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2019 Campaign Management Training – AKA Training for Superheros

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Presentation on theme: "2019 Campaign Management Training – AKA Training for Superheros"— Presentation transcript:

1 2019 Campaign Management Training – AKA Training for Superheros
Welcome to your role as a Campaign Manager or as Keyworker for the 2019 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)! Thank you for attending today’s training. I am Tina Englen. This is a professional development opportunity, as you will be the primary point of contact for CFC information and motivation within your agency, increasing your visibility and positively impacting the charities supported through the CFC.

2 What will we cover today?
About the CFC Campaign Manager role and responsibilities Developing your campaign plan 2019 theme and plans Keyworker role and responsibilities How to pledge online Available tools and resources Here’s what we will cover today. We will talk a bit about the CFC, then address your specific role and responsibilities. We will walk through developing your own personalized campaign plan and then I will show you how to find all the tools and resources we have available to help you this year.

3 How the CFC Works for Campaign Workers
The CFC is a federal tradition that facilitates charitable giving within all federal workplaces. The CFC has been around for 58 years and has generated more than $8.3 billion in pledges. This never would happen without the dedication of campaign workers like you! The CFC itself is divided into 36 regional zones. This is a brief overview of how the CFC works for campaign workers. First you prepare for your role (part of which you are doing today!) by attending training, reading through the other tools and resources we have for you, thinking through what your cause is and then making your pledge before you ask other people to give. Then, you invite and inspire your co-workers to give! You will promote the campaign, plan and participate in fun events, involve the CFC-participating charities, and personally ask your co-workers to make a pledge. Your efforts will bring help and hope to millions of people as monetary and volunteer pledges support the thousands of participating charities.

4 How the CFC Works for Donors
This is a brief overview of how the CFC works for donors. Essentially, federal employees and retirees choose a cause they care about and find a CFC-participating charity working in that cause area. Then, they make a pledge using the online pledge portal or on a paper pledge form. They can choose to give via payroll or annuity allotment, by using a bank account, or by using a credit/debit card. Federal employees can even volunteer. All pledge funds are collected by the Central Campaign Administrator and distributed to the charities throughout the year. Charities use these funds to provide their services and make a difference in our local community, across the nation and even around the world.

5 Who can give through the CFC?
* Now, let’s talk about who can give through the CFC. The CFC is a federal program designed to promote and support philanthropy by offering members of the federal community an effective and cost-efficient way to improve the quality of life for all. Here you can see the primary audience for the CFC is federal employees and retirees. Federal contractors are also allowed to give as they are often in your office or unit and may want to participate, but note their options are more limited. They cannot give via payroll/annuity deduction like federal employees and retirees. Everyone can give using a bank account or a credit/debit card using the online pledge system. Or can write a check with a paper pledge form. Federal employees also have the opportunity to pledge volunteer hours to CFC-participating charities that accept them. *Federal employees can also pledge volunteer hours to CFC-participating charities that accept them.

6 How the CFC Works for Charities
Finally, this is a brief overview of how the CFC works for charities. The CFC groups charities into three categories: local, national, and international. Each year, charities apply to be included in the campaign. Members of the federal government review these applications to ensure the charities meet the requirements. The vetted and approved charities can then be included in the charity list for that year. As a participating charity, they can attend events, provide success stories and examples of the impact federal employees can have, and share a video for the Virtual Charity Fair. I will show you where you can find the Virtual Charity Fair later when we tour the website. CFC charities love the campaign because it gives them access to millions of potential donors in the federal community and an unrestricted source of funding they can count on throughout the year.

7 Cause of the Week Calendar
One other important aspect of the 2019 campaign is our plan to highlight a cause of the week. This is the cause of the week schedule. We have a whole toolkit filled with resources to help you promote the cause of the week in your agencies. More information on Cause of the Week can be found on our website.

8 2019 Campaign Theme Cause focused Expanded color palette
Illustrated approach We have some pretty big plans for the 2019 campaign starting with the theme which evolves the popular Show Some Love from previous years through the addition of several new colors (turquoise, yellow, and magenta) and a fun illustrated approach to highlight federal employees’ causes. I will be showing you more examples of materials throughout the presentation and you can always find all of our materials available on our website Choose your cause and Show Some Love today.

9 2019 Campaign Video This short video, which can be found on the homepage of our website, shows what the CFC is all about.

