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General Circulation of the Atmosphere

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Presentation on theme: "General Circulation of the Atmosphere"— Presentation transcript:

1 General Circulation of the Atmosphere
Current Weather/Dorian Update Finish Temperature Wind Essentials   Idealized Global Circulation   Seasonal and Regional Modification For Monday: Read Chapter 5: pp Reminder: Exam I on Friday (9/13)! Review Sheet is posted on AsUlearn.



4 Discussion Where are the coldest places in the world in January? Why?
Where are the coldest places in the world in July? Why? What locations have the greatest Annual Temperature Range?

5 Chapter 4, Figure 4.29 Labeled

6 Coldest Village on Earth

7 Chapter 4, Figure 4.30 Labeled

8 Chapter 4, Figure 4.31 Labeled

9 Chapter 4, Figure 4.32 Labeled

10 What is Wind?

11 Pressure Gradient Figure 6.7

12 Coriolis Force Chapter 5, Figure 5.8 Labeled

13 Coriolis Force Figure 6.9

14 Chapter 5, Figure 5.9 Labeled

15 Energy Budget by Latitude
Figure 4.13



18 Idealized Global Circulation Model
ITCZ – Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone STHP – Sub-Tropical High Pressure SPLP – Sub-Polar Low Pressure PHP – Polar High Pressure

19 Seasonal Patterns Location of the sun’s noon-time vertical rays (i.e., where the sun is directly overhead) helps to control the position of the ITCZ Northern Hemisphere summer, ITCZ and all of the wind and pressure belts migrate to the north North Hemisphere winter, ITCZ and all of the wind and pressure belts migrate to the south

20 Chapter 5, Unnumbered Figure 1, Page 130 Labeled

21 Chapter 5, Unnumbered Figure 1, Page 131 Labeled

22 General Atmospheric Circulation
Figure 6.12

23 General Atmospheric Circulation
Figure 6.12

24 Global Barometric Pressure
Figure 6.10

25 Global Barometric Pressure
Figure 6.10


27 June–July ITCZ Figure 6.11

28 Rossby Waves Giant meanders in upper-level wind patterns: can range from small to large (zonal to meridional flow) Figure 6.16

29 Location of Polar Front and Sub-Polar Low Pressure

30 March 13, 1993

31 Chapter 5, Figure 5.19 Labeled

32 Chapter 5, Figure 5.18 Labeled

33 Monsoonal Winds Figure 6.20

34 Major Ocean Currents Figure 6.21

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