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Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

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1 Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0 Workshop Host Thomas Dunn Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt MyGemba: Owner PH: Thomas Dunn LSSMBB Houston Texas

2 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Learning Topics OpEx Mgmt. at 50,000ft Picking the Right Battles 1,000ft Winning Battles 1,000ft Exercises Ideation Prioritization Selection Develop People Effective Project Teams Effective Project Support Steering Committee Meeting Process Wrap it Up

3 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
OpEx Management at 50,000ft OpEx Mgmt. Win Each Battle Win Each Battle Pick Right Battles Managing an Operational Excellence deployment comes down to two things. How well can we pick the right battles to fight and how well can we fight those battles.

4 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Picking & Winning Battles at 1,000ft OpEx Mgmt. Pick Right Battles Win Each Battle Ideation Prioritization Selection Develop People Lead Projects Support Projects Picking the right battles consists of three sub processes. A robust Ideation process that allows for a free flowing of process improvement opportunities based on the Voice of the Customer, Voice of the Business, and Voice of the Process. Winning each battle also contains three sub processes. Developing the resources needed to execute the various process improvement roles, leading process improvement projects, and supporting improvement teams. Based on the voice of the Customer, Business and, Process Based on Leadership, Training and, Teamwork

5 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Ideation Management OpEx Mgmt. Pick Right Battles Win Each Battle Ideation Prioritization Selection Develop People Lead Projects Support Projects Go to: Next Slide Based on the voice of the Customer, Business and, Process Based on Leadership, Training and, Teamwork

6 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Ideation Management OpEx Mgmt. Pick Right Battles Win Each Battle Ideation Prioritization Selection Develop People Lead Projects Support Projects There are many sub processes that can help gather the Voice of the Customer, Voice of the Business, and Voice of the Process. MyGemba provides a method for each of them. Voice of the B/P/C Hoshin Kanri Value Stream Data Performance Data OEE & Downtime Data Based on the voice of the Customer, Business and, Process Based on Leadership, Training and, Teamwork

7 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Prioritization Management OpEx Mgmt. Pick Right Battles Win Each Battle Ideation Prioritization Selection Develop People Lead Projects Support Projects Now that the Ideation Process has been implemented, we must prioritize each of the Process Improvement Ideas so that they are ranked based on each opportunities business impact and improvement risk. Based on the voice of the Customer, Business and, Process Based on Leadership, Training and, Teamwork

8 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Project Selection OpEx Mgmt. Pick Right Battles Win Each Battle Ideation Prioritization Selection Develop People Lead Projects Support Projects Based on resource availability and process improvement priority, improvement projects can be launched. If you do not need processes to be improved do not train resources to improve them. If you do train resources to improve processes, ensure they are fully utilized and continually applying there skills. Based on the voice of the Customer, Business and, Process Based on Leadership, Training and, Teamwork

9 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Project Selection OpEx Manager Project Leader/Team Champion Mentor MANAGEMENT TEAM: Management provides the time money and resources needed to acquire the necessary skills and conditions for success. People paying for the companies products and services are the customers of any businesses however, the Management team is the customer of the Lean Six Sigma deployment. They need to play a strong role in deciding which projects get launched. If we focus on Managements priorities they will consistently provide us with the time, money, and resources we need for success. For each project that gets launched a Project Leader is assigned to lead the improvement team A Champion is assigned to help remove road blocks that could hinder the success of the project team. A Mentor is assigned to help teams through analytical challenges

10 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Project Selection OpEx Mgmt. Pick Right Battles Win Each Battle Improve Critical Processes Project Selection: Management needs to play a key role in project selection. They are the Project Leaders customer. If Project Leaders work on Managements most important issues, Management will support Project Leaders by ensuring they receive the time, money, and resources needed for success. It is this synergy that builds a relationship between the Management team and the Improvement Teams. Synergy Loop Select/ Support Projects

11 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Developing People OpEx Mgmt. Pick Right Battles Win Each Battle Ideation Prioritization Selection Develop People Lead Projects Support Projects It is very important the Improvement Team Members, Team Leaders and Champions receive the training needed. This will enable them to fulfill the role and responsibilities they are assigned. Based on the voice of the Customer, Business and, Process Based on Leadership, Training and, Teamwork

12 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Developing People OpEx Mgmt. Pick Right Battles Win Each Battle Ideation Prioritization Selection Develop People Lead Projects Support Projects Executive Leadership team members must consistently support, pay for, and provide time to all people playing a role in process improvements. Champions need to help remove roadblocks. They must also know how to detect when improvement teams are at risk. Mentors can not be produced with out experience. People who have the most experience should help mentor team leaders that have less experience. Improvement team leaders need advance training to allow them to comfortably lead process improvement projects and teams. Team member need a general awareness regarding the process improvement methodology they are supporting. Executive Leadership CI/PI Project Champion CI/PI Project Mentors CI/PI Project Leaders CI/PI Team Members Based on the voice of the Customer, Business and, Process Based on Leadership, Training and, Teamwork

