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FY20 Controller Call Series

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Presentation on theme: "FY20 Controller Call Series"— Presentation transcript:

1 FY20 Controller Call Series
The presentation will begin momentarily Welcome to the FY19 Controller Call Series. this call series – *created by unit controllers and supported by Finance to review topics and inform the Controller Network about timely topics that impact the controller role. I am CS, w/ Financial Shared Services (FSS), coordinator of the CN call series, and your host for today. To anyone new to Network - *Welcome to this call series. To invite others from your team to the network, send me an to add to the DL, or simply forward invites for topics that impact team roles. September 2019

2 Unit Controller Calls – September 17, 19
Safety Moment (Volunteers welcome) Temp Labor Update (Rhonda Bowen, Mike Chauby) IFRS 16 Leasing & Commissions Update (Cheryl Cahlstadt, Sarah Sheff) UFS Update (Jill Helms) Unit Controller Calls – September 17, 19 Today’s call is the first of two Unit Controller Calls for the month of September. The content of both calls is the same. Please use the chat, or conversation, function at the lower left of the Skype screen, to ask questions as we proceed through the agenda. We will pause for your questions between each topic and also at the end of the presentation. As employees of Sodexo, no matter what level, you are expected to personally demonstrate your commitment to improving our health and safety culture. Our goal is zero accidents. A Safety Moment during every meeting will demonstrate the importance of the health and safety culture at Sodexo. Unit Controller Call September 2019

3 Safety Moment: Conference Call Workout
As employees of Sodexo, no matter what level, you are expected to personally demonstrate your commitment to improving our health and safety culture. Our goal is zero accidents. A Safety Moment during every meeting will demonstrate the importance of the health and safety culture at Sodexo.

Though many in operations roles get plenty of movement opportunities during their day to day work tasks, many out of unit finance roles require a great deal of time sitting in front of the desktop. Especially when work through year-end close procedures and computer-based reporting deadlines at end of month. With that in mind, please note the following: Sitting is the “new smoking” in terms of potential negative health impacts, due to inactivity. During times of prolonged sitting, especially if you are at your desk 8 hours a day – find time to give your body stretch breaks and opportunities to stand and move. Who made the rule that says you have to sit still when you’re on a conference call? A conference call can be a great time to move your body and take a moment for your health. Why not use this time today, as you’re listening to the controller call, to take a moment for You. We all multi – task! Perhaps break from that routine and use this time, to move while you’re listening to our agenda today. Here are a few creative titles and clever ways to incorporate some activity while you sit, or stand, during calls. PLEASE ensure your area is clear with ample space to execute these exercises, as always, safety first!! Use TOOLS & RESOURCES on SodexoNet to access this Safety Moment or “QUICK SHAREs” as you promote the Sodexo safety culture with your team meetings. This deck will be shared today in our chat function and on the UFS launch site. Safety Moment

5 Temp Labor Compliance & GL Account Update
September 2019 Rhonda Bowen, Mike Chauby) September Temp Labor GL Review

6 Agenda Compliance and Resources
Review of New Temp Labor GL & Stats Accounts Electronic & Manual Invoice Processing Your Role Q&A

7 Temp Labor Compliance All Contracted Suppliers are now considered compliant in all states Must have national contract through Supply Management; not unit level contract Compliance no longer based on your state Compliant Suppliers who have contracted rates in the 16 states are now considered ‘Preferred Suppliers’ Go to the Temp Labor Page on Sodexo Net for links to Summarized list of Compliant Suppliers My Supplier Locator Temp Labor Rate Card List of Preferred Suppliers (16 states) with contact information All contracted temp labor suppliers are now considered compliant in all states but they must have a national contract through Supply Management; the unit level contracts with suppliers are not included; there is no longer a compliance restriction by state The Compliant Suppliers who have the contracted rates in the 16 states are now considered to be Preferred Suppliers. The preference is to use these suppliers first to reap the benefit of those negotiated rates The Temp Labor page on Sodexo Net provides links to resources to assist you with finding your compliant suppliers. September Temp Labor GL Review

8 The 16 States with Temp Labor Contracted Rates
WA ID MT ME MA NJ DC OR ND MN WI NY SD MI WY CA NV MD UT IA PA NE IL OH IN CO WV MO VA KS KY AZ NC NM TN OK TX AR SC MS AL GA We have made a few references to the “16 states” but here is a reminder of who those are. This is where 80% of our temp labor spend occurs and where we have contacted rates. LA AK Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, DC, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Texas September Temp Labor GL Review