10 2019 Campaign Video This short video, which can be found on the homepage of our website, shows what the CFC is all about.

11 Draw your cause. Share your sketch. Tell your story.
Now, its time to get you thinking about a cause that is important to you. Sketch Boards are on our website and are great tools for getting keyworkers and leadership involved. OR Now, its time to get you thinking about a cause that is important to you. I am going to pass out these Sketch Boards and give you a second to quickly draw out your cause. You don’t have to be an artist, stick figure drawing will do! Maybe you care about youth sports, or literacy, or supporting military families, or providing housing for the homeless, or finding homes for shelter dogs or cats… [give them some time to draw and then maybe ask a few volunteers to share their cause] Thank you for sharing! Those causes are great!

12 Why the CFC? Now I want to talk to you about WHY the CFC is important. This campaign has some very special advantages. Here are six great reasons why people should choose to give through the CFC.

13 The Hard Part is done! Now I want to talk to you about WHY the CFC is important. This campaign has some very special advantages. As a Keyworker, it is really important for you to share this information with the members of your office/unit. I am going to give you six great reasons why people should choose to give through the CFC. First, the hard work is already done! All of the charities participating in the campaign have applied, been reviewed and vetted, and approved to participate. All you have to do is find the one whose mission aligns with the cause you are passionate about supporting.

14 It’s So Convenient Second, it is very convenient, especially to give via payroll allotment. You can set up your pledge once a year and then rest assured that for the course of the year, your dollars are going to the charities you selected. This lets you spread your gift over the course of the year and give a little each pay period, which can add up to a significant amount by the end of the year.

15 Choose your Favorites Third, you get to choose your favorite charities. There are thousands of charities to choose from working in all kinds of different cause areas, so there is something for everyone. And you can choose as many as you want. Again, you set up your pledge once a year and then everything is automated.

16 It’s easy to RENEW Fourth, it is easy to renew when you use the online pledge system. Your pledge is saved year over year and you can simply reload your gift basket, which is a new feature for You can log on any time to print a copy of your pledge for taxes and to watch your funds be distributed to your charities throughout the year.

17 You can even Volunteer Fifth, federal employees can even volunteer to CFC-participating charities that accept volunteer hours. This allows people to give their time and talent in addition to their money.

18 We can have a BIG impact Our Zone $968,466 donated
4,917 volunteer hours valued at $209,853 1,045 charities helped Average donor contribution $462 Sixth – this campaign has a BIG impact. Charities have come to depend on the millions of dollars generously given through the CFC each year. In 2018, our zone raised $968,466 donated 4,917 volunteer hours valued at $209,853 1,045 charities helped Average donor contribution $462

19 Ok, the CFC sounds great! But, what do I have to do as a Campaign Manager, or Keyworker?
Let’s talk about your role and responsibilities.

20 Campaign Management Responsibilities
PRE-CAMPAIGN Attend training Develop a plan Review agency structure Brief leadership Train Keyworkers Meet with other internal teams Order/print supplies DURING CAMPAIGN Promote the campaign Hold events Meet with Keyworkers Brief leadership Collect/submit pledges POST CAMPAIGN Recognition Close out Report back Your role can be divided into three parts; what you need to do before the campaign; during the campaign; and after the campaign. In today's training, we are going to focus on the pre-campaign responsibilities which you can see comprise the longest list. In particular, we will focus on developing a campaign plan which will cover some of the during the campaign and post-campaign activities. You will leave here today with the foundation of your campaign plan. You can already check off the first responsibility on the list. Doesn’t it feel great to mark something off the list?

21 THE TEAM! Develop your plan… Phase 1: Build your team
How will you identify Keyworkers? Remember the ratio: 1:25 Other internal teams (publicity, events, technology) Phase 2: Train your team EVERYONE should be trained You? Or CFC staff? Where? When? Phase 3: Motivate your team Meetings – how often? Where? How? Recognition Campaign worker only event Campaign Plan is highly encouraged, create a campaign plan and present to your leadership for approval and ultimate buy in for the success of your agencies campaign First, you will need to build a team of Keyworkers to implement the campaign. How will you do this? Will your leadership send out a request, a memo, a tasking order? What is the process to get this done? As you plan to build your team, you will need to review and consider the structure of your agency/installation and make sure you have coverage in every office/unit/department. And you won’t just need Keyworkers, you might need other support too. Do you have public affairs or internal marketing support you can call on? What about a committee to help you plan and implement campaign events? And what about technology support? Next you need to think through training your Keyworkers. They should ALL receive training. We will be having Online and some In Person training. If you are interested, Please get with me after this training. There will also be a Pre-recorded Training on our website. How will you ensure all Keyworkers have been trained? Finally, you will need a plan on how to keep your team motivated. Will you have periodic or regular check-in meetings? Send follow-up s? Provide recognition (maybe have your leadership sign certificates or letters of recognition?). You could even consider having a campaign-worker only event – a potluck or if allowed a day of service (volunteering) with a CFC-charity.