13 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Leading Projects OpEx Mgmt. Pick Right Battles Win Each Battle Ideation Prioritization Selection Develop People Lead Projects Support Projects Team leaders must encourage team creativity while adhering tightly to the improvement methodology. MyGemba provides the required procedure to follow with out affecting creativity. Based on the voice of the Customer, Business and, Process Based on Leadership, Training and, Teamwork

14 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Supporting Projects OpEx Mgmt. Pick Right Battles Win Each Battle Ideation Prioritization Selection Develop People Lead Projects Support Projects Improvement teams often have limited authority and therefore can find themselves faced with obstacles that can not be removed with out management support. This is the main responsibility of the project champion. Improvement team leaders are often not the subject matter expert of the process being improved. Their team must be made up of subject matter experts. They are best suited for making and sustaining all improvements. The team leader simply guides the team through the improvement process. Based on the voice of the Customer, Business and, Process Based on Leadership, Training and, Teamwork

15 OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0
Supporting Projects OpEx Mgmt. Pick Right Battles Win Each Battle Ideation Prioritization Selection Develop People Lead Projects Support Projects Improvement teams often have limited authority and therefore can find themselves faced with obstacles that can not be removed with out management support. This is the main responsibility of the project champion. Improvement team leaders are often not the subject matter expert of the process being improved. Their team must be made up of subject matter experts. They are best suited for making and sustaining all improvements. The team leader simply guides the team through the improvement process. Executive Leadership CI/PI Project Champion CI/PI Project Mentors CI/PI Project Leaders CI/PI Team Members Based on the voice of the Customer, Business and, Process Based on Leadership, Training and, Teamwork

16 Set and Communicate Schedule
Start OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0 Projects at Risk Status Review Steering Committee Meeting Project Champion explains what caused the project issue New Opportunity Review/ Prioritize Project Champion explains actions have been taken to resolve the issue Resource Availability Review Centralized Project Hopper Submit New Project Opportunities Project Champion explains the expected impact from the actions taken Pull System RISK AREA Project Selection Project Champion/Coach All Reports: Project/Event Leader Event Team PI & CI Execution Set and Communicate Schedule Finished Training

17 Set and Communicate Schedule
Start OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0 Projects at Risk Status Review Steering Committee Meeting Project Champion explains what caused the project issue New Opportunity Review/ Prioritize Project Champion explains actions have been taken to resolve the issue Resource Availability Review Centralized Project Hopper Submit New Project Opportunities Project Champion explains the expected impact from the actions taken Pull System RISK AREA Project Selection Project Champion/Coach All Reports: On Time Delivery Report: Project/Event Leader Event Team PI & CI Execution Set and Communicate Schedule Finished Training

18 Set and Communicate Schedule
Start OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0 Projects at Risk Status Review Steering Committee Meeting Project Champion explains what caused the project issue New Opportunity Review/ Prioritize Project Champion explains actions have been taken to resolve the issue Resource Availability Review Centralized Project Hopper Submit New Project Opportunities Project Champion explains the expected impact from the actions taken Pull System RISK AREA Project Selection Project Champion/Coach All Reports: Review & Prioritize: Project/Event Leader Event Team PI & CI Execution Set and Communicate Schedule Finished Training

19 Set and Communicate Schedule
Start OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0 Projects at Risk Status Review Steering Committee Meeting Project Champion explains what caused the project issue New Opportunity Review/ Prioritize Project Champion explains actions have been taken to resolve the issue Resource Availability Review Centralized Project Hopper Submit New Project Opportunities Project Champion explains the expected impact from the actions taken Pull System RISK AREA Project Selection Project Champion/Coach All Reports: Resource Utilization: Project/Event Leader Event Team PI & CI Execution Set and Communicate Schedule Finished Training

20 Set and Communicate Schedule
Start OpEx Mgmt. Digital Workshop 4.0 Projects at Risk Status Review Steering Committee Meeting Project Champion explains what caused the project issue New Opportunity Review/ Prioritize Project Champion explains actions have been taken to resolve the issue Resource Availability Review Centralized Project Hopper Submit New Project Opportunities Project Champion explains the expected impact from the actions taken Pull System RISK AREA Project Selection Project Champion/Coach All Reports: Project Selection: Project/Event Leader Event Team PI & CI Execution Set and Communicate Schedule Finished Training

21 Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Workshop Host Thomas Dunn Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt MyGemba: Owner PH: Discussion Thomas Dunn LSSMBB Houston Texas Login: Free Sight: Slide Deck:

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