9 Temp Labor GL & Stats Accounts
Effective September 9, 2019 GL Accounts : Temp Labor - Regular Pay (Name Change only) : Temp Labor - Overtime Pay (New) : Temp Labor – Double time Pay (New) : Temp Labor - Mileage Costs (New) : Temp Labor - Buyout Costs (New) Stats Accounts : Temp Labor - # Regular Hours (Name Change only) : Temp Labor - # Overtime Hours (New) : Temp Labor - # Double time Hours (New) : Temp Labor - # Miles (New) We now have five GL accounts for temp labor and four for statistics. The existing GL account, used to encompass all temp labor spend. This GL account will now represent what we are invoiced for Regular Pay. We have added four new accounts that will break out Overtime Pay, Double Time Pay, Mileage Costs and Buyout Costs The Stats Accounts follow the same methodology: was the account used in the past for all temp labor hours but now will reflect only Regular Pay Hours Overtime Hours, Double Time Hours and Number of Miles have been added This will give us visibility to productive vs non-productive temp labor spend September Temp Labor GL Review

10 Temp Labor GLs in E=Vision
Temp Labor GL accounts are visible in E=Vision in the Personnel Costs View Use this Drill Down Guide to view them in the Financial Dashboard Coming Soon: Enhanced E=Vision Labor Tile that will include Temp Labor Statistics These temp labor GL accounts are visible in E=Vision under Personnel Costs. While in the Financial Dashboard, you can drill down using this flow on your screen. Coming Soon is an Enhanced E=Vision Labor tile that will include visibility to the temp labor statistics, along with other valuable metrics pertaining to labor. September Temp Labor GL Review

11 Temp Labor Invoice Processing
Electronic Invoices Take Back Your Time by using a compliant supplier! Compliant Temp Labor Suppliers are transacting with electronic invoices Electronic invoices will automatically post to the correct GLs Continue to enter Temp Labor Statistics in the new Statistics Accounts using your existing process Manual Invoices If you are using a non-compliant supplier and processing manual invoices, please utilize the Temp Labor GL and Stats accounts A Quick Link to this account list will be provided on the Temp Labor Page on Sodexo Net Take Back Your Time by using a compliant supplier! All of our compliant temp labor suppliers are transacting with electronic invoices and these invoices automatically post to the correct GL accounts Please continue to enter your temp labor statistics and use the new statistics accounts If you are using a non-compliant temp supplier and need to process manual invoices, please utililize the new temp labor GL and stats accounts September Temp Labor GL Review

12 Your Role Utilize the Temp Labor page on Sodexo Net for links to compliance resources and GL/Stats accounts. Take Back Your Time by using a compliant supplier! Electronic Temp Labor Invoices will auto post to the new GL accounts. Use the new Temp Labor GL and Stats accounts when processing Manual Temp Labor invoices. View the Temp Labor GL accounts in E=Vision by drilling down in Personnel Costs. Review slide September Temp Labor GL Review

13 Questions? September Temp Labor GL Review

14 IFRS 16- Leases and Rentals
(Cheryl Cahlstadt, Sarah Sheff)

15 IFRS 16- Leases and Rentals: General Ledger Account Number Changes
What is the initiative? There is a new accounting standard referred to as International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS16) that changes the way we account for leases. This includes rentals of small equipment, real estate (office space), leased vehicles and some client contract obligations. This will go into effect in Pd1 of FY2020. What does it mean to UFS users? New general ledger accounts have been created that will allow us to report leases under the new standard. Current lease, rent expense and some commission accounts will be phased out by Pd2-FY20.

16 IFRS 16- Leases and Rentals: GL Accounts Numbers that are Closing
Existing lease and rent expense accounts listed below will be deactivated in UFS and SAP in October. This includes rentals of small equipment, real estate, leased vehicles and some client obligations (i.e. commission payments).

17 IFRS 16- Leases and Rentals: How to Determine the New General Ledger Account Number
Step 1: Determine if the payment or entry is for a rental of small equipment, real estate, leased vehicle or a client obligation. If yes, proceed to step 2. If not, process as normal. Step 2: Is the payment or entry for a vendor or a client? Step 3: Refer to the appropriate sheet of IFRS 16 Rental Category Decision Matrix- flowchart (Vendor Payment or Client Payment) and determine the rental category. (i.e. IFRS 16, EXEMPT or NON-LEASE). Step 4: After you determine the rental category, refer to the IFRS 16 GL Account Number Matrix and select the appropriate GL account number from the "New Account #" column.

