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Unit 8.1 Rocks, Minerals & Soils

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1 Unit 8.1 Rocks, Minerals & Soils

2 Rocks from Earth Crust Scientist who study rocks are called GEOLOGIST

3 Rocks are made from different MINERALs Minerals is made of only one chemical substance

4 The minerals in some rocks form CRYSTAL

5 Rock made from large crystal - GRANITE 3 minerals from in granite are called QUARTZ, FELDSPAR & MICA

6 1. What is a geologist? 2. How can you tell the difference between a rock and a mineral? 3. Name THREE different minerals and describe where you can see them? A geologist is a scientist who studies rocks. A mineral is made of one substance, whereas a rock is made of a mixture of things, such as different types of mineral. Feldspar, mica and quartz are found in granite. They can be seen as crystals in the rock.

7 SOIL Made up of small particles of rocks and minerals All the materials that come from living things in soil is called HUMUS

8 Summary Surface of Earth covered with rocks, minerals and soils Rocks are made of grains of minerals Soil is made from rocks, minerals and humus

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