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Presentation on theme: "Challenges"— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges

2 Deep Sequencing Signatures
Problems Genomic data deluge from TCR repertoire sequencing Problems: Data management, Visualization, Analyses GOAL: Build a diagnostic tool Millions of cells BLOOD B-Cell T-Cell INFECTION T-SEQ Deep Sequencing Signatures IMMUNE SYSTEM

3 Tools Sequencers, Robots, Servers (cloud and local) Covaris
Local Servers QIAcube robot (DNA / RNA extractions) Illumina Sequencer Covaris Bioanalyzer Hudson Robotics OpenTrons

4 Missing: Data Scientists, Bioinformaticists Manage the data deluge
Team 2 Computational scientists 2 Research Scientists 2 Technicians 1 Lab Manager Founders: Ravi and Anitha Missing: Data Scientists, Bioinformaticists Manage the data deluge Generate understanding

5 Projects Handle sequencing data from a variety of samples
Develop algorithms for analyzing TCR data Develop methods to identify patterns in TCR and mtDNA data. Develop databases and methods of visualizing data

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