18 IFRS 16- Leases and Rentals: Vendor Payment Decision Tree
Example: You are renting a tent for an offsite event later this week. The cost of the tent rental is $1000.

19 IFRS 16- Leases and Rentals: GL Account Number Matrix

20 IFRS 16- Leases and Rentals: Client Payment Decision Tree
Note: Commissions paid to vendors (non-client) should be paid out of GL Account number Note: Client Guarantee payments need to be paid out of GL Account Number

21 IFRS 16- Leases and Rentals: GL Account Number Matrix

22 IFRS 16- Leases and Rentals: Summary
What we need you to do! Old Rental and Commission GL Accounts will be closing in October Begin using the NEW GL Account numbers today Update your Billing templates, WORs, Billing Items or Cash Worksheet template if they contain GL Account numbers that will be closing. Need help?  SodexoNet – Lease Accounting and Rentals includes procedures and job aides SodexoNet- UFS Training Page includes procedures on how to update a worksheet or template UFS Newsletter dated 9/12/19 includes links for further assistance and help along with IFRS 16 procedure and job aides

23 Questions?

24 UFS Updates September 2019 (Jill Helms)

25 New updates will be installed in UFS on Tuesday, September 17
UFS Updates New updates will be installed in UFS on Tuesday, September 17 When performing a New Week Setup (NWS) without any data entered, the confirmation message has been updated to display the username of who performed the last NWS and when it was completed NWS update. The Help Desk often receives calls from users because they inadvertently did too many new week setups. To prevent or minimize this we are updating the NWS confirmation message. 25

26 UFS – New General Ledger Accounts
Under the new International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS16) accounting standard, new general ledger accounts have been created for reporting rentals and leases If you have any of the above GL Accounts set up in your Billing Templates, Billing Items, or Cash Worksheet Templates, you must take action prior to PD1 close, to replace those GL Accounts. These new GL account numbers are available to use, effective immediately. Existing lease and rent expense accounts will be deactivated in UFS and SAP in October Determine if the payment or entry is for a rental of small equipment, real estate, leased vehicle or a client obligation. If yes, proceed to step 2. If not, process as normal. Is the payment or entry for a vendor or a client? This week we will be sending out direct communication to those that have data set up in the system. the UFS Admin mailbox if you would like to verify if you are on the list of units that Refer to the appropriate sheet of IFRS 16 Rental Category Decision Matrix- flowchart (Vendor Payment or Client Payment) and determine the rental category. (i.e. IFRS 16, EXEMPT or NON-LEASE). After you determine the rental category, refer to the IFRS 16 GL Account Number Matrix and select the appropriate GL account number from the "New Account #" column 26

27 Updating Cash Register Model Worksheet
To edit a register model worksheet Go to Revenues > Billing Setup > Function Template Select the function template and click Edit Click Adjustments. To add another adjustment, highlight a line and click insert before or insert after, enter the adjustment code and account number. Click on the look up icon to select from the drop-down lists. To delete an adjustment, highlight the line and click Delete and then OK to confirm. Click OK to close the screen and save the adjustments. Click Revenue Distribution. To add another account, highlight a line and click insert before or insert after. Click in the Account Number field and enter the account number. If a drop-down list appears as you begin to enter the number, select the correct account number from the list. If you don’t know the number, click on the lookup icon to select a number from the drop-down list. To delete a revenue distribution, highlight the account line and click Delete. Click OK to close the screen and save the revenue distribution. 27

28 Updating Billing Items and Billing Templates
To edit a function template Go to Revenues > Billing Setup > Function Template Select the function template and click Edit 28

29 Updating Billing Items and Billing Templates
To edit a non-contractual template Go to Revenues > Billing Setup > non-contractual template Select the non-contractual template and click Edit To remove a line in the template, highlight the line and click Delete. Click OK to con To Insert a line in the template click Insert. Enter required information for the line. To edit information on a line, click in the desired field and enter the required changes. o To update Description: click in field and delete current description; enter new description o To update Amount: click in the field and delete current amount; enter new amount. o To update the Account number: key in the new GL Account Number or click on the lookup icon and use the filter option to find the Account Number 29

30 Resources Training Doc: Updating a Cash Register Model Worksheet
Training Doc: Guide to Non-Contractual Billing Sodexo_Net: UFS Training Sodexo_Net Page For general UFS questions: the UFS Administrator For UFS technical support: Call the UFS Help Desk at , opt. 1, opt 2, opt 1 or UFS Help Desk hours are posted on the UFS Launch Site 30

31 Thank you September Temp Labor GL Review

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