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Overview of Washington Community Living Connections (WACLC)

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Washington Community Living Connections (WACLC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Washington Community Living Connections (WACLC)
(Voice over video of CLC site) DONE in Articulate

2 WACLC Login Follow the Hyperlink:
Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the Staff Login hyperlink

3 WACLC Login STOP! If you do not have login credentials, contact Bruce Braun If you have Login credentials, enter them and hit submit.

4 WACLC Overview (Voice over video of user preferences, dashboard, and help library) Need to do.

5 WACLC Sandbox for Training
(Need info on how to get into sandbox)

6 WACLC Overview (Voice over video of Client File & How to Search)
DONE in Articulate

7 WACLC – Client – How to Search Pt. 1
1. Hover over ‘CLC Set’, select ‘Full Client Search’ 2. Search using last name & first name, GetCare ID, birthdate, etc. and click search.

8 WACLC – Client – How to Search Pt. 2
Select the appropriate client by clicking the underlined name (If you are having trouble, try searching a few different ways or only typing the first 3 letters of the first and last name. If your client is not listed, click "Add New Record" at the bottom of the page To Add New Client First use the search to make sure the client is not already in the system.

9 WACLC Add New Client Save information

10 WACLC Client File – Identification
Communicate with client by clicking ‘Send ’ or ‘Write Client’ Enter IDs from other software systems for easy look up later. Add special instructions to get to clients home, i.e. ‘Long driveway to the left of yellow house in cul de sac’

11 Completing Voter Registration Assistance
Voter Registration Assistance for MAC/TSOA care receivers must be completed:

12 WACLC Client File – Demographics Pt. 1
Sections with * MUST be completed. After selecting from the drop down menu, if more info is required, a text box will become editable. Make sure the relationship status matches information in the Contacts tab if necessary. If a spouse is selected as a contact, this must be reflected in the relationship status by selecting ‘married’.

13 WACLC Client File Demographics Pt. 2
Select other benefits the client is currently receiving. The ‘Save’ button appears at the bottom right screen of all tabs in the client file.

14 WACLC Client File – Contacts Pt. 1
Enter contact name, if contact is not in GetCare, select ‘Create New Contact’ and chose the appropriate relationship in the dropdown box. Instead of starting by searching for a contact, you can add, edit, or remove a contact by selecting from the buttons on the bottom. Dropdown menu is populated with specific relationship types, i.e. brother, spouse, dentist, chiropractor, therapist, etc.

15 WACLC Client File – Contacts Pt. 2
Once you select ‘Add New Contact’, a pop-up window will appear with information fields. First and Last Name of contact, and type of contact are the only required fields. However, fill in as much useful information as possible. Select ‘Save’ to save and close contact.

16 WACLC Contacts – Adding Caregiver to Dyad Pt. 1
Click the arrow for the Contacts section to open the field. This screen is where you will fill out the Caregiver Relationship information (at bottom of section). The selection for the caregiver works the same as the first step in setting up a file for a Care Receiver (CR). Type in name and confirm the caregiver does not exist. If the caregiver does not exist select the ‘add new client’ link at the top of the menu. Next, fill out the pop up screen for address and other information). For clients without an unpaid caregiver, skip this step.

17 WACLC Contacts – Adding Caregiver to Dyad Pt. 2
For clients without an unpaid caregiver, skip this step. The caregiver’s role, relationship, and role responsibilities are selected from the list of options on the orange Caregiver Relationship screen. Select ‘Add’ to add this caregiver record. Select P1 client letters under Role/Responsibilities. You may Multi-select other Role/Responsibility options as relevant to caregiver role. Select ‘Add’. Caregiver Demographics Once you’ve entered the caregiver and their date of birth, the system requires a few demographic fields for the Caregiver Record. The easiest way to enter these is to select the caregiver link from the completed ‘Caregiver Relationship’ section. Caregiver Record-Date of Birth must be entered. Select Caregiver Link

18 WACLC Contacts – Adding Caregiver to Dyad Pt. 3
Caregivers Client File Demographics – Ethnicity, Race, Tribal Affiliation, Spoken Language and Written Language are required fields along with all * fields.

19 WACLC Provider One ID, T-Care ID and Internal ID
T-CARE ID number - If the Caregiver record exists in T-CARE, open the identification section and add their TCARE ID number to their GetCare record.

20 WACLC Client File – Assessments Pt. 1
Use the search settings to narrow the options if you are looking for a specific assessment date range. ‘Assessment Date’ is the date the assessment was completed. For the top assessment, the functional assessment may have been entered on 7/3/18, but the actual assessment was completed on 8/1/17.

21 WACLC Client File – Assessments Pt. 2
Assessment: These are the different types of assessments, templates exist for each type. #: How many of that type of assessment have been completed. Status Draft = an assessment may be entered but is not yet finished. Locked = an assessment is complete and saved. Strike Out = an assessment, draft or locked, was deleted. It stays in the file for record keeping but does not impact the client and is no longer valid.

