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Together we can help your child have a successful year in 4th grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Together we can help your child have a successful year in 4th grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Together we can help your child have a successful year in 4th grade.
Welcome to Open House Together we can help your child have a successful year in 4th grade.

2 School Hours for Students
Students arrive from 7:15 to 7:45 In seats by 7:45 or they are tardy School day hours are 7:45 am - 2:15 pm

3 Reading Be sure your child is reading at least 20 minutes each day Monday – Thursday.

4 Math Review multiplication facts with your child at home. These must be memorized. Multiplication was a standard in 3rd grade and is the foundation for math in 4th grade where division fluency is a standard.

5 Handwriting/Cursive It is a standard that students write and read cursive in 4th grade. We will be reviewing cursive handwriting. Please encourage your child to hold their pencil correctly. Please practice at home.

6 Agenda/Homework All homework assignments are written down by your child in the Agenda. Homework is given Monday –Thursday. Reading- 20 minutes daily Math – study multiplication & division facts to 12 Read the Agenda each day, then check to see that the homework has been completed. PLEASE sign the agenda if your child received a note from me; please do not sign ahead. New information may be added each day.

7 Grading Procedures A (ES) 90 – 100 B (MS) 80 – 89 C (IP) 75 - 79
D (DNM) F (DNM) 69 and below Progress Reports will be sent home at the end of four and a half weeks. Study Guides will be sent home at least one week before a test.

8 Synergy: ParentVue Grades Online
Classwork Quiz Summative / tests It is the parents responsibility to view grades weekly on ParentVue in order to be aware of current averages in each subject. Please get username/password info. before leaving today.

9 Emergency Dismissal In case we have an unexpected early dismissal; we want to stress the importance of knowing how to dismiss your child. Make sure you remember how you told us to send your child home!

10 Behavior Concerns - Not listening carefully to the lesson
Not following directions the first time Not using time wisely Managing the business of others Excessive talking/humming/tapping

11 Behavior Chart

12 Communication Monday Folder
Goes home the first school day of each week. This folder contains tests papers, completed work, and information from the front office. Check homework and Agenda daily. Send notes to me in the Agenda with the exception of absent notes; those will go to the office. Always send a note to me if there is a change in the way your child is to go home. I can’t accept s & please do not tell your child to tell me.

13 Communication – The best way to communicate with me is via or the REMIND app. Send notes in agenda. Sign up to receive REMIND text alerts!!!!! Please read our class blog once a week for timely information. If your phone number changes, please let us know at school as soon as possible.

14 Planned Activities and Field Trips…
October 8th Fire Safety Village November 20th Cobb Youth Museum (American Revolution) November 22nd Cobb County Water Shed (on campus) Sparkles (force and motion)– in April WellStar  Lessons- (in class)

15 Thank you for coming! Thank you in advance for all you will do to help this year be a success! Questions/ Concerns?

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