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Idealist VS..

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Presentation on theme: "Idealist VS.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Idealist VS.

2 Realist

3 The Idealist believes…
Two Personality Types The Idealist believes… The Realist accepts that… …things will always work out. …people will always do their best. …I will always get what I want even without effort. …life is a happy fairy tale. …problems come in almost every situation. …people can let you down. …sometimes even hard work doesn’t pay off. …not all dreams come true.

4 The Idealist Positive Negative Usually happy-go-lucky.
Have a positive outlook on life. Fun to be around. You can’t rely on them to do things. (since things always work out) They have a hard time dealing with problems. They tend to be focused on their own needs.

5 Realist Positive Negative. Hard working, responsible people.
Handles difficult situations well. Not overly emotional or dramatic. Can be a bit of a ‘downer.’ Less excitement in their lives. They tend to settle for things instead of aiming big.

6 Most people are a combination of the two personailties.
Sometimes we dream big and hope for the best. Other times we do what we need to get by.

7 The Melville Boys is a play about two brothers who go on a fishing trip.
Lee Melville Owen Melville Older brother Has a wife and two girls. Hard working, responsible. It is hinted that he may be very sick. Realist. Younger Brother Getting married soon. Works with his brother at the factory. Acts like a kid most of the time. Idealist.

8 Your assignment Create your Bucket List which is 10 things you want to do before you die. Use PowerPoint. Include a picture for each and a brief explanation of why you want to do this. One of your ten should include a link to a video. School appropriate please. Label each one… Idealistic…probably won’t happen. Or Realistic…probably will happen.

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