22 WACLC Client File – Assessments Pt. 3
Assessment Date = Date the assessment was completed. Update Date = Last time the assessment was opened and edited. Complete a screening at least every six months or more frequently if there is a change in the individual’s condition. Assessments must be completed at least annually or more frequently if the individual’s condition changes. Date Locked = Date the assessment was saved as the final version. Next Due= Date the next assessment must be completed. This field will autofill according to the assessment date.

23 WACLC Client File – Assessments Pt. 4
Select “Add New Assessment” to open the dialog box. To begin the Annual NFLOC Assessment you will need to confirm financial eligibility in Barcode before completing the NFLOC coding section of the assessment. If the client is no longer financially eligible then there is no reason to complete the NFLOC section. In the “Select Form” field select “Annual NFLOC Assessment”, fill in the assessment date information and click “Save”. Annual NFLOC Assessment -Must be completed at least every 12 months. The first annual NFLOC assessment needs to be completed before the last day of the month in the next year. For example, if the PE assessment was locked on 7/21/18 then the annual NFLOC assessment must be completed and locked before 7/31/19.

24 WACLC Client File – Assessments Pt. 5
Annual NFLOC Assessment – The first subsection of the Annual NFLOC Assessment is the program subsection. Here you will indicate the name of the person who provided the responses for the assessment, the program (MAC or TSOA), ACES coverage group and the ACES ID. These are all mandatory fields. If the ACES ID was included in the most recent PE assessment it will auto-populate in the Annual NFLOC Assessment. Case managers will receive Dashboard Notifications 30 days before a client’s first Annual NFLOC assessment is due. "Client [Last name, First name] is due for their first Annual NFLOC in 30 days". You will need to use CLC/GetCare Assessment manager to manage the due dates of subsequent Annual NFLOC assessments.

25 WACLC Client File – Assessments Pt. 6
ANNUAL NFLOC ASSESSMENT - RACS RACS: When you have completed the annual NFLOC review and determined the care receiver remains functionally eligible for their chosen MTPD program, you will need to extend the functional RAC end date. Best practice is to extend the end date to the last day of the month (next year) in which the Annual NFLOC Assessment was locked. For example, the Annual NFLOC assessment was locked on 9/18/18. Extend the functional RAC end date to 9/30/19. Scope of Work – Click on the Scope of Work you need to update, it will highlight. Click on Edit Enrollment. Update the Enrollment date and Save.

26 WACLC Client File – Service Enrollments Pt. 1
‘Scope of Work’ = Type of service client is enrolled in. There is a dropdown menu of appropriate options. ‘Program’ = The type of funding bucket the client’s service is being paid under. ‘Cost Share Pledge’ = Any client contribution requirements. ‘Service Detail’ = The number of services provided. ‘Enrollment Date’ = When the client is actually receiving services. ‘Provider’ = Agency who is providing services. ‘Authorization Date’ = When the client is authorized to receive services

27 WACLC Client File - Service Enrollments Pt. 2
Use the search criteria to narrow down the services for the client if you are looking for a particular service or period of time. The authorization date and enrollment date should match. Sometimes case managers will terminate services and will only change one of the dates, they both need to be updated. Select ‘Add New Enrollment’ to enroll client in a new service.

28 WACLC Client File – MAC/TSOA Service Enrollments Pt. 3
MAC/TSOA Service Enrollments – to change a service enrollment select change/edit. Change/Edit MAC/TSOA Case Manager – use drop down to pick case manager. RU and RU Region – will auto fill. SAVE- be sure to save your changes. Functional RAC- select the appropriate RAC from the drop down. From –Thru: enter date range

29 WACLC Client File – MAC/TSOA Service Enrollments Pt. 4
New Authorization-To add new services select Add New Enrollment in the Scope of Work. Add service details in the General section including: PSA, Scope of Work, Program, Service Detail and Site section then add Provider. Note: Based on each selection, results in the other pull down fields will narrow down Click the green Enrollment button. Enter the from/thru dates of enrollment and click Save.

30 WACLC Client File -MTPD Care Plan Pt. 1
CARE PLANS IN GETCARE ARE ONLY DONE FOR TSOA WITHOUT A CAREGIVER CLIENTS Details- View or update Expected Next Care Plan Date, Notes, Save and Lock Care Plan. A requirement for Individuals to receive MAC or TSOA Services is that they must give consent for services and approve their care plan. WAC

31 WACLC Client File -MTPD Care Plan Pt. 2
CARE PLANS IN GETCARE ARE ONLY DONE FOR TSOA WITHOUT A CAREGIVER CLIENTS MTPD Care Plan-Start a new Care Plan or Add additional service requests. Add information about the request into the ‘Request” and optional “Reason for Request” field. Enter information that describes what the Care Plan is intended to address, this will correspond with authorized service enrollments. The Request may include goals, preferences, requests, or other information the client wishes to include in their Care Plan. Once Request and optional Reason are added, select ‘Status’ (proposed, approved, closed, deleted). If this is a current Care Plan, select ‘Approved’. Insert date added and click ‘Save’.