22 LEADERSHIP SUPPORT! Develop your plan…
Visible/Tangible Leadership Support Includes Helping to recruit Keyworkers Public CFC endorsements Set CFC goal Attend campaign events Publicly make a pledge Offer incentives Recognition Think about ways your agency/installation leadership could help you promote the campaign. While the CFC does not allow coercion (leaders can’t directly ask subordinates to make a pledge, set 100% participation goals, or set a per-person giving amount), they CAN and SHOULD provide general visible and tangible support for the CFC. Examples of this type of support include: Helping to recruit Keyworkers (signing memo/task order) Sending memo/ to all staff endorsing the campaign Filming or recording a video or audio message Appearing on local radio or TV stations (if possible) Asking all subordinate managers to endorse the campaign Setting a CFC goal for your agency/installation Attending campaign events Being the first to publicly make a pledge Supporting the cause of the week (maybe even getting other leaders involved and having each choose and support via memo and/or social media one of the causes of the week) Offering incentives (i.e. lunch, parking space, time off) – for event contest winners Leading/hosting contests Sending thank you at the end of the campaign Recognizing campaign workers (signing certificates, sending a personal , attending recognition ceremony)

23 PUBLICITY! Develop your plan… Posters Table tents Website/intranet
Newsletters/local paper Digital screens Social media One of the keys to the success of the CFC is publicity, publicity, publicity. Research has shown it takes four to six touchpoints with something before a person takes action. If your Keyworkers are making the ask and following up with the members of your agency, then you can help by ensuring everyone sees the campaign in other places. Some common ways to promote the campaign include: Hanging up posters and flyers – try to concentrate on high traffic areas – putting something above the microwave in the breakroom is always a good idea Use the table tents – you can print these in your office and use them at events, in breakrooms, in sitting areas Work with your technology folks to add a special CFC page to your website or intranet site where members of your agency/installation can come to see your own campaign progress, read messages from leadership, learn about upcoming events, etc. Publish articles or advertisements about the CFC in your agency newsletter or local paper. We have templates you can use and customize to make this easier. If your agency or installation uses digital screens, use these to promote the cause of the week or push these through your computer network as splash screens everyone sees when they log in each day Promote the campaign via the agency/installation social media pages Here are some ways to help you publicize your campaign. General Posters Barometer Poster Advertisements of Events Pre-Written Communications on our website Social Media Posts if you have that for your Agency, Unit etc… Success Stories, have a charity or a Leadership or someone in the agency tell the story about success stories Virtual Charity Fair, this is on our website you choose the CFC zone and then the Cause and you will be able to watch uploaded videos from the charities that choose to take part in the Fair.

24 Develop your plan… General Posters Barometer Poster Table Tents
Advertisements Pre-written Communications Social Media Posts Success Stories Virtual Charity Fair Here are some ways to help you publicize your campaign. General Posters Barometer Poster Advertisements of Events Pre-Written Communications on our website Social Media Posts if you have that for your Agency, Unit etc… Success Stories, have a charity or a Leadership or someone in the agency tell the story about success stories Virtual Charity Fair, this is on our website you choose the CFC zone and then the Cause and you will be able to watch uploaded videos from the charities that choose to take part in the Fair.

25 EVENTS! Develop your plan… Available Resources Event Guide
Event Presentation Event Video Event Toolkit FB Live Events are so important! When done well, they increase participation in the campaign, motivate campaign workers, increase donations for charities, make you (the organizer) look like a rock star to your leadership, and even boost morale in your workplace. Plus, events are FUN! Encourage Coordinators to turn any event into a “Facebook Live” event and ask them to contact us to learn how if needed I recommend you put together an event committee to help you. Sometimes you can find some co-workers who are really into putting together exciting events. The more unique and creative, the better! We have several resources to help you. There is a whole event guide that will walk you through the process and give you tons of ideas. There is an Event Presentation you can use with your event committee to get everyone started. The Event Video is an overview of how to have a successful event. And there is an Event Toolkit filled with tools to help you execute your event. In the toolkit you will find some Event Templates we’ve created with recommended event types that are “tried and true.” We even have flyers you can download and customize your with date/time/location info!

