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Presentation on theme: "U. S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: The U. S"— Presentation transcript:

1 3. 27. 19. U. S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: 1794 - The U. S
U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: The U.S. Congress and President Washington authorized the creation of the U.S. Navy Filipino rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo was captured by the U.S "Mother" Jones was ordered to leave the state of Colorado. She was accused of stirring up striking coal miners Tokeo Yoshikawa arrived in Oahu, HI, and began spying for Japan on the U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor Four-month long strikes at both General Electric and General Motors ended with a wage increase The U.S. Eighth Army reached the 38th parallel in Korea, the original dividing line between the two Koreas Khrushchev became the chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers & First Secretary of the Communist Party Yuri Gagarin, the first man to orbit the earth, died in a plane crash Dexter King met with James Earl Ray. Ray was in prison for the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Zacarias Moussaoui testified that he was supposed to hijack a fifth airplane on 9/11/2001 and fly it into the White House – Cole Adam Forster was born. BELL WORK: PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR OCTOBER SKY 6 SQUARE & PASS FORWARD. AGENDA: COLLEGIATE ACADEMY PRESENTATION. FINISH THE MOVIE OCTOBER SKY & WORKSHEET. HOMEWORK: WORK ON UNIT 7 VOCABULARY.

2 October Sky Accuracy Activity
Using your phone or a computer, find the truth behind October Sky. 1. Research two historical errors made in the movie. What did the movie makers get wrong? 2. Why do you think they changed “history”? 3. Do you think these historical changes should have been made?

3 October Sky Facts AUK 31: flew 31,000 feet = 5.8 miles Homer Hickam
Graduated from Virginia Tech Served in U.S. army 6 years, Captain (2 years in Vietnam, Bronze Star) Worked at NASA Became an author (17 books including Rocket Boys) Never met Dr. von Braun


5 Exit Ticket: October Sky Accuracy
Using your phone or a computer, find the truth behind October Sky. 1. Research two historical errors made in the movie. What did the movie makers get wrong? 2. Why do you think they changed “history”? 3. Do you think these historical changes should have been made?

6 Exit Ticket # Be sure to provide:
Would you recommend this movie to other people? Be sure to provide: C (claim, restate question with opinion) E (two pieces of supporting evidence) R (reasoning, explain evidence)

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