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Pray for everyone, including authorities

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1 Pray for everyone, including authorities
1 Timothy 2 Review Pray for everyone, including authorities So that our lives may be holy, peaceable, and dignified. Men: Prayer, holiness, without anger or quarreling Women: Profess godliness in their appearance, submissiveness to men, quietness, faith, love and self-control.

2 Qualifications for Elders and Deacons
1 Timothy 3:1-13 Qualifications for Elders and Deacons

3 Five terms describing the office of an elder
Greek word Definition: Emphasis Elder or presbyter Presbureros An older man a senior Experience /maturity Overseer or Bishop Episcopos A guardian or superintendent Oversight Shepherd or Pastor Poimen Metaphoric term (tending flocks) Protection Eldership Presbuterion Group of older men/elders Plurality & equality

4 All of these Terms Refer to the Same Office
Elder or Presbyter (Presbureros) Overseer or bishop (Episcopos) Shepherd or pastor (Poimen) Acts 20:17,28 X Tit 1:5,7 1 Pe 5:1,2 Eph. 4:11 1 Tim 3:1-2; 5:17 Acts 14:23

5 Qualifications for Elders
Above Reproach or Blameless Husband of One Wife Temperate Sober minded, Prudent Self-controlled, Of Good Behavior Respectable Hospitable Able to Teach Not Given, Addicted to Wine, Not a Drunkard Not Violent, Not Pugnacious

6 Qualifications for Elders
Not Greedy for Money Gentle, Not Quick Tempered Not Quarrelsome, Peaceable Not a lover of Money or Sordid Gain, Not Covetous Manages, Rules his household Well Believing, Faithful Children Keeps Children in Submission, under control Children not rebellious Not a recent convert or novice Has a good reputation among outsiders

7 Qualifications for Elders
Additional qualifications from Titus Not self-willed Loving what is good Sensible Just Devout Holding fast the faithful word

8 Qualifications for Deacons
Dignified, Reverent Not double-tongued Not addicted to much wine Not greedy for dishonest gain Blameless Husband of one wife Manages children & their own households well

9 Qualifications for Elders/Deacons Wives
Dignified, Reverent Not slanderers Sober-minded Faithful in all things

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