26 Develop your plan…. EVENTS!
WHY HAVE CAMPAIGN EVENTS? Taking the time to plan well-organized, interesting campaign events will pay off in the overall success of the CFC in your department, agency, or installation. Campaign events help educate donors about the CFC and its participating charities, promote federal employee engagement, and encourage participation in the campaign. Campaign events can be powerful. Donors are motivated when hearing directly from charities about the incredible impact CFC donations have on the lives of people in need.   EVENT PLANNING GUIDELINES AND REGULATIONS Campaign events offer an additional touch point with potential contributors, but they do not replace the necessity of the personal ask, which is best accomplished through one-on-one contact by a Keyworker. Cash fundraising events are not permitted under CFC regulations. However, events are a great way to educate your colleagues on how to make their pledge. Have trained campaign workers in attendance to answer questions regarding donation options. Feel free to demo the online pledge portal and have paper Pledge Forms and Pledge Tip Cards available.  Always follow your department or agency's specific regulations and ethics guidelines when planning events. This includes obtaining proper approvals before your event. CFC funds cannot be used to purchase food or drink. Food and beverages can be donated (e.g., a potluck luncheon).  CFC funds cannot be used to purchase prizes or entertainment.

27 Develop your plan…. EVENTS!
AWARENESS EVENTS These events educate your community on the options and benefits of supporting charities through the CFC. Invite guest speakers such as leaders at your agency or installation and representatives from CFC-supported charities. These events are a great way to spread the word about the campaign and build motivation to support charities through the CFC. Awareness events can be held at the beginning of the campaign (e.g., a kickoff event) or throughout the campaign (e.g., a charity fair). SPECIAL EVENTS These events are often held in conjunction with an event that is already taking place at your agency or installation (e.g., leadership calls and staff meetings, farewell parties, bazaars, training/safety days, etc.). Hosting a friendly CFC competitive event can boost energy around the campaign and add a fun element to an existing event (e.g., push up contest) and provide bragging rights to the winning office or unit. This year, consider planning special events in support of the Cause of the Week, #GivingTuesday (Dec. 3), International Volunteer Day (Dec. 5), or the last five days of the campaign.  RECOGNITION EVENTS Recognition events allow department, agency, or installation leaders to publicly recognize and thank campaign workers for their dedication and thank all employees for their generosity through the CFC. These are usually held toward the end of the campaign, as a finale event, or even a few weeks after the completion of the campaign. TYPES OF EVENTS From kickoff to closing out the campaign, events are critical to encourage participation and increase awareness. Events can be part of something already scheduled, like inviting a charity speaker to weekly staff meetings, or they can be a stand-alone, like a chili cook-off. See the Event Planning Guide for more event ideas. AWARENESS EVENTS These events educate your community on the options and benefits of supporting charities through the CFC. Invite guest speakers such as leaders at your agency or installation and representatives from CFC-supported charities. These events are a great way to spread the word about the campaign and build motivation to support charities through the CFC. Awareness events can be held at the beginning of the campaign (e.g., a kickoff event) or throughout the campaign (e.g., a charity fair). SPECIAL EVENTS These events are often held in conjunction with an event that is already taking place at your agency or installation (e.g., leadership calls and staff meetings, farewell parties, bazaars, training/safety days, etc.). Hosting a friendly CFC competitive event can boost energy around the campaign and add a fun element to an existing event (e.g., push up contest) and provide bragging rights to the winning office or unit. This year, consider planning special events in support of the Cause of the Week that was earlier and it is on the website. #GivingTuesday (Dec. 3), During this season of giving thanks, #GivingTuesday is an opportunity to help those who are less fortunate. This annual day of giving is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others – just like the CFC! Let’s show the country the generosity of the federal community by making #GivingTuesday the biggest one-day pledge total during the entire campaign. International Volunteer Day (Dec. 5), The last five days of the campaign.  RECOGNITION EVENTS Recognition events allow department, agency, or installation leaders to publicly recognize and thank campaign workers for their dedication and thank all employees for their generosity through the CFC. These are usually held toward the end of the campaign, as a finale event, or even a few weeks after the completion of the campaign. HOW TO PLAN A SUCCESSFUL EVENT Establish an active event planning committee. Recruit committee members from all areas and include a variety of ranks/pay grades. Assign each committee member a specific task and deadline. Encourage creativity! Request leadership support. Ask leadership to send an invitation to CFC events. Invite leadership to speak at and/or participate in CFC events. Publicize leadership participation via your website, intranet, newsletter, social media, etc. Motivate your co-workers to attend. Ensure there is a "draw" (e.g., a prize, a competition, free food). Make it fun! Publicize, publicize, publicize be sure everyone knows about the event and is reminded to attend. Utilize the Event Planning Checklist. See the Event Planning Guide for more tips on how to plan a successful CFC event.

