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Open Source Tool Based Automation solution with Continuous Integration and end to end BDD Implementation Arun Krishnan - Automation Manager Maria Afzal-

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Presentation on theme: "Open Source Tool Based Automation solution with Continuous Integration and end to end BDD Implementation Arun Krishnan - Automation Manager Maria Afzal-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Source Tool Based Automation solution with Continuous Integration and end to end BDD Implementation Arun Krishnan - Automation Manager Maria Afzal- Automation Test Analyst Cognizant Technology Solutions

2 Abstract Agile based delivery model is commonly used to be able to keep up with the pace at which businesses must change in response to emerging trends in market. To complement BDD development process, a need for robust testing solution required to help Developers, QA and Business Analysts to share a common language with focus on business requirements. This presentation outlines how we can achieve faster time to market and quality by implementing BDD based testing solution build on open source automation toolset. 2012 2014 2017 Process Challenges 10% defect leakage in Prod 3 Months Release cycle Partial Agile BDD Implementation 1% defect leakage in Prod 6 Weeks Release cycle Fully Agile Adoption BDD Process Implementation 0% defect leakage in Prod 4 Weeks Release cycle

3 Challenges 1 Frequent application deployment changes under stringent timelines 2 High defect leakage to UAT/Production 3 Minimal automation coverage 4 Time to market 5 Isolated teams (BA, DEV, QA) Slow VM connectivity due to heavy configuration requirement

4 Our Solution BDD Automation In Sprint Data independent scripts
Service layer Solutions Specialized Advanced Traditional Process Regression Automation E2E Automation Smoke Automation Test Design Automation Execution of BDD Suite on Code Check in Headless mode Continuous Integration Integrate Build deployment process Automated Test Result generation by Jenkins. Dashboard for Jenkins test execution report. ing Test Reports to the stake holders

5 How BDD happens? BDD Initiation Phase Scripting & Implementation
Script Execution-Jenkins Automatically created by BDD Tool Automation Team//DEV User Story System Under Test Function Skeleton Created Script generation Product SME BA – VersionOne User stories BDD Acceptance criteria Tester – BDD stories QA/BA/DEV Step Definition generation and Feature Execution (Dry Run) Code / Refactor Product SME/BA DEV QA/BA Feature Files Test Result QA/BA BDD stories are written in parallel to development of VersionOne stories Write Scenarios BDD Failed Test Case Passed Test Case

6 BDD Technical Implementation
Features – a text file with a .feature extension, house the tests.  Features are made up of Scenarios – scenarios are synonymous with a user story or test case(s) i.e. Behavior  The Scenarios are made up of Individual Steps – Steps are the component interactions (or Test Steps) for a given Test Case(s), written in Gherkin language The Step Definitions essentially convert the simple English “Steps” into code that can be executed to perform the step.  Support Code will be executed to perform the specific Step in the Feature file.  WATiR & Selenium are all examples of pre built Support Libraries that can be used in conjunction with Cucumber to conduct Automated tests.

Accelerated Time to market by reduced testing window Jenkins eliminates manual dependency Effort savings enables manual team to focus more on end-end tests Increased scope of in – sprints tests Monthly releases with reduced team size Easy and comprehensive testing of hot fixes 350 + Business Scenarios automated 80% Reduction of in-sprint testing time 0% defect leakage with end to end automation coverage 300% Increase in test case execution count post BDD implementation > 30% reduction in overall team size over a year




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