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Public Sector Solutions Expo

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1 Public Sector Solutions Expo
How STAR’s innovative flexible purchasing system transformed learning disability and autism support services June 2019 Nichola Cooke, STAR Procurement Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation

2 Public Sector Solutions Expo
Don’t want to give you detail about rules… Don’t intend to bore you with theory… Don’t want to talk about Brexit… Don’t want to preach to you… Do want to change perceptions about procurement Provide you with new thinking and ideas about how procurement can help you deliver outcomes Provide some tips on how to get the best from your procurement team Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation

3 Fragility Stability Ability Agility
STAR…The STAR story so far Fragility Stability Ability Agility Strong Vision Genuine Shared Service Employer of Choice Procurer of Choice 20 Work Streams Growth Award Winning and a National Exemplar

4 Our Achievements:

5 ‘Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation’
Our Approach… ‘Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation’

6 Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation
Procurement is a Shark! Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation

7 Current Procurement Trends
Local Markets DPS and ‘FPS’ Market Engagement & Management Strategic Contract Mgt. Innovation Health Integration Collaborative Growth Savings Social Value E-Procurement Collaboration Modern Slavery Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation

8 GM Ethical Learning Disability and Autism Flexible Procurement System
STAR Case Study GM Ethical Learning Disability and Autism Flexible Procurement System

9 What was the ‘ask’? LD Flexible Purchasing System covering Learning Disabilities and those with Autism 10 Local Authorities and CCG’s The value of the system is £300m per annum 5 years (+2) term. GM-wide Co-design with citizens and providers Partnership between procurement and commissioning Enhance quality Citizens at the forefront Market shaping Keep it simple for providers & commissioners Innovation Flexibility Compliant route to market

10 Engage, Engage Engage! Engagement Big bang launch Focus groups
Every agenda…. Market engagement plan Internal engagement plan Heads of Commissioning Heads of Procurement Market shaping group LD & Autism Group GMCA/H&SCP FAQ’s Citizens – confirm and challenge groups Easy read Documents Standard slide decks – share with provider forums

11 Lotting Strategy Person Centred Outcome based Transformational Innovation Flexible Quality Driven Consistency across GM 1. Independent at home 2. Learning new skills 3. Connect with others 4. Innovation and scope 5. Approved Provider List

12 114 Providers In and working Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Round 1
68 26 38 52 77 Round 2 20 10 14 27 Round 3 3 2 Total 98 39 54 65 114 First round - 47 expressions of interest from providers, 77 awarded. Second Round - 71 expressions of interest and 34 providers submitted an offer. Out of the 34 that submitted we are awarding to 27. The third re-opening has seen a decrease in expressions of interest and we only received 12 bids.

13 Benefits Realisation Co-design Citizen engagement
114 Providers registered £50m contracts awarded 300 received services Collaboration Positive feedback Efficiency & reduced procurement times Market engagement Market shaping Social Value GM Health Charter New market entrants Resolving disparity on quality & pricing Innovative procurement 38% SME’s Raised quality of providers Standard documents Commissioning intelligence Strong relationships achieved by co-design, collaboration agreement across 10 GM Localities, and led by citizens, providers and commissioners; 114 Independent providers on the framework and more can be added Over £50 million worth of contracts have now been awarded through the FPS Up to 300 people who have received services commissioned. It has now encouraged collaboration across commissioners within GM, Improved efficiency and reduced procurement time Positive feedback Soft market testing with excellent co-production examples. Feedback from service users and providers has been excellent, providers are really encouraged by the fact that they apply once and have access to all of GM LD and autism opportunities A GM standardised procurement provides significant commissioning intelligence, understanding gaps in provision and sharing best practice. Standard set of documents Delivered market-shaping Raising the quality of providers - rated good or above by CQC on the system. 38% of providers on the FPS are small and medium enterprises; Light Touch Regime utilised Begun to resolve the disparity in quality and pricing across GM; Delivering flexibility for new market entrants; providers to sign up to the GM Heath Charter All providers have committed to deliver social value as part of their service

14 Time for collaboration
Lessons Learnt Time for collaboration CQC MI Data Evaluation Criteria Safeguarding Quality Questions Communication

15 Award Winning… “I’m immensely proud of this award and it goes part way to recognising the significant contribution of people that use care services, carers and providers in designing the system. We will be doing our best to celebrate and share this award with them”

16 Mental Health Web-based system Personalisation Pricing Market Testing
What Next? Mental Health Web-based system Personalisation Pricing Market Testing Communication

17 Engaging with Procurement
Outcomes Engage Early Open to Solutions Work Together Agree Timescales Communications Follow advice Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation

18 Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation
Myth Buster Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation

19 Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation
STAR Procurement Leading transformation through procurement and co-operation

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