28 MATERIALS! Develop your plan… What is available: How to get them.
How to distribute to Keyworkers. Paper Pledge Form Posters Charity List Barometer Poster Here is what is available for IKSO. All these are on the website The paper pledge form is one page with one carbon to provide the donor with a receipt they can use for tax purposes. Form has option for volunteer hours. Online pledges are easy and will eventually be the only way to contribute through the CFC.

29 Prepare for your role. Attend Training Review online resources
Campaign Management Guide Event Guide Planning a CFC event video Sketch Cards Report Envelope Summary

30 Prepare for your role. Attend training. Review online resources.
Keyworker Checklist Keyworker Guide Making the Ask Video Event Guide Placeholder For Keyworker Guide Picture In a little bit, I will show you the website and where to find these training resources. For now, just know we have plenty to help you get ready for the campaign.

31 Keyworker Checklist Attend a training session. Get your supplies.
Publicize the Campaign. Practice Giving. Ask each of your co-workers to participate. Follow up. Submit completed paper pledge forms. Express Gratitude. As you can see, the Keyworker Checklist outlines eight main things you are responsible for as a Keyworker. You can go ahead and check off the first thing right now! Your Campaign Manager will let you know where/how-to pick-up materials and other supplies. Everything is on our Website as well. There are several ideas here on how to publicize the campaign and I will be showing you some of the tools and resources we have available to help you do that. We will also walk through the online pledge system so you can get a feel for how to pledge online. We will look at a paper pledge form. We will also spend some time practicing how to talk to your co-workers about the CFC. Finally how to follow up, collect paper pledge forms, and thank your co-workers for participating. For each item on your checklist, I will talk you through what tools and resources we have to help you complete each item.

32 Practice Giving. When signing up for the first time, follow the prompts to create and verify your account. The system will send you a unique PIN to your address. Check your Junk Mail if it doesn’t arrive! Choose your security questions. Under Type of Donor select either Federal Employee, Retiree/Beneficiary, or Federal Contractor, depending upon your employment status. The system will require different information depending on donor type.

33 Online Pledging This is the new easy convenient way to renew your online giving.

34 Online Pledging Search for Charities Search by:
Charity – Name, CFC #, EIN, or keyword Location Near – City, state, or ZIP Code Select a Category – Organizations are sorted by categories such as education, healthcare, and public safety Select a Zone – Choose from organizations in a specific CFC regional zone Select an Administrative Fundraising Rate – Fundraising rate is the percentage of funding that goes to service work FSYP, FSYA, and MWR Only – Organizations with a military association Volunteer opportunities available – Select this box to search those organizations who accept volunteers Once you enter or choose the criteria, click on Search for Charities.

35 Online Pledging Click the “Add” button when you fine the charity you want 1. Sort your results by selecting the Sort By tab. You can sort the results by Listing Print Order, Name, EIN, CFC code, City, Category, Zone, or Administrative and Fundraising Rate 2. The site will confirm that you saved the charity to your Pledge Cart. 3. Once you are done adding charities, click on Checkout. 4. Once in the Pledge Cart, select a method and frequency for your pledge from the drop-down menu. Depending on the method chosen, different frequencies will be available. Set the pledge amount. Filling in the annual amount will populate the other frequency amounts and vice versa. Minimum contribution amounts via payroll deduction are $1 per pay period per charity. The minimum credit card donation is $10.

36 Online Pledging Finally, select what percentage of the pledge should be allocated to each charity, Enter in any amount of volunteer hours desired Choose whether to include donor information When ready, click “Continue With Your Pledge.”

