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Aerosol Retrieval Research Algorithm for TEMPO

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1 Aerosol Retrieval Research Algorithm for TEMPO
TEMPO Aerosol Workshop 11 Sept. 2017 Aerosol Retrieval Research Algorithm for TEMPO Jun Wang, Weizhen Hou, Scott Janz, Jay Al-Saadi, Xiong Liu, Kelly Chance, Omar Torres

2 Brief History of Geo. Weather Satellite
Himawari-8 Latest geo weather, JAXA Launched 10/7/2014 GOES-A/1 1st geo for environment GOES-1, launched 10/16/1975, NASA Better imager Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) 16 bands 3 vis. , 1 km & .5 km 4 NIR, 2 km 9 TIR, 2 km. 10 minutes/full disk 1st geo., launched in 02/14/1963, a communication sat., NASA Syncom I Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR) μm, 1 km μm, 9 km

3 Brief History of Geo. Aerosol/ Air Pollution Satellite
Launch 2020? Brief History of Geo. Aerosol/ Air Pollution Satellite GOES-R 2016 Imager  Spectrometer GOCI 6/10/2010I Fishman et al., 2012 Lahoz et al., 2012 Schmit et al., 2017 Lee et al., 2010. RSE 6 visible 2 NIR GOES-2 MSG, 8/28/2002 12 channels 2 visible Fraser, Kaufman, Mahoney, 1984, AE

4 Hyperspectral GEO Era is coming!
TEMPO GOES-R Sentinel-4 MSG GEMS Himawari Courtesy Jhoon Kim, Andreas Richter Policy-relevant science and environmental services enabled by common observations Improved emissions, at common confidence levels, over industrialized Northern Hemisphere Improved air quality forecasts and assimilation systems Improved assessment, e.g., observations to support the United Nations Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution

5 Most aerosol algorithms use data from radiometers
Wang et al., 2014, JQSRT

6 Aerosol properties retrieved from current sensors
Hou et al., 2017

7 Past work done using spectral fitting, primarily in the infrared spectrum
ACP, 2013 (sulfate acid, ammonium sulfate, dust, smoke, volcanic ashes)

8 Hyperspectral remote sensing of aerosols in the shortwave spectrum?
Need to characterize the surface reflectance spectra. TOA spectral variation more or less reflects surface spectra except in shorter wavelengths ( <~500 nm) AOD=1


10 What have been done? A framework for hyperspectral simultaneous retrieval of aerosol & surface properties Surface reflectance spectra can be reconstructed with 6 principal components. (PCs) Analytically compute Jacobians of TOA reflectance w.r.t. each surface reflectance PC. Aerosol information content analysis for hyperspectral satellite sensor in visible Common bands exist for aerosol retrieval over a wide range of surface conditions Feasibility study of retrieving both aerosol & surface from geostationary sensor This feasibility is shown when multiple measurements from geo sensor are used Self-adjustable algorithm for aerosol is proposed for geostationary sensor

11 Information content analysis results for individual observation (retrieving 1 or 2 aerosol parameter together with w) Refff Reffc 50 green spectra from vegetated spectral dataset and 10 AOD (τa = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3,0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 550nm) are considered for individual observation, then calculate the averaged DFS and standard deviation (error bar).

12 Information content analysis results for multiple observation (retrieving 3 aerosol parameter together with w) 50 green spectra from vegetated spectral dataset and 10 AOD (τa = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3,0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 550nm) are considered for multi-observations. 3 multi-observations means selecting the 120 combinations of 3 AOD from 10 AOD,then calculate the averaged DFS and standard deviation.

13 Test with GEO-TAOS data during Korus-AQ

14 Study region of GeoTAOS (May 17, 2016, UTC)

15 True-color images river forest urban
The matching regions of 6 flights from May 16 to May 18, 2016

16 Solar Zenith Angles Two different times

17 Viewing Zenith Angles flight direction

18 GEO-TASO Radiance at 340 nm

19 GEO-TASO Radiance at 380 nm

20 Summary The theoretical basis for TEMPO research algorithm for aerosol retrieval is established. Progress of using real data is on the way…

21 Thank you !

22 Aerosol Index

23 GEO-TASO observation in Korus-AQ

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