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Professional Development of Teachers of Pakistan and Its related issues.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development of Teachers of Pakistan and Its related issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development of Teachers of Pakistan and Its related issues

2 Objectives PD and its importance Explore status quo of PD of teachers in Pakistan Possible solutions to problems related to professional development of teachers Highlight some of the issues related to professional development of teachers

3 Definition “activities that develop teachers ‟ skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a teacher” OECD, 2009, p. 49 -Skills for both personal development and career advancement.

4 Need and importance of PD Khan, Fauzee and Daud (2016) state that quality trained teachers are essential for improving the education system. Evaluation and monitoring of teachers is improved Shah, Khan & Ahmed (2015) Motivates employees Aslam (2013) Educational stance is broadened

5 Continued… Lynn (2011) as cited in Aslam 2013 states that through professional development training teachers become efficient in decision making skills, customer service skills, communicating techniques, time management, team building ideas as well as managerial techniques and strategies

6 Difference Professional education long courses, focusing theory and research based knowledge Professional training short courses, workshops, conferences and practical information and skills Professional supports based on the activities that aim to develop on the job understanding and performance Bubb (2004) as cited in Saleem, Masrur and Afzal (2014)

7 Apprenticeship of observation Pre-service Induction In-Service Stages of Professional Development

8 2016- 2017 Type of Institutions 2 2 Number of Institutions 0 0 Number of Teachers 1 1 Qualification of Teachers 7 7 Pakistan Education Statistics

9 Statistics 2016-2017 Institute TypeNumber of Schools Number of Teachers Trained Teachers Pre-primary4422,636- Primary150,129453,614269,678 Middle49,090455,445109,959 High31,551560,642191,975 Higher sec/ Inter College 5,130120,33646,027 Degree Colleges1,43137,857- Universities18558,733- Technical and Vocational Inst. 3,79818,207- Deeni Madaris32,27279,289- Teacher Training Institutions 2133,771-

10 Trained Teachers- 34.49% 152,573 44,592 248,619 129,042 42,813

11 Levels at which PD is offered in Pakistan Pre-Primary Primary SecondaryUniversity

12 Challenges of Teacher Education 1.Challenges in Pre-service programmes-Low content knowledge 2.Problems in In-service programmes- Lack of resources and no proper evaluation 3.Quality of teacher training programs-Lack of Specialised personnel 4.Teachers reluctant to accept change 5.Low entry level requirements-Lack of merit 6.Performance of public sector teacher training institutions 7.Lack of research and innovation 8.Absence of coordination among teacher education institutions

13 Continued… 9.Lack of professionalism 10.Political interference 11.Isolated curriculum-Theories of teacher training lack practicality 12.problems relating to Teaching practice 13.Flaws in Physical infrastructure 14.promotion structure of teachers 15.lack of Incentives for teachers 16.Courses not designed according to requirements of in service 17.In rural areas, teacher, especially female are reluctant to attend courses 18.Transportation problem for female teachers to reach the venues

14 Training Responsibility Provincial Authorities Primary school teacher- Government college for elementary teachers Curriculum Wing at Federal level In-service training is the responsibility of curriculum board

15 Initiative taken to resolve the issues CPD Model: Developed by Sindh Teacher Education Development Authority (STEDA), Provincial Institute of Teacher Education (PITE), Bureau of Curriculum and Extension Wing (BoC- EW) and Faculty of Government Elementary Colleges of Education.

16 CPD The CPD will be delivered through blended mode: Face-to-face interaction of trainers with teachers in workshop setting; (a) for all teachers within the school and/or at cluster level on regular basis for a short duration (two-hours to one day), and (b) for low performing teachers within Taulka/District for one week to four-weeks during vacations. On the job support through mentoring visits of schools by the trainers. Online support for teacher and trainers through a dynamic web-portal to be administered by a dedicated team of professionals based at PITE.


18 Provincial Institute for Teacher Education: PITE Each province has one PITE that works for teacher education in their respective province

19 Functions of PITE Identify training needs of teachers with the help of BCEW (PEAC) and STEDA, and data available from SAT and regular student assessment under CPD and/or Department al/school assessments, and Guide Teachers’ observations. (Primary) / (Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary) at PITE. Develop annual training calendar. Develop training and learning materials in collaboration with BCEW. Coordinate with STEDA for accreditation programmes and materials. Train Guide Teachers and develop capacity of CHS/CS Heads, TEOs and DEO (Primary) / (Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary) to support and monitor the CPD activities.

20 HEC Services CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR UNIVERSITY FACULTY The main objectives are: ​ To orient teachers in specified subject and teaching techniques. To enable teachers to acquire knowledge, skills and techniques regarding efficient teaching. To empower the teaching faculty of universities and degree awarding institutions with the latest tools, pedagogical skills and techniques pertaining to their disciplines.

21 STEDA Sindh Teacher Education Development Authority Programms: ADE, BEd, MEd, Mphil, PhD, CPD

22 National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education, NACTE (Pakistan) Organisation to ensure and enhance teacher education through program accreditation It has accredited 250 teacher education programs until now.

23 Recommendations 1.Entry tests should be taken before given admission to teacher training programmes just as Engineering and Medical tests are taken. 2.NECTE should more strictly evaluate the programmas 3.Specialised personnel to be highred for training teachers 4.Modern technologies to be introduced and made compulsory 5.Theories should be written rather than adapting 6.Incentives should be provided to the teachers

24 References Aslam, H. D. (2013). Analysis of professional development practices for school teachers in Pakistan: A comparative case study of public and private schools of Pakistan (Punjab). International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 3(4), 311-326. Retrieved from Khan, F., Fauzee, O., & Daud, Y. (2016). Teacher training, problems and the challenges: A comparative study between India and Pakistan. Gomal University Journal of Research, 11, 1-12. Retrieved from Malik, S. K., & Urooj. T. (2012). Status of teacher education in Pakistan- A problem centered approach. Education Department, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), 46, 8581-8586. Retrieved from Saleem, A., Masrur, R., & Afzal, M. T. (2014). Effect of professional development on enhancing the knowledge level of university teachers in Pakistan. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 8(2), 162-168. Retrieved from

25 Continued… Shah, F., Khan, U. A., & Ahmed, I. (2015). The impact of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) program on teachers’ professional development in Pakistan. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), 99-105. Retrieved from UNICEF (2018). PAKISTAN EDUCATION STATISTICS 2016 -17: 25th Annual Publication since 1992-93. Islamabad: Premier Printers, pp.1-208. Retrieved from

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