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3 Pitfalls to avoid WHEN FREELANCING.

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Presentation on theme: "3 Pitfalls to avoid WHEN FREELANCING."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 Pitfalls to avoid WHEN FREELANCING

2 1) Not taking your business seriously
Be Professional File with state Business bank account Taxes Tip: Create a daily schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Catch up on and call clients. Client work, marketing/biz development. Client work, write a blog post. Client work, social media for blog posts. Update clients via and phone. Administrative tasks. R&R? Learn new things and research.

3 2) Never saying “No” Problem Reasons Tip: Discovery process
Take on too much work Can’t specialize or find your niche Reasons You need work Don’t know how to identify ”bad” clients Tip: Discovery process

4 3) Not charging enough Your hourly rate is too low
Other business expenses Tip: Budget!

5 3 Pitfalls to avoid WHEN FREELANCING 1) Not taking your business seriously 2) Never saying “No” 3) Not charging enough To be continued…at WordCamp Lehigh Valley!

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