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Chapter Some Questions Like No Way!

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Some Questions Like No Way!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 100 200 300 400 500 Some Questions Like No Way!
More Dam Questions Go Jets! Like Really? 100 200 300 400 500

2 Topic 1: 100 To protect an investment, a broker could issue a ________ demanding the investor to repay the loan at once

3 A: Topic 1: 100 Margin call

4 Topic 1: 200 A long period of rising stocks is called _________.

5 A: Topic 1: 200 Bull market

6 Topic 1: 300 _________ was established as a system of buying and selling stock.

7 A: Topic 1: 300 Stock market

8 Topic 1: 400 Many people bought stock paying only 10% of the stocks value. Also called buying stock on __________.

9 A: : 400 margin

10 A: 500 Stock buyers hoping to make a fortune overnight engaged in ___________ stock buying.

11 A: Imperialism: 500 speculation

12 Topic 2: 100 Bull markets only last as long as people continue to ___________.

13 A: Topic 2: 100 Invest new money in it.

14 Topic 2: 200 October 29, 1929 is also called _________.

15 A: Topic 2: 200 Black tuesday

16 Topic 2: 300 In the stock market crash of 1929, it was estimated that _________ billion dollars were lost.

17 A: Topic 2: 300 30 Billion Dollars

18 Double Jeopardy!!

19 Double Jeopardy Give two reasons why the stock market crash severely hurt the nations banks.

20 A: Topic 2: 400 1. Banks lent money for people to invest in the stock market 2. Banks took people’s deposits and invested them in the stock market.

21 Topic 2: 500 __________ raised the average tariff rate to the highest level in American history.

22 A: Topic 2: 500 Hawley-Smoot Tariff

23 Topic 3: 100 When people heard of the bank failures, people began to make ______________ to get their money out.

24 A: Topic 3: 100 Bank Runs

25 Topic 3: 200 Throughout the country, homeless people built shacks on public land forming communities called ____________

26 A: Topic 3: 200 Shanty Towns or Hoovervilles

27 Topic 3: 300 By 1933, more than ___________ banks had failed

28 A: Topic 3: 300 9000 banks failed

29 Topic 3: 400 Many people wondered the country looking for work by walking, hitchhiking, or riding the rails . These people were called _________

30 A: Topic 3: 400 Hobos

31 Topic 3: 500 Soap operas got their nickname because of____________.

32 A: Topic 3: 500 Shows sponsors were mostly soap companies

33 Topic 4: 100 _________ was written about a families journey to the west by John Steinbeck

34 A: Topic 4: 100 Grapes of Wrath

35 Topic 4: 200 Name 2 conditions that help cause the dust bowl

36 A: Topic 4: 200 1. Uncultivated fields
2. Depletion of grasslands protecting topsoil 3. Drought

37 Topic 4: 300 ________ demanded money promised to them for their service in World War I

38 A: Topic 4: 300 Bonus Marchers

39 Topic 4: 400 What did business leaders promise Hoover they would do to help the economy?

40 A: Topic 4: 400 Promised to keep factories open and stop slashing wages

41 Topic 4: 500 Why did the Federal govt choose the Black Canyon site to dam the river?

42 A: Topic 4: 500 The high rock walls made Black Canyon the preferred site for the dam.

43 Topic 5: 100 When the Hoover dam’s name was change by Roosevelt, what was it renamed?

44 A: Topic 5: 100 Boulder Dam

45 Topic 5: 200 Why did Hoover oppose the federal governments participation in relief programs?

46 A: Topic 5: 200 He felt that only state and city governments should give out relief.

47 Topic 5: 300 Hoover requested congress to set up ______________ to give loans to banks, railroads, and agricultural institutions.

48 A: Topic 5: 300 Reconstruction Finance Corp.

49 Topic 5: 400 _______________ produced the first feature-legnth animated film.

50 A: Topic 5: 400 Walt Disney

51 Topic 5: 500 The people who moved from the dust bowl to California were called __________.

52 A: Topic 5: 500 Oakies

53 Final Jeopardy!! Make Your Team Wager’s Now!

54 Final Jeopardy How did writers and artists capture the effects of the Great Depression?

55 Final Jeopardy They focused on stories and pictures of the homeless and unemployed

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