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Marketing Plan and Value Proposition

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1 Marketing Plan and Value Proposition
Stephen Carradini Hustle Phoenix

2 A marketing plan covers everything from the moment you have the product/service ready to the moment a user/client purchases the product/service.

3 And I Do Mean Everything
Executive Summary Marketing and Sales Strategy Sales Strategy Introduction Pre-existing marketing experience Pricing Strategy Vision and Value Proposition Distribution Strategy Time budget The Problem Promotion Strategy Staffing Market Overview  Messages to New Customers Financial budget Target Market  Chronological schedule Messages to Returning Customers Competition Measurement and assessment The Solution & Objectives Promotion Vehicles

4 Don’t panic.

5 Take it one step at a time.

6 What’s it for? It guides every aspect of your marketing efforts
It gives marching orders It convinces potential investors/early stage clients that you know what you’re doing It is there to be referred back to It does the hard work now so that you don’t have to do it later

7 More detailed marketing plan = product more ready to sell Less detailed marketing plan product less ready to sell

8 How-to Don’t try to do it all at once Use what you’ve already got
Take it one part at a time Talk with people Jot notes Sketch ideas Be aspirational, realistic, and flexible

9 Part One: Value Proposition

10 Value Proposition “A value proposition is a clear statement that
explains how your product solves customers’ problems or improves their situation (relevancy) delivers specific benefits (quantified value) tells the ideal customer why they should buy from you and not from the competition (unique differentiation)” --Peep Laja,

11 Relevant What problem are you solving or opportunity are you offering?
How does your product make potential customers’ lives better? Focus on the customer, not the market or competitors

12 Quantified Value What, specifically, are you offering?
What can the customer expect to happen in the short and long term? Focus on things that can be counted or scarcity of other opportunities to do what you are offering.

13 Unique Differentiation
How is your thing different than competitors’ thing? Quality? Quantity? Variety? Geography? Scarcity? Story? Better Targeting? Financial value?

14 Value Proposition is Not:
A slogan A strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats analysis Long (should only be 3-5 sentences long, one paragraph) A pitch (it is not tailored; this is just a statement)

15 Example Value Proposition
Winning Slowly Podcast gives Christian and non- Christian listeners a Christian perspective on personal, professional, and cultural technology use. This helps people use technology more carefully and lead more rightly ordered lives. We offer bi-weekly, half- hour podcast episodes a year on a wide range on contemporary technology issues. It is currently the only active podcast focused on the ethics of technology from a Christian perspective.

16 Example Value Proposition
Relevant: Winning Slowly Podcast gives Christian and non-Christian listeners a Christian perspective on personal, professional, and cultural technology use. Relevant: This helps people use technology more carefully and lead more rightly ordered lives. Quantified Value: We offer bi-weekly, half-hour podcast episodes a year on a wide range on contemporary technology issues. Unique Differentiator: It is currently the only active podcast focused solely on the ethics of technology from a Christian perspective.

17 Let’s go to the worksheets!

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