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The Royal School Bronze 2019-2020.

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Presentation on theme: "The Royal School Bronze 2019-2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Royal School Bronze

2 The Award Volunteering Physical Skill
Minimum of 3 months with an additional 3 months for 1 area. Expedition

3 Volunteering Volunteering gives you the chance to make a difference to people’s lives and use your skills and experience to help your local community. You can use this opportunity to become involved in a project or with an organisation that you care about.

4 Physical Doing physical activity is fun and improves your health and physical fitness. There’s an activity to suit everyone so choose something you are really interested in.

5 Skill Developing a skill helps you get better at something you are really interested in and gives you the confidence and ability to use this skill both now and later in life.

6 Expedition
Going on an expedition gives you the chance to have an adventure, work as a team, and act on your own initiative. We use a company called expedition wales.

7 Equipment

8 Cost and what it covers £225 Welcome pack and eDOfe registation
4 Days training (including practice expedition) and 2 Days Final expedition Dofe license Equipment

9 dates training Weekend 21st and 22nd March 2020
practice expedition Weekend 2nd and 3rd May 2020 final expedition on the 6th and 7th June 2020 All dates must be attended.

10 Next Step Please fill in the enrolment form and complete the payment form.

11 Questions?

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