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Welcome to Year 1 Monet Class

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1 Welcome to Year 1 Monet Class
Monet Class Teachers: Mrs Knights and Miss Cook

2 Daily routines Working with parents Break and lunchtimes Learning
Daily mile Working in partnership with parents, communicate at classroom door if a very little thing that will affect child during day can say at door but if longer after school, via log or apptmt if needed (please tell us things, even if might seem trivial!) Break get a healthy snack, encourage children to try new. Let us know if anything can’t eat. Lunchtimes – eat in hall, school dinner encouraged, eating monitored, we will let you know if any issues. Play on playground/field. Encourage all ages to play together. Daily mile together Learning – more formal style is introduced in KS1, doesn’t mean we throw out the fun! Expect children to sustain concentration for longer, carry out task set (less choosing, but still an element of this in KS1). Lessons based around more familiar subjects names (ie Maths, science etc) than used in EYFS. Topic is number of subjects linked together. Still have TAs in the class to support learning and children.

3 Rewards and Consequences
Team points Apples (sunshine awards) – bonus break Parent contact High behaviour expectations. Class rules and school Golden Rules (which are Respect, Safe)Reward this with House points = non uniform day, and marbles in jar leading to earning class golden time. How apples work in KS1, rarer to get on sunshine. If issues move down, move to red = parent contact, at end of day or by phone. Work with you to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

4 English Phonics Reading Writing Spelling, punctuation and grammar
Phonics daily. We will move onto Phase 5 soon which will introduce all the new sounds the children need to know for the Phonics screening which is held in June.(more details of this will follow after Easter) After Christmas we will then work on consolidating all of our sounds learnt ( we will have a parents workshop on phonics) Reading, daily active reading, reading books changed. We try to change books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. But you are more than welcome to keep hold of the book just write in. Equally if the book has not been signed then we will not change it. As we start learning the new sounds we may give some children books that may be a little more trickier but have those phase 5 phonemes in so they see them and begin reading them. Writing – grammar focus, writing linked to topic, spelling taught through lessons, may have as part of homework. Spellings weekly. This will be set up and we will let you know when have access to Spelling Shed. Dictation using spellings will be on a Friday. Spag – we do through our active reading sessions, English lessons and phonics.

5 Mathematics Number Interactive as much as possible Maths Mastery
Daily maths counting, doubles, halving and number bonds. Expectations from EYFS expected to 20 Year 1 expected to know numbers to 100 and beyond forwards, backwards, counting on from different numbers. Number bonds to 20 different ways of making 13, 15 etc Use ICT a lot. Chn expected to go deeper into Maths rather than spreading widely over a surface. Lots of investigations, challenges and problems to solve. Using concrete, pictorial as well as written methods.

6 Help at home Homework Reading Maths Online learning
Explain homework expectations, includes ongoing reading 3x a week or more, aloud, discussion of text as become more fluent readers purple mash & spelling shed. Lots of maths is practical- telling time, money, measures. Please help with this Ask not to bring things in unless specifically asked to (awards/medals etc can take to Mrs G for the newsletter). Year 1 please bring in baby photos with name and on back.

7 Thank you for coming. Any questions?

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