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At least 6 images that relate to the festival

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1 At least 6 images that relate to the festival
Homework : Common task 1 1. Research into three different festivals of light and explain the purpose of the festivals 2. Create a mind map for each festival using a whole page of your book for each mind map. It must include: Name of festival, Reason for it, Dates of the festival, At least 6 images that relate to the festival They will need this homework for their next lesson

2 Lesson 1 HW Example 1: CHRISTMAS
Christmas is celebrated with a massive show of light. We illuminate Christmas trees, decorate our houses, burn candles and light up our streets. This festival celebrates the birth of Jesus on December 25th. The Germanic tribes worshiped the evergreen tree, a symbol of eternal light, the Druids of France and England favoured the mistletoe. We still believe it is lucky to kiss underneath this. Traditional foods of Christmas are the fruit cake with European soldiers being sent dried fruits Other images associated with Christmas use shepherds and kings: stables, animals and a shining star are also commonly associated with this festival Lesson 1

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