distraction to their work. Please be mindful of allergies in the classroom. Additionally, the students will be working while eating…please keep this in mind when you choose what snack to send. 

20 is the easiest way to contact us both during the school day and after school hours. Additionally, feel free to contact us via Dojo (Mrs. Weinsteiger) or Remind 101 (Mrs. Hower). If a phone call is warranted, we are available before school from approximately 7:45-8:15 or after school from approximately 3:30-3:45. If you call during school hours, you will be directed to our voic . We will do our best to return your call that day.

21 Our classrooms are always in need of the following items:
Tissues Hand Sanitizer Clorox Wipes Box Tops Ziploc Bags Please feel free to send them in these items throughout the year so that we will not run out. Thank you!

22 Last, But Not Least Don’t Forget: Please Return the Following ASAP:
1. Register for Class Dojo/Remind101 2. Check teacher websites regularly 3. Scholastic codes can be found on websites. 4. Color UP Walk is on Oct. 11 Please Return the Following ASAP: Please return any back to school forms that you have not sent in yet ASAP. General Information Sheet(Help me get to know your child) Class Dojo Permission

23 Thank you for visiting our classrooms
Thank you for visiting our classrooms! We look forward to working with you this year! Please contact us if you have any questions throughout the year!

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