37 Online Pledging Share Pledge and Contact Information

38 Online Pledging By default, donations are anonymous unless you select/check the YES, share my information box AND enter address information on the Information Sharing page. Users can choose to share pledge amount, , volunteer hours, and home address information. Keep information private by deselecting the associated box(es). Include only personal s; do not include government-issued s. If you elect to volunteer for an organization, you may wish to share your contact information for the charity to contact you. Otherwise, you will need to contact the charity directly.

39 Online Pledging Check the box next to Confirm My Pledge and select and click on the Submit Pledge tab to finalize.

40 Online Pledging The next message confirms “Your Annual Pledge” a second time. Note the link that says, “You have a thank-you note from a charity!” Clicking here will allow you to read a pre-written thank-you note from one or more of the charities you gave to.

41 How to Read the CFC Charity Brochure
5 Digit Agency Code Agency Name and Contact Info. and Website. Along with the Agency Description FreeStore FoodBank 1141 Central Parkway CINCINNATI, OH (513) EIN Freestore Foodbank’s mission is to improve lives by eliminating hunger in partnership with our community by providing nutritious food, connecting to supportive services and offering a pathway from crisis to stability % J,K,P Agency Tax ID SLIDE 21 How to read the CFC Charity Brochure 5 Digit Agency Code Agency Name Agency Contact Info Agency Tax ID Taxonomy Codes The Service Categories (Taxonomy Codes) categorize the types of services that most charitable organizations offer. Charities self-select up to three alpha-codes (shown below) for inclusion in the CFC charity list. Charities that did not select at least one category are assigned “Z” for “Other.” The National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) classification system provides 26 top-level categories for charity services. This system, developed by the Johns Hopkins University National Center for Charitable Statistics, is widely used in the non-profit community. This one is…… J=Employment K=Food, Agriculture and Nutrition P= Human Services For additional guidance on selecting charities, visit the CFC website at Administrative and Fundraising Rate this is the percentage of funding that goes to service work not expenses. Agency Description The RAISED HAND logo indicates the charity accepts volunteers as a means of donation. Administrative and Fundraising Rate Taxonomy Codes page 41

42 Make the ask. Tell your story. Explain the benefits of the CFC.
Ask about their favorite cause. Invite your co-workers to pledge. Thank your co-workers for their time. This is your number one responsibility as a Keyworker. Offering every federal employee the informed opportunity to give through the CFC is a regulatory requirement. Personally talking with your co-workers is the best way to do this. You might be wondering “what is my story?” Well, remember earlier when you drew your cause and then talked about it? That is your story. Here is an example “My cause is…” That’s it! Pretty simple, right? Then you want to talk about why the CFC is great. And we have a tool to help you. It is called the response card. These will be provided to you in your supplies (if the zone is printing them) or you can print them off from the website. Use this as a prompt to remember the six reasons to give through the CFC. You can ask them about their favorite cause and then show them how to use the online charity search to search for CFC-participating causes in that cause area. Then you will have to make the ask “Will you consider making a pledge this year? Every bit helps!” You can let them know the back of the Response Card is their opportunity, if they choose, to let you know what they decided. Don’t forget to thank them for their time and for considering making a pledge through the CFC. [You can role play making the ask by asking for volunteers or by pairing participants off and having them “ask” each other to give through the CFC.]

43 Follow up. After making the ask, you will want to follow up with your co-workers. It takes four to six touchpoints before someone takes action. A few great ways to follow up are: Go around and ask if they have any questions, need assistance, etc., and collect any completed response cards they choose to return; Use the Sketch Cards or Sketch Boards to make a cause wall in your office/unit; Send reminder s (we have prewritten templates you can use); Hold or participate in a CFC event.

