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English Colonization Continued…

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1 English Colonization Continued…

2 Jamestown Settlement It took many years after the failure at Roanoke for England to attempt Colonization again. In 1606 a group of Englishmen first had to get a CHARTER from the King before setting up their colony.

3 CHARTER…. A CHARTER or certificate of permission from the King.
The CHARTER then allowed the Englishmen to form what today is called a joint-stock company.

4 Joint-Stock Company ….Is a company funded and run by a group of investors who share in both the PROFITS and LOSSES of the company First example of these joint-stock companies was called the Virginia Company.

5 ….. In 1607, the Virginia Company sent 100 colonists to Virginia.
These 100 Colonists settled about 60 miles from the mouth of the James River, thus calling their settlement, JAMESTOWN.

6 Trouble at Jamestown Although the Virginia Company had high hopes for England’s second attempt at colonization, Jamestown nearly failed numerous times: Conflict with the natives Unrealistic expectations Location Starvation Poor leadership

7 Reality of life at Jamestown
Back in England, writers were portraying Virginia as a paradise, Ministers gave sermons praising the colony. As a result, by 1623 approx. 5,500 English and other Europeans had migrated to Virginia. Life was so hard at Jamestown that about 4,000 of the settlers died within a short time of arrival.

8 Hard Times in Jamestown, Virginia

9 Comparing Primary Sources
I tell thee, Golde is more plentifull there than Copper is with us…. Why man all their dripping Pans and their Chamber pottes are pure Golde;… and for Rubies and Diamonds, they goe forth on holy-dayes and gather them by the Sea-shore to hang on their childrens Coates and sticke in their Cappes. Of five hundred within six moneths after Captain Smith’s departure, there remained not past sixtie men, women and children, most miserable and poore creatures… So great was our famine, that a savage [Native American] we slew and buried, the poorer sort tooke him up againe and eat him… It were too vile to say and scarce to be beleeved, what we endured.

10 Assignment In partners, you are to create an advertisement that will appear in a British newspaper that would have been used to lure people to Virginia. Must be colored Must include the motivations behind moving to the New World.

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