32 WACLC Client File -MTPD Care Plan Pt. 3
Add, Link and Edit Service Enrollments – Complete Status, Start and End Dates. Select Add New Enrollment

33 WACLC Client File - Progress Notes Pt. 1
To document a new case note, select ‘Add New Note’ Use the search fields to filter existing progress notes. Select blue arrow to open full progress note.

34 WACLC Client File - Progress Notes Pt. 2
After selecting ‘Add New Note’, a pop-up window appears prompting you to enter the note. Once complete, select ‘Save as Draft’ if you want to return to edit the note later. If complete, select ‘Save and Sign’. A box will appear prompting a Signature Password to authenticate and sign your progress note. If you want another user to see and sign off on your note, select ‘Request Co-Signature and they will be notified to sign.

35 WACLC Client File - Progress Notes Pt. 3
To create a Signature Password….. To change an existing Signature Password, go to User Preferences and select the appropriate box.

36 WACLC Client File - Electronic File Cabinet
To upload a new document to the Electronic File Cabinet, select ‘Browse’. To search for an existing document, use the filters and select ‘Apply’. Once you select ‘Browse’, a pop-up window will appear, select ‘+Add…’ to open a browsing window to find the document on your document. Select the document and select ‘Save’.

37 WACLC Client File - Action Plan Pt. 1
To view an existing Action Plan, select the underlined link. Select ‘Start new Action Plan’ to begin a new Action Plan. Print existing Action Plan by selecting ‘Print’.

38 WACLC Client File - Action Plan Pt. 2
Once an existing Action Plan is selected, it will open below. Goals and Tasks are outlined in the Action Plan. Each Goal can have multiple Tasks. Select ‘Add A New Task’ and ‘Add A New Goal’ to update Action Plan. Once edits are complete, select ‘Save’.

39 WACLC MTD Manager Pt. 1 Hover over CLC SET and select MTD Manager
The objective of MTD Manager is to show the state of any given client or clients associated with a MAC or TSOA service. MTD Manager tool can help you monitor status of MAC/TSOA clients and manage day to day work activities. There are a multitude of filter combinations that can be used.

40 WACLC MTD Manager Pt. 2 Use of MTD Manager to track errors – Client Region will be PSA 3, RU will be 069. Enter Yes to “Has MTD Case Manager. Click “specific MTD Case Manager” and identify yourself in that field. Under Errors select “fatal or non-fatal” and select Apply button

41 WACLC MTD Manager Pt. 2 Types of Errors – Fatal This means the service line data sent was rejected by P1. If you receive a Fatal Error, review the message, go back into the authorization and try to correct what is being sent to ProviderOne. If possible, correct any errors discovered and resend. Some fatal errors may require another solution. If unable to resolve or determine source of error, post details to GetCare issue manager.

42 WACLC MTD Manager Pt. 3 Types of Errors – F Future
Types of Errors - Non-Fatal This means the service line was created in ProviderOne but with an error on the line(s) that need to be resolved in order to be claimable. Some Non-Fatal errors are Forcible and some are Non-Forcible. Types of Errors – F Future Usually this is associated with a Provider’s contract end date occurring prior to the end of an authorization service line.

43 WACLC MTD Manager Pt. 4 Forcible vs. Non-Forcible Errors
Forcible Errors: User can “force” the Error to be resolved. Once forced, the Provider can claim the service. Remember some GetCare users are able to force errors, based on role permissions. Try to resolve by reviewing RAC eligibility or other date or rate related errors before forcing. Forcible by HQ-If you have been unable to clear an error and it is “Forcible by HQ” send a request to ALTSA HQ, CLC GetCare System Administrator with information about the error including client name, ACES ID number and error number with a brief description of problem as you understand it. Forcible by Supervisor –Try to understand the why the error is posting (a common non-fatal error occurs when authorization dates do not align with RAC dates), refer to error code table and/or DSHS/ProviderOne websitefor additional guidance and make the necessary changes to resolve the error before forcing. If unable to resolve, then work with your Supervisor who has rights-to request the error be forced. •Non-Forcible Errors: Cannot be “forced”. A change must be made either outside the Authorization sections (this may relate to Client RAC eligibility) or the associated Service Line needs to be changed and re-submitted.

44 WACLC Issue Manager Pt. 1 Issue Manager
Issue Manager- View or request system issues.

45 WACLC Issue Manager Pt. 2 View or Request system issues. Choose By Status, Module, Priority and Type or a combination of these fields. Also type key words you are looking for to find an issue. Add an Issue- Complete as many drop downs as you can. Select Add Issue

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