44 Collect completed pledge forms.
If any of your co-workers decide to pledge using a paper pledge form, it will be up to you to collect them, check them for errors, and pass them off to your Campaign Manager. HANDLING PAPER PLEDGES Although giving online is easier than ever, some donors may still prefer to give using a paper pledge form. If so, they can submit forms directly to their Keyworker. If pledge forms are submitted to you, they must be stored in a secure location until they are able to be delivered to the Campaign Manager. Forms should be reviewed for legibility, details, and calculation of the charity allocations. COMMON PLEDGE FORM ERRORS Having donors submit their paper pledge form to a campaign worker allows the campaign worker to check for common pledge form errors. All required fields (marked with an asterisk *) must be completed. Pledge forms missing required information will experience processing delays and/or potentially will not be able to be processed. Please advise donors NOT to wait until the end of the campaign to turn in their pledge form. The most common pledge form errors include: Illegible writing Total gift and charity designation amounts are not the same Funds are undesignated (all funds must be designated using a 5-digit charity code) Reporting Unit information is missing or not accurate (ensure the correct Department/Command, Agency/Installation, and Office/Unit information has been entered) Authorizations portion is NOT signed Social Security number is missing for a payroll deduction pledge (Social Security numbers are only needed for payroll deduction) Donors who wish to submit a confidential pledge may insert their pledge form in a plain white envelope and write "confidential" on the outside. Campaign workers should not open these envelopes, but rather submit them straight to the Central Campaign Administrator's (CCA) CFC Processing Center. NOTE: Donors may mail their pledge directly to the CCA themselves and if requested should be provided with the processing center mailing address.

45 Submitting Pledges! How to accept pledge forms from Keyworkers?
Store securely Plan for postage Bundle payroll pledges and check pledges separately by unit/office and complete a summary for each bundle Many donors will use the online pledge portal to make their pledge, but some may still prefer to use a good old paper pledge form. If they do, they will submit the form to their Keyworker, who will review the form for accuracy and prevent errors. Then the Keyworker will submit the form(s) to you. You will need to think through this process: Will you accept submissions on a certain day of the week? Or could you arrange a secure drop-off location? Make sure you have a secure place to store pledge forms until you are ready to send them to the CCA. Double-check (with your leadership or their administrative support) on how you will pay for postage to mail these. When you get ready to send pledge forms, if your agency has more than one CFC reporting unit, ensure the forms are bundled by unit and that each has its own cover sheet with the appropriate CFC unit number, zip code, and Department, Agency, Office designation. Further, payroll pledges should be a separate bundle from check pledges.

46 Express gratitude. Always thank everyone for their time and for considering a donation through the CFC. You can use the pre-printed Thank You cards or download and print them from the website. Personalize your thank you by handwriting a note on the back.

47 I’m ready! What’s next? Now, let’s talk about what we have available to help you. We have already talked about some of these things, so some of this is a review.

48 Review of Available Tools/Resources
PUBLICITY MATERIALS General Posters Barometer Poster Table Tents Advertisements Pre-written Communications Social Media Posts Success Stories Virtual Charity Fair TOOLKITS Start Strong Cause of the Week Event Spirit Week Finish Strong Thank You TRAINING RESOURCES Campaign Management Guide Event Guide Event Presentation How to Have a Successful Event Video I am going to do a quick review of all the tools and resources and materials we have discussed today and then I will show you where to find them on the website. There are three categories of materials and resources you can use during the campaign: training resources; publicity materials; and toolkits. Let’s start with training resources. Obviously, you are attending today’s training, which is fantastic. But, are you going to be able to remember everything we talk about today? Realistically, probably not. So, we have a detailed Campaign Management Guide which you can use as a guidebook throughout the campaign. We also have the Event Guide, Event Presentation and Event Video to help you plan events. Publicity materials include the things you will use to help promote the campaign in your agency/office/unit. And finally the six toolkits have ready-to-use communications, social media posts, activity ideas, and templates to help you kick off the campaign (the Start Strong Toolkit), promote the Cause of the Week using the Cause of the Week Toolkit, host amazing campaign events using the Event Toolkit, implement CFC Spirit week after Thanksgiving using the Spirit Week Toolkit, push the campaign to a successful conclusion with the Finish Strong Toolkit, and then use the resources in the Thank You Toolkit after the campaign is over.

49 How to navigate the website…
The Homepage! All of these resources and tools can be found on our website – which is a one-stop shop for everything you could need.

50 How to navigate the website…
Resources page! From the Campaign Workers drop-down menu at the top of the page, click “Resources” to be taken to the resources page. From here you can choose training materials, various categories of promotional materials, and the toolkits. You can also click the link to Donor Campaign Materials.

51 Thank you Remember, your efforts as a campaign worker will have a huge impact on the CFC-participating charities and those they serve. To recognize your hard work, we have a little gift for you at the end of the campaign. You will each receive a [insert campaign worker recognition program here].

52 Questions? Are there any questions I can answer today?

53 Stay in Touch! Tina Englen
Here is the website one more time and